Not that it means anything but my iq is 166, using a standard pattern perception test.
Means bugger all apart from im not to bad at these types of test.
I particularly like the type of Doctorate given by certain institutions. Have you read Ben Goldacre / Bad Science etc? He refers to one Gillian McKeith: who did claim a “doctorate”, Dr Ben then obtained a similar doctorate. . . for his pet cat. Oh, sorry, his deceased pet cat. Gotta be accurate.
I havent but I do like anything that ■■■ ■■■’s mainstream propoganda.
What is it about you and your interactions with the world that makes you conclude that you must be in the top x% (whatever percentile you think you reside in)? How do you know that you are not overestimating yourself
Is it possible for someone to gauge their own intelligence with any specificity? How?
All you have to do is join trucknet and learn how truckers think
Not that it means anything but my iq is 166, using a standard pattern perception test.
Means bugger all apart from im not to bad at these types of test.
I particularly like the type of Doctorate given by certain institutions. Have you read Ben Goldacre / Bad Science etc? He refers to one Gillian McKeith: who did claim a “doctorate”, Dr Ben then obtained a similar doctorate. . . for his pet cat. Oh, sorry, his deceased pet cat. Gotta be accurate.
I havent but I do like anything that ■■■ ■■■’s mainstream propoganda.
I highly recommend Ben Goldacre`s books
Bad Science (particularly about the scientific method, (ex-dr) Andrew Wakefield/ MMR injections/ BBC)
Bad Pharma (big pharma, research methodology, and more)
And his Bad Science web site.
For me, he writes in a very accessible style about serious subjects. Well worth a look. His own qualifications? Well he works for the NHS as a Doctor and does teaching for the NHS.
EDIT: Also the point of the Bad Science book, I reckon, is to encourage people to see thro non-sense and think for themselves. Its not about trusting authority figures its about thinking for ourselves.
What is it about you and your interactions with the world that makes you conclude that you must be in the top x% (whatever percentile you think you reside in)? How do you know that you are not overestimating yourself
Is it possible for someone to gauge their own intelligence with any specificity? How?
Good question, self image would dictate we arent as clever as we think we are but getting wrapped up in predefined measuring techniques distracts one from the road to true enlightenment.
It is said (or ive just made it up) that the man or woman who knows nothing has the greatest potential to know everything.
From birth as the brain fully forms and we learn language thats the moment we can question everything, we lose that as we grow older because our questions are answered by our parents and those answers form the basis of our growth and understanding of the world we live in.
What we need to do is undo all that and return to our cleverer selves. We need to ask the most important question of all once again, that one question we all asked, the question is…Why■■?
What was wrong with his/her punctuation anyway or are you saying it’s in general? Anyhoo to translate “Zou het niet moeten zijn wel’t rusten nu,het is toch laat voor ons ouder mensen.” :- “It shouldn’t do won’t rest now, it is late for us older people.” I ain’t foreign!
Also, referring to previous posts, we all know some drivers are very intelligent, by usual standards, and that IQs are somewhat subjective, but the OP’s question, to paraphrase, was “what is, in your opinion, the AVERAGE intelligence of a lorry driver”. I have my opinion. IMO the trucker in this thread, in appearance at least, represents the general public’s perception of the stereotypical exemplar of a lorry driver:- viewtopic.php?f=2&t=140886
Hi all.It was not my punctuation he was referring to but that of Caledonian Dream.I take it you translated the sentence from Google as it should read ‘should you not have written sleep well as it is late for us older folks’.My putting the sentence in Dutch was in answer to nodding donkeys ''goeie avond as it was midnight as opposed to evening,and was anyhow meant in a lighthearted manner.
No’one is perfect in a second language,we are fluent,but the majority of us are not even ‘perfect’ in our mother tongues.
IMO the trucker in this thread, in appearance at least, represents the general public’s perception of the stereotypical exemplar of a lorry driver:- viewtopic.php?f=2&t=140886
What ■■■■■■ me off is if you are in a pub, or even on holiday or something and get into a conversation with people.
As the conversation progresses, they appear surprised (or even shocked) when you tell them you drive a truck for a living, and even sometimes imply that it should be beneath you or something.
Their perception of a stereotype driver is an uneducated thick as pig ■■■■ idiot, and it annoys the hell out of me.
Ok we do have an awful lot in that category, but they are thankfully in the minority.
IMO the trucker in this thread, in appearance at least, represents the general public’s perception of the stereotypical exemplar of a lorry driver:- viewtopic.php?f=2&t=140886
What ■■■■■■ me off is if you are in a pub, or even on holiday or something and get into a conversation with people.
As the conversation progresses, they appear surprised (or even shocked) when you tell them you drive a truck for a living, and even sometimes imply that it should be beneath you or something.
Their perception of a stereotype driver is an uneducated thick as pig [zb] idiot, and it annoys the hell out of me.
Ok we do have an awful lot in that category, but they are thankfully in the minority.
Funny you should say that, the lady at the registrars office about 10 years ago couldn’t believe i was a lorry driver, thought i was a headmaster…maybe she was fantasising and hoping i’d put her over me knee and apply some discipline
Warning rant ahead.
Seriously though, should i have grunted and punctuated every sentence with F’s and C’s to prove a i was indeed the scum of the earth lorry driver i’ve always been
Probably said it here before, but you know on those official forms that want to pigeon hole you, the ones where the top category are lawyers and other spivs, and people who work for a living a somewhere off the end of the list, well for the past 40 years i’ve been putting a cross through the lot and writing ‘‘scum of the earth lorry driver’’ instead.
