IQ of the average lorry driver

After saying that I do not know many drivers who could potentially make it as a solicitor. :smiley:

Listening to some of them on here when there is a legal dispute about parking, WTD, speeding or anything else where the law is in play and im willing to bet a fair few think they have what it takes!





But still higher than most fitters…

Labourer with a license…

Fitter= Someone not good enough to be a mechanic

Still 15 times higher than a labourer with a license.
I got a license and I can change a headlight bulb.


But there again we have the members of MENSA.
A bunch of self ego massagers that love to be told how clever they are(top 2% of the population)in fact they love to be told this so much they are willing to pay a hundred quid a year to be a member of this fantasy club that gives them [zb] all but boosts their self inflated ego,and these are"clever people?
Another problem with “IQ” is what is the quotient measured against.
A quotient is half the factor of a ratio,but a ratio of what?
Age to intelligence? wealth to intellect?
A load of ■■■■■■■■ invented by our “academia” to justify the masses(low IQ) subsidising a load of bone idle morons(high IQ) who really should be shot.

Actually this is more the public perception of MENSA, often used by those who have no chance of entry.
That sentence in itself is incorrect as anyone with standard or average intelligence could train themselves to pass MENSA tests.

MENSA is the public face of something much bigger and is constantly evolving its tests to avoid falling into the trap of complacency as its well aware the test method is massively flawed, the concept of intelligence itself is a virtually impossible question to answer fully.

Once in MENSA then its purpose gets clearer as it is the gateway to more specialist groups and iq study organisations, some government funded some private sector funded.

Take an artist, chess grandmaster, math genius, child savant etc. Does their iq set the bar or raise it beyond measurement.
Does genetic memory play a part, like I just know how to do stuff but dont know why…
Can genetic memory be manipulated, nurtered etc.

How does GM work, is it in our DNA or even deeper, perhaps it surrounds us like midichlorians and is a force that we can tap into.

Take truck drivers for instance, do the ones who can control their emotions have a higher intelligence, is the key to becoming a great driver having total control over your emotions. Is the tailgater weak because he is unable to see the futility and stupidity in his actions.

Nature, nurture is another question but all the time any answers we gleam are limited by the world we live in and our basic understanding of it. Is the world really in colour or is colour itself just a species construct based on a fixed genetic memory. Are the colour blind the only ones who can see. Should we all just carry on taking the blue pill and keep believing what our eyes and brains tell us or take the red pill and see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

I think therefore I am, hmmm try: I believe therefore I see.
Our evolution is only limited by our imagination and to move beyond our imagination is the next step in our evolution, a conundrum of sorts but to find the answers we seek we must first know the questions. Or just carry on acting daft.
Question everything you know from balls to bone and aim for the second star on the right and keep going till morning.

[This post was brought to you by to many jaeger bombs last night].

So as I said for this “quotient” what ratio factors are used.
Brains/■■■■■■■■ or crap/credability?


But there again we have the members of MENSA.
A bunch of self ego massagers that love to be told how clever they are(top 2% of the population)in fact they love to be told this so much they are willing to pay a hundred quid a year to be a member of this fantasy club that gives them [zb] all but boosts their self inflated ego,and these are"clever people?
Another problem with “IQ” is what is the quotient measured against.
A quotient is half the factor of a ratio,but a ratio of what?
Age to intelligence? wealth to intellect?
A load of ■■■■■■■■ invented by our “academia” to justify the masses(low IQ) subsidising a load of bone idle morons(high IQ) who really should be shot.

Actually this is more the public perception of MENSA, often used by those who have no chance of entry.
That sentence in itself is incorrect as anyone with standard or average intelligence could train themselves to pass MENSA tests.

MENSA is the public face of something much bigger and is constantly evolving its tests to avoid falling into the trap of complacency as its well aware the test method is massively flawed, the concept of intelligence itself is a virtually impossible question to answer fully.

Once in MENSA then its purpose gets clearer as it is the gateway to more specialist groups and iq study organisations, some government funded some private sector funded.

Take an artist, chess grandmaster, math genius, child savant etc. Does their iq set the bar or raise it beyond measurement.
Does genetic memory play a part, like I just know how to do stuff but dont know why…
Can genetic memory be manipulated, nurtered etc.

How does GM work, is it in our DNA or even deeper, perhaps it surrounds us like midichlorians and is a force that we can tap into.

