Infestation. [Merged]

Ah yes, sorry I did indeed miss that part. Thank you for pointing it out though in a civil manner. That’s why your No2. :blush:

Hi UKtramp,

I’ve got no problem with being civil, or answering civil questions, so I thank you for your honesty.

Yours faithfully,

Kim Jong Un. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :grimacing:

Can I be on the list…

I’d guess you’re already on lots of lists, but you’re not on the list.

The hypocrisy of some of the people on this site is mind boggling, only last week I called out a topic (started by someone who has admitted trolling in the past) that I regarded as baiting and got the usual crap about the fun police and if some of us didn’t like the banter we should leave, no-one denied that the topic was baiting but it was regarded by the few as OK because it suited them, in just a few days the same people were shouting about trolls and sock-puppets because they didn’t like what someone else was posting :unamused:

The hypocrisy of some of the people on this site is mind boggling, only last week I called out a topic (started by someone who has admitted trolling in the past) that I regarded as baiting and got the usual crap about the fun police and if some of us didn’t like the banter we should leave, no-one denied that the topic was baiting but it was regarded by the few as OK because it suited them, in just a few days the same people were shouting about trolls and sock-puppets because they didn’t like what someone else was posting :unamused:

So in your opinion it was baiting, therefore you are right? Your opinion was wrong and you brought it on yourself to step in and tried to “call out” a topic. However your opinion was proved wrong as maoster and a few others had seen the videos and maoster actually knows me. Your example given is a bad one, and is just that, your opinion. others may disagree with your opinion. Nothing personal in my response to you, tbh I always thought you were a good mod and one that was quite fair. I just feel that you yourself was aiding the troll callers to that post by voicing your opinion. It is ironic that here you are now expressing your concerns over the ones who are calling everyone a troll, once again I do actually agree with what you are saying, with regards to those who always shout sock - puppet etc. I would agree that they are worse than a troll or sock -puppet by whipping up a frenzy. But actually wasn’t that what you was doing? I have admitted that in the past that I have posted topics in order to provoke a reaction but not to causing malice or trying to damage this site. Some people have different senses of humour to others. This doesn’t necessarily make them a troll. Since pre mod, I have learnt to control my posts and try my best to not provoke people who I dislike. I am a reformed character now. :smiley:


Can I be on the list…

I’d guess you’re already on lots of lists, but you’re not on the list.

Can I be taken off the list then and swap with Dipper? I like Dipper and am willing to give up my being on the list for him to be on the list.

There’s a great deal of truth in what Rob K has said, in fact I think I said last year that it wasn’t the trolls that cause most of the problems it’s the people who like to shout troll at every opportunity and see themselves as outing trolls and multiple account holders.

The hypocrisy of some of the people on this site is mind boggling, only last week I called out a topic (started by someone who has admitted trolling in the past) that I regarded as baiting and got the usual crap about the fun police and if some of us didn’t like the banter we should leave, no-one denied that the topic was baiting but it was regarded by the few as OK because it suited them, in just a few days the same people were shouting about trolls and sock-puppets because they didn’t like what someone else was posting :unamused:

There is a very small number of very vocal people on this board who ruin it for the majority of people who try to use the board in the way it was always intended to be used.

In my opinion the problem is being tackled from the wrong end, you can keep putting new members on pre-mod, if that’s what’s happened to them, but it won’t stop the small number of people who use this board for their own self perceived entitlement from continuing to ruin the board for the majority of responsible posters.
I regularly get asked questions by PM, sometimes it’s because people prefer to discuss things by PM but plenty of people have made it clear that they don’t want to ask questions openly because they know they will be ridiculed and mocked.

The saddest part of this is that I don’t see any signs that things are going to change any time soon :frowning:

Hey mate.
It was I (as you are aware) that played the ‘Fun Police’ card on that particular thread.
The thread in question was UKt trying to prove his point about being a fridge specialist.
Now whether UK.t is guilty of trolling in the past is a side issue , but as far as I remember (and maybe you will come back and shoot me down on this, as I can’t be arsed to trawl through the thread in question) he was just trying to re.gain some credibility but did not want to reveal his i.d. which is where the arguments and bickering started.