Those other forms where they want to know your colour, where white is just the one colour white, but if you happen to be black or shall we say darker skinned they want to know which shade etc, i’ve always refused point blank to answer, i am white but why should i be ok as one shade, yet if i was black they’d want to know the ins and outs of the cats arse, sod em.
rant over.
Funny you should say that, the lady at the registrars office about 10 years ago couldn’t believe i was a lorry driver, thought i was a headmaster…maybe she was fantasising and hoping i’d put her over me knee and apply some discipline
Are you sure it wasn’t just you thinking along the same lines.
The problem is in my view, that most truck drivers do the job because " where else will I earn £600 pw as an unskilled person ?", which is a reasonable thought process.
Drivers that love driving trucks are potentially more likely to CARE about the job and the impact they have upon others, whereas folk who do it simply to pay bills don’t give a toss, so truck drivers reputations will not improve anytime soon.
Although I am a relatively young bloke (43), even I have noticed a severe decline over the last 20 years of peoples attitudes. Hardly anyone will hold a door open for you, people throw litter around like confetti, and being on the road can be like being in a warzone.
I have only got 3 years LGV driving under my belt, and I am already getting ■■■■■■ off with it. Without allowing my own standards to deteriorate, I can understand others who stop caring-thus perpetuating the problem.
Hi ND.Since i moved to Sweden i have found that my Dutch has deteriorated quite a lot,this is partly due to the similarities between Dutch and Swedish and partly due to the fact that i speak\think more in Swedish than Dutch now.
Isn’t it that goeden is more formal than goeie which is used more between friends.
the maoster:
Surely it follows that the iq of an “average” lorry driver would be, well, average?
I was tempted by that argument, but what if the more intelligent are put off by the “dumbing down” of the job, where we have to phone in and follow the book rather than apply common sense? Maybe recruiters want followers not thinkers and so will select in future select easier to manipulate drivers? So, to manage them more rulebooks are written etc. and a vicious circle ensues. There is still opportunity in some jobs to exercise the grey matter, but, with that becoming less true maybe well see those of us who consider we have a brain (thatll be all of us then) looking elsewhere?
I sometimes wonder if we base a Little too much upon so called '‘IQ’'tests and ‘‘academic’’ qualifications.Merely pieces of paper nowadays,when in times gone by the highest accolade one could bestow was that ‘‘he’s got common sense’’,or ‘‘he uses his head’’ to denote an abundance of ‘‘IQ’’.
Hi ND.Since i moved to Sweden i have found that my Dutch has deteriorated quite a lot,this is partly due to the similarities between Dutch and Swedish and partly due to the fact that i speak\think more in Swedish than Dutch now.
Isn’t it that goeden is more formal than goeie which is used more between friends.
It is indeed. In fact, the most common way of using the phrase is by omitting the ‘goede/goeie’ part altogether, and simply say ‘morge’ or ‘navond’ .
so what makes you such an expert,as I said in a previous post somewhere on here that a few years ago there was a programme that asked what you posted but this was a competition about different occupations,one of the programmes was between a group of solicitors and a group of hgv drivers[don’t know if any of you hgv drivers were on this programme]the questions if I remember were various on current affairs,history,politics and so on,if I remember correctly the hgv drivers actually won against the solicitors,so that blows your opinion of hgv drivers out the water.
so what makes you such an expert,as I said in a previous post somewhere on here that a few years ago there was a programme that asked what you posted but this was a competition about different occupations,one of the programmes was between a group of solicitors and a group of hgv drivers[don’t know if any of you hgv drivers were on this programme]the questions if I remember were various on current affairs,history,politics and so on,if I remember correctly the hgv drivers actually won against the solicitors,so that blows your opinion of hgv drivers out the water.
In the 80s I knew a driver who had been bored with being a solicitor, he bought a top notch Swedish spec Volvo Globetrotter, this thing had everything including a ‘kitchen pack’ with running water, (this was about 83 and I was fascinated and impressed with this thing) anyway the truck spec was irrelevent in this story.
He ran the Middle East with it, but after a while things went ■■■■ up, he was no match for the agent sharks who ran him and he went bust.
Now I would imagine a solicitor’s IQ would have to be pretty high to qualify, yet that did not qualify him to be sucessful as an owner driver at that time.
After saying that I do not know many drivers who could potentially make it as a solicitor.
so what makes you such an expert,as I said in a previous post somewhere on here that a few years ago there was a programme that asked what you posted but this was a competition about different occupations,one of the programmes was between a group of solicitors and a group of hgv drivers[don’t know if any of you hgv drivers were on this programme]the questions if I remember were various on current affairs,history,politics and so on,if I remember correctly the hgv drivers actually won against the solicitors,so that blows your opinion of hgv drivers out the water.
In the 80s I knew a driver who had been bored with being a solicitor, he bought a top notch Swedish spec Volvo Globetrotter, this thing had everything including a ‘kitchen pack’ with running water, (this was about 83 and I was fascinated and impressed with this thing) anyway the truck spec was irrelevent in this story.
He ran the Middle East with it, but after a while things went ■■■■ up, he was no match for the agent sharks who ran him and he went bust.
Now I would imagine a solicitor’s IQ would have to be pretty high to qualify, yet that did not qualify him to be sucessful as an owner driver at that time.
After saying that I do not know many drivers who could potentially make it as a solicitor.
Obviously apart from all the legal experts leaning on the wall by the coffee machine. But then I suppose they`d fail as real solicitors as their advice is always free…whether you ask for it or not.