Take truck drivers for instance, do the ones who can control their emotions have a higher intelligence, is the key to becoming a great driver having total control over your emotions. Is the tailgater weak because he is unable to see the futility and stupidity in his actions.

Nature, nurture is another question but all the time any answers we gleam are limited by the world we live in and our basic understanding of it. Is the world really in colour or is colour itself just a species construct based on a fixed genetic memory. Are the colour blind the only ones who can see. Should we all just carry on taking the blue pill and keep believing what our eyes and brains tell us or take the red pill and see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

I think therefore I am, hmmm try: I believe therefore I see.
Our evolution is only limited by our imagination and to move beyond our imagination is the next step in our evolution, a conundrum of sorts but to find the answers we seek we must first know the questions. Or just carry on acting daft.
Question everything you know from balls to bone and aim for the second star on the right and keep going till morning.

[This post was brought to you by to many jaeger bombs last night].

Sounds like typical mensa ego massaging ■■■■■■■■ to me.


Fitter= Someone not good enough to be a mechanic

Still 15 times higher than a labourer with a license.

Not really.
You have to at least pass two tests to get a license. Any spotty 16 year old straight out of school with zero qualifications can become a fitter after a ten minute job interview. Being able to write your own name is usually sufficient for a fitters position,and even that is negotiable

I got a license and I can change a headlight bulb.

What do you want a medal? Anyone can change a headlight bulb with the right tools



Fitter= Someone not good enough to be a mechanic

Still 15 times higher than a labourer with a license.

Not really.
You have to at least pass two tests to get a license. Any spotty 16 year old straight out of school with zero qualifications can become a fitter after a ten minute job interview. Being able to write your own name is usually sufficient for a fitters position,and even that is negotiable

And the last time you stripped a diff,fitted a clutch,replaced a compressor,changed a tyre,regassed a fridge even changed a headlight bulb was when?
I drove some poxy truck this morning.Really taxed my intellect having to press all those pedals and turn a steering wheel at the same time.And for the life of me I couldnt find a clutch pedal.


I got a license and I can change a headlight bulb.

Any tool can change a headlight bulb

FTFY :smiley:

For what the numbers are worth, ‘Test the Nation’ on BBC some years ago (20+?) gave the average IQ in the UK as 105 and lorry drivers (as we were called before all the Americanisms took over) averaging 110. OF course for every (any?) score of 166 then there could be one with a score of 54 - quite sure I worked with him a few years back :slight_smile:

Possibly one for the racists, though not necessarily in their favour:- Seems to confirm that, AIUI, the “races” with the largest cranial capacity (hence, presumably those with greater intelligence in general) are those, generally, from Asia.

Incidentally, Neanderthals had a generally larger brain than Homo Sapiens, though AIUI, couldn’t talk, so the talkative, less intelligent, but possibly more devious ape won out. BTW, you, whoever you are, probably have some Neanderthal DNA in you, unless your ancestors are entirely from sub-Saharan Africa AIUI.

Possibly one for the racists, though not necessarily in their favour:- Seems to confirm that, AIUI, the “races” with the largest cranial capacity (hence, presumably those with greater intelligence in general) are those, generally, from Asia.

Incidentally, Neanderthals had a generally larger brain than Homo Sapiens, though AIUI, couldn’t talk, so the talkative, less intelligent, but possibly more devious ape won out. BTW, you, whoever you are, probably have some Neanderthal DNA in you, unless your ancestors are entirely from sub-Saharan Africa AIUI.

So if its down to the quotient of cranial capacity/intellect why are whales not ruling the world
might be a far better place.

Have any of you looked at the definition of intelligence? Even the definition says there are many different opinions on how to define intelligence so nobody seems to have a definitive and unanimous scale to measure intelligence.

My personal argument is that even someone like Steven Hawkins may be regarded as highly intelligent but is that accurate or is his credibility merely a scale of how much interest he has in his chosen field of expertise?

I read a report recently about a psychologist who does not know his IQ score because he sees no benefit in having that information

I came joint first with 2 others in a test today in psychology class. I taught a couple of classmates a bit of algebra in maths yesterday. These achievements do not mean I am more intelligent than my other classmates

The whole debate around intelligence is very inductive rather than deductive so the chances of a certain conclusion are very low

And the last time you stripped a diff,fitted a clutch,replaced a compressor,changed a tyre,regassed a fridge even changed a headlight bulb was when?