As for you saying ‘‘There’s a great deal of truth in what Rob.k said’’, whether there is or not, it’s kinda counteracted by the fact that Rob practices multi forum i.d.s in epic proportions, which imo is as big a problem as blatant trolling, if not a catalyst for the same thing. :bulb:

Another thing mate, if you thought some of the people you mention were ‘the biggest problem’ you had every opportunity to stamp on it when you were a mod yourself, so why did you not?


There’s a great deal of truth in what Rob K has said, in fact I think I said last year that it wasn’t the trolls that cause most of the problems it’s the people who like to shout troll at every opportunity and see themselves as outing trolls and multiple account holders.

The hypocrisy of some of the people on this site is mind boggling, only last week I called out a topic (started by someone who has admitted trolling in the past) that I regarded as baiting and got the usual crap about the fun police and if some of us didn’t like the banter we should leave, no-one denied that the topic was baiting but it was regarded by the few as OK because it suited them, in just a few days the same people were shouting about trolls and sock-puppets because they didn’t like what someone else was posting :unamused:

There is a very small number of very vocal people on this board who ruin it for the majority of people who try to use the board in the way it was always intended to be used.

In my opinion the problem is being tackled from the wrong end, you can keep putting new members on pre-mod, if that’s what’s happened to them, but it won’t stop the small number of people who use this board for their own self perceived entitlement from continuing to ruin the board for the majority of responsible posters.
I regularly get asked questions by PM, sometimes it’s because people prefer to discuss things by PM but plenty of people have made it clear that they don’t want to ask questions openly because they know they will be ridiculed and mocked.

The saddest part of this is that I don’t see any signs that things are going to change any time soon :frowning:

Hey mate.
It was I (as you are aware) that played the ‘Fun Police’ card on that particular thread.
The thread in question was UKt trying to prove his point about being a fridge specialist.
Now whether UK.t is guilty of trolling in the past is a side issue , but as far as I remember (and maybe you will come back and shoot me down on this, as I can’t be arsed to trawl through the thread in question) he was just trying to re.gain some credibility but did not want to reveal his i.d. which is where the arguments and bickering started.

As for you saying ‘‘There’s a great deal of truth in what Rob.k said’’, whether there is or not, it’s kinda counteracted by the fact that Rob practices multi forum i.d.s in epic proportions, which imo is as big a problem as blatant trolling, if not a catalyst for the same thing. :bulb:

Another thing mate, if you thought some of the people you mention were ‘the biggest problem’ you had every opportunity to stamp on it when you were a mod yourself, so why did you not?

100% this and some.

There’s a great deal of truth in what Rob K has said, in fact I think I said last year that it wasn’t the trolls that cause most of the problems it’s the people who like to shout troll at every opportunity and see themselves as outing trolls and multiple account holders.

The hypocrisy of some of the people on this site is mind boggling, only last week I called out a topic (started by someone who has admitted trolling in the past) that I regarded as baiting and got the usual crap about the fun police and if some of us didn’t like the banter we should leave, no-one denied that the topic was baiting but it was regarded by the few as OK because it suited them, in just a few days the same people were shouting about trolls and sock-puppets because they didn’t like what someone else was posting :unamused:

There is a very small number of very vocal people on this board who ruin it for the majority of people who try to use the board in the way it was always intended to be used.

Hi tachograph,

I can’t help but agree with every word of this so far, whilst wishing that the minority you mention can see something of themselves in it.

In my opinion the problem is being tackled from the wrong end, you can keep putting new members on pre-mod, if that’s what’s happened to them, but it won’t stop the small number of people who use this board for their own self perceived entitlement from continuing to ruin the board for the majority of responsible posters.

Thanks for the constructive feedback, we’re working on this.

I regularly get asked questions by PM, sometimes it’s because people prefer to discuss things by PM but plenty of people have made it clear that they don’t want to ask questions openly because they know they will be ridiculed and mocked.

Same here and for exactly the same reason.
I think that the ridiculing problem is caused by people judging things by their own present (experienced) standards, whilst being completely lacking in the memory of when they didn’t know the answer to the same question. That’s fair enough if that all it is, but if they then go on to mock somebody, then it’s out of order IMHO.
This isn’t helped by the ‘troll hunters’ baying for blood at the first sign of a post the they don’t think is right.

