Lorry 'hanging out back of ferry'

More likely a beano than a pole IIRC…

I am off out that thread. Enjoy.

P.S. As for “defaming” question: I have ET sentence where the tribunal agreed with every single bit of my claim.

I am off out that thread. Enjoy.

P.S. As for “defaming” question: I have ET sentence where the tribunal agreed with every single bit of my claim.

orys before you go off the thread have you heard the joke about what happened on the ferry between Scotland and Ireland which had a crew who some say was made up of English,Irish and maybe a few Poles when it nearly lost a truck off the back half way across the Irish sea because it’s driver who some say was partly English,Polish,Irish and maybe a bit of Scottish forgot to put the handbrake on while no one working on the boat could decide who’s job it was to tie it down to the deck.Also some say that there are one or two American drivers on here looking for a job over here driving British trucks and if you think all that is an Irish joke just wait until you hear their idea of a Polish one.

orys wrote:
I am off out that thread. Enjoy.

P.S. As for “defaming” question: I have ET sentence where the tribunal agreed with every single bit of my claim.

I have ET sentence too. Sounds like “phone home” but it’s not quite.


The 60 year old driver, whose nationality is not stated,

– Which seems to have rattled Orys,s cage.
I put that in as a bit of “phishing” bait . Sure enough, MrTouchy was scanning the threads, and took it hook-line-and sinker. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: Should you not be concentrating on your current favourite pastime, of defaming McLellans Transport Orys?? You need to lighten up .You are taking life far too seriously. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

I,m off now to do something really interesting. I,ve just painted the Garden Shed. I,m going to spend the rest of the afternoon watching the paint dry. :wink: :wink:

Please don’t joke about watching paint dry. I had to collect a curtainsided trailer the other day. It had just been refurbished. There was
" 1/2 hours work". Still to do. It ended up 1-5 hours, while the paint went off. I’ll never joke about watching paint dry again!