I could do those things no bother if I was inclined to get covered in grease and oil and generally be filthy for a living. Its not difficult. Point is, A 16 year old YTS kid with bad acne can have a 10 minute interview, a quick demonstration then be let loose on his own with a spanner and hammer but you need to pass at least two tests to become an hgv driver.
But since any time you’ve gave it the big un with your vast knowledge of mechanics and been shown as not having a clue (ownaccountdriver and the trailer airbags thread springs to mind but there have been plenty others) then I suggest it might be time to introduce testing for fitters since you dont sound very good at it

I drove some poxy truck this morning.Really taxed my intellect having to press all those pedals and turn a steering wheel at the same time.And for the life of me I couldnt find a clutch pedal.

So you either
A) Couldnt find the clutch pedal on a manual or
B) Were looking for a clutch pedal on an automatic?
And you’re claiming that hgv drivers are the stupid ones?




Fitter= Someone not good enough to be a mechanic

Still 15 times higher than a labourer with a license.

Not really.
You have to at least pass two tests to get a license. Any spotty 16 year old straight out of school with zero qualifications can become a fitter after a ten minute job interview. Being able to write your own name is usually sufficient for a fitters position,and even that is negotiable

And the last time you stripped a diff,fitted a clutch,replaced a compressor,changed a tyre,regassed a fridge even changed a headlight bulb was when?
I drove some poxy truck this morning.Really taxed my intellect having to press all those pedals and turn a steering wheel at the same time.And for the life of me I couldnt find a clutch pedal.

So why do you even bother coming on a forum meant for truckers then if you hold us and the job in such low esteem.
Why don’t you save your fountain of vast knowledge for your fitter colleagues, …or is it harder to bluff your way through pretending to be so knowledgeable (like you do on here :unamused: ) among guys doing the same job as yourself.
If you did decide to take my suggestion you certainly won’t be missed on here mate… :unamused:


Possibly one for the racists, though not necessarily in their favour:- Seems to confirm that, AIUI, the “races” with the largest cranial capacity (hence, presumably those with greater intelligence in general) are those, generally, from Asia.

Incidentally, Neanderthals had a generally larger brain than Homo Sapiens, though AIUI, couldn’t talk, so the talkative, less intelligent, but possibly more devious ape won out. BTW, you, whoever you are, probably have some Neanderthal DNA in you, unless your ancestors are entirely from sub-Saharan Africa AIUI.

So if its down to the quotient of cranial capacity/intellect why are whales not ruling the world
might be a far better place.

Who knows about what whales get up to? I don’t think they’ve ever been subjected to many intelligence experiments. (“So long and thanks for all the fish” springs to mind - and whales’ brains are bigger than dolphins). I suspect that with elephants at least, their large brains are taken up with controlling their trunks, or am I thinking of the number of muscles they have? Any how, I’m not sure what whales use their brains for; they like singing and attempting to dance (splashing about a bit) so maybe their intelligence is in having a good eat-life balance.

Overall, I was only considering humanoids’ intelligence in my post, presuming most lorry drivers are the same species. P.S. From wikipedia: “Studies demonstrate a correlation between brain size and intelligence”.

I don’t think there is any doubt that your typical LGV driver has more technical aptitude than most members of Mensa. At the end of the day all a Mensa member has demonstrated is the ability to pass an IQ test. What use is that? No evidence that it makes you happier. Or more content in your work.

Take a look at Carol Vorderman. You can’t read a newspaper without some hack mentioning her name with “member of Mensa” or “high IQ” or “maths wiz” tagged on the end.

Firstly, Carol Vorderman is not a maths wiz. What she demonstrates on Countdown is simple numeracy. Any child can do this. Learn the right techniques for quick multiplication and/or division and you can solve that maths puzzle every time.

Secondly, she spent three years at Cambridge and whether it was laziness, lack of interest or wrong choice of subject, she only just about managed to scrape a third class degree. In other words she got more questions wrong than she got right on her exams! Which from my understanding is pretty worthless. Luckily for her she cashed in on a media career which may be the reason she did so poorly at university as her mind wasn’t on the studying part. Just thinking about what TV programmes she would like to appear on, etc…

To quote Matt Damon (more or less), she will realise one day “that the taxpayer dropped £150 grand on a f****** education she could have got for free at a public library”.