There is a balance to be struck though, because statistically, trolls do start innocent-looking posts, so the ‘troll hunters’ can sometimes claim to have got it right with an “I told you so.”

The saddest part of this is that I don’t see any signs that things are going to change any time soon :frowning:

Whilst being completely honest, but admittedly with great reluctance, I have to agree with you here.
However, we’re determined to get the house back in order and get TNUK back to core values.


DIESEL DAVE; Who is this band of scoundrels that you believe are out to harm the forum? (Name & shame please)

And do you believe the North West’s premium driver (I mean me btw :sunglasses: ) is part of this group?

That’s taken from my reply to Robroy, which started with… " I think…"

It’s only a theory for now, so an expression of that might start a rumour, which is against forum rules.

eagerbeaver on Sat Apr 21, 2018 at 5:50 pm:
So I reckon we should ALL learn from recent events and move on.

I think this is a great idea with which I’ve already agreed 100%, so could you just clarify the start date for it please?

Just wanted to know if I am on ’ the ’ list or not Dave? :confused:

Or I am on the naughty step simply because I think and have basically expressed the opinion that Rikki is a crap manager?

Hey mate.
It was I (as you are aware) that played the ‘Fun Police’ card on that particular thread.
The thread in question was UKt trying to prove his point about being a fridge specialist.
Now whether UK.t is guilty of trolling in the past is a side issue , but as far as I remember (and maybe you will come back and shoot me down on this, as I can’t be arsed to trawl through the thread in question) he was just trying to re.gain some credibility but did not want to reveal his i.d. which is where the arguments and bickering started.

As for you saying ‘‘There’s a great deal of truth in what Rob.k said’’, whether there is or not, it’s kinda counteracted by the fact that Rob practices multi forum i.d.s in epic proportions, which imo is as big a problem as blatant trolling, if not a catalyst for the same thing. :bulb:

Another thing mate, if you thought some of the people you mention were ‘the biggest problem’ you had every opportunity to stamp on it when you were a mod yourself, so why did you not?

I purposely ignored responding to your earlier accusation of this as it is quite clear to everyone that this is your pathetic attempt at [zb] stirring because you didn’t like the tone of my earlier reply to you. I also see from doing a site wide search of my username that you have quite the reputation for stalking me and claiming that you know what all my alleged alter-egos are (your words, not mine). Well then, for the benefit of the membership and administration team please list them all so they can take any necessary actions as they see fit. You have self-appointed yourself as being the Chief forum “troll outer” and expert on all things member related, so on you go please :arrow_right: .

To save some time and as I really cannot be arsed reading any more of your dreary rhetoric I’ll state right here that, yes, I have in the very distant past posted under aliases, but then so too have many of the original crowd (Neil, Vince, Ady, to name but a few) and from what I can recall, no bunnies or kittens were hurt and there was no adverse effect on the forums as a whole because it was just a bit of fun. Have I used or posted under an alias here within the past few years? No I have not. Prior to that (possibly circa 4+ years ago) after I was put on premod I needed to contact a mod but was unable to do so because my PM ability had also been disabled. As a result of that I did create a new name so that I could PM to get their contact details. That’s it. There hasn’t been any content here worth engaging with as it’s all been Facebook-esque dross.

Now that’s been cleared up could you please stop stalking me and responding to every post I make filled with paranoia that it’s always about you. I do not give one single hoot for your thoughts or opinions and the fewer posts you make here, the better this site becomes and the better I feel. If I were to have the misfortune of meeting you at an RDC I would quite honestly hide in the Gents for 4 hours or go and stand outside getting drenched in the rain and wind just so that there would be no risk of being bored to death with job and truck talk when you inevitably decide to strike up a “conversation”. I do not like your passive-aggressive tone in all your posts eg. “I couldn’t give ■■■■ what you think […] no offence pal/mate […] have a nice weekend” and for the record I am NOT your “mate” or “pal” so quit referring to me as such.

I hope I’ve made my feelings crystal clear now and we can move on as a forum without this constant childish point-scoring nonsense polluting every thread.

So in your opinion it was baiting, therefore you are right?

In the nearly 13 years I’ve been on this board I’m pretty sure I’ve never said that anything must be right because it’s my opinion.