It is a shame that schools don’t test kids (round about the age of 13 or 14) for various aptitudes. There are quite a few of them, such as: numerical, verbal, spatial, perceptual, technical, logical, acuity, analytical. When you know your aptitude profile you can then find your ideal career. Now there are undoubtably LGV drivers (and others) who don’t know that they would have made a great poet/writer (because of their high verbal aptitude), lawyer (verbal and logical), engineer (numerical, technical, analytical), etc… and go through life in a job they chose for the wrong reason and only discover years later what could have been.

No member of Mensa is going to do well on every one of those aptitudes, hence why Carol failed as an engineer. You certainly wouldn’t want her working for an aeronautical company. By virtue of her poor degree, she can’t teach either. That doesn’t stop her knocking out books for kids purporting to teach them math or how to program computers.

LGV work is something that many stumble into. Back in the days when passing your car test gave you a 7.5T licence that opened up career opportunities in driving. There is no age limit on LGV unlike many professions. Therefore easier to make the choice of becoming an LGV driver. If you can afford it of course. For many later in life it is a good (or bad according to some!) career change. Not a lot of careers you can change to that late in your working life. Just because you don’t need to set foot into a classroom (with the possible exception of the CPC demonstration training – even that can be avoided) doesn’t make the work any less demanding.

Am I the only one to read this thread and wonder at the hypocrisy of making wild and largely inaccurate assumptions about the members of Mensa while so many on here complain about the general publics perception of truck drivers as being fat lazy obnoxious slobs?
Only 1 person so far seems to have a grasp of what Mensa is actually about, but quite a few spurting such vitriol as would suggest they hoped to get in and are very disappointed they didn’t make the grade.

Sent by the magical effects of 750cl of Calvados…


And the last time you stripped a diff,fitted a clutch,replaced a compressor,changed a tyre,regassed a fridge even changed a headlight bulb was when?

I could do those things no bother if I was inclined to get covered in grease and oil and generally be filthy for a living. Its not difficult. Point is, A 16 year old YTS kid with bad acne can have a 10 minute interview, a quick demonstration then be let loose on his own with a spanner and hammer but you need to pass at least two tests to become an hgv driver.
But since any time you’ve gave it the big un with your vast knowledge of mechanics and been shown as not having a clue (ownaccountdriver and the trailer airbags thread springs to mind but there have been plenty others) then I suggest it might be time to introduce testing for fitters since you dont sound very good at it

I drove some poxy truck this morning.Really taxed my intellect having to press all those pedals and turn a steering wheel at the same time.And for the life of me I couldnt find a clutch pedal.

So you either
A) Couldnt find the clutch pedal on a manual or
B) Were looking for a clutch pedal on an automatic?
And you’re claiming that hgv drivers are the stupid ones?

Yep three was too big a choice for the experts same as an eaton box was far to complex.

No doubt many of our politicians,think tank members and other such “illuminati” are members of the elite that consider themselves above the herd.
Look at the cretins that we call our “leaders” and despair.

The problem is that education is confused with intelligence.
Education should be renamed indoctrination.
If you dare to think for yourself you are a fool,anti semite,racist,sexist,anarchist or a terrorist.You either think their way or you dont think at all.

If you dare to think for yourself you are a fool,anti semite,racist,sexist,anarchist or a terrorist.You either think their way or you dont think at all.

Interesting that you put ‘semite’ on the top of your list of antis examples.
Oh yeh, this is our resident Holocaust denial frontman aint it. :unamused:
At least you got the ‘fool’ bit right anyway mate.


So you either
A) Couldnt find the clutch pedal on a manual or
B) Were looking for a clutch pedal on an automatic?
And you’re claiming that hgv drivers are the stupid ones?

Yep three was too big a choice for the experts same as an eaton box was far to complex.

Auto gearboxes are inherantly superior in terms to the power they provide and the smooth changes between gears. Gear change is quicker to avoid loss of momentum & less revving between changes so better fuel economy are two reasons I can think off the top of my head why auto boxes would be considered better than manuals.
Its got hee haw to do with a lack of intelligence of drivers or that they cant work out how to use a manual so it needs to be “dumbed down” for them. The advantages of an auto far outweigh the advantage of a manual.
Dont let that fact get in the way of a bit of light trolling though
I see fitters using air guns to loosen and tighten wheel studs when changing tyres. Is that due to a lack of intelligence of how to use a wheel brace?