It’s nice of you to suggest that may be the case though :smiley: :wink:

I just feel that you yourself was aiding the troll callers to that post by voicing your opinion.

You know what … I’m going to agree with you, though it wasn’t intentional, I should have voiced my opinion by reporting the post and leaving the admin team to decide whether or not they agreed :blush:

On the other hand I think you’re missing the point I was trying to make, the point being that some people appeared to agree with me but decided that it was OK on this occasion but not later when they were shouting troll at other people who’s posts seemed to be perfectly within the rules even if somewhat suspect.

Maybe I could have worded it differently, hmmm, let me think…

No, what I said was correct and the way I said it was correct, Freightdog is feigning offence, all this has been explained quite clearly to him time and time again, yet he’s still feigning offence. The bit that got under his skin was “you know very well what I meant” and he did, that’s not an assumption on my part as I clearly stated “petty arguing and bickering”

We’re talking about an airline pilot here, so it’s safe to assume the he has above average intelligence, however it seems he’s intent on proving otherwise in this thread. Either that or he’s having mood swings, one minute all happy and conversational, the next he’s offended again.

All this, from a comment about stopping petty arguing and bickering, it’s pathetic and input from others clearly shows why some members no longer have the ability to post with freedom. They ask who is in this clique as if they don’t know, but the answer is clear, if you’ve recently been put on premod, then there’s a 100% chance that you were involved.

All of the silly cries of hypocrisy are just that, silly. It’s not hypocritical at all, why? Because as a moderator I have earned a position of trust, this then puts a different perspective on things. Did I post with the intention to cause trouble? No I didn’t. My intention was to get a response from the troublemakers here that keep bleating on about how it’s not fair anymore and quite clearly that happened.

What was my reasoning? A vain attempt to get them to see where they were going wrong, not to say I told you so, but to get them to behave in a way that isn’t detrimental to the forums.

Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk

As for you saying ‘‘There’s a great deal of truth in what Rob.k said’’, whether there is or not, it’s kinda counteracted by the fact that Rob practices multi forum i.d.s in epic proportions, which imo is as big a problem as blatant trolling, if not a catalyst for the same thing. :bulb:

I’ve no idea why people get so worked up about multiple account holders, it’s often hard to see who has multiple accounts and just as hard to deal with them even if it was against the forum rules, which it isn’t.

I’ve never seen any reason to have more than one account myself but frankly couldn’t care less how many accounts other people have if they’re used responsibly.

Another thing mate, if you thought some of the people you mention were ‘the biggest problem’ you had every opportunity to stamp on it when you were a mod yourself, so why did you not?

I deleted plenty of posts because they were nothing more than people high-jacking threads by shouting troll and the like, I also PM’d a few people about the nature of their posts and to be fair some obliged, but it wasn’t possible and still isn’t possible for mods to be on the board all day and read every post, especially at a time when the board was infested with people causing problems.

I’m pleased to see that the moderation team has been strengthened in numbers and hopefully they’ll be able to do a better job than we did last year, though it would be even better if they never need to.

I’m pleased to see that the moderation team has been strengthened in numbers and hopefully they’ll be able to do a better job than we did last year,

And I for one wish you’d come back.

though it would be even better if they never need to.

Amen to that.

On the other hand I think you’re missing the point I was trying to make, the point being that some people appeared to agree with me but decided that it was OK on this occasion but not later when they were shouting troll at other people who’s posts seemed to be perfectly within the rules even if somewhat suspect.

No I am not missing any point that you was trying to make. As said, I always found you fair and a decent mod, but that has gone now, your not a mod anymore, that said you had no reason or need to give your input in the way that you did. You could have as you have stated, simply notified the mods with your concerns and left it at that. My opinion was that you wanted to cause a reaction from the troll hunters. That aside, you were wrong on this occasion over me but I do respect your views and opinions with regards to the troll hunters. I did not miss that point.

My opinion was that you wanted to cause a reaction from the troll hunters.

That’s complete nonsense but you’re entitled to your opinion.

Maybe I could have worded it differently, hmmm, let me think…

No, what I said was correct and the way I said it was correct, Freightdog is feigning offence,

We’re talking about an airline pilot here, so it’s safe to assume the he has above average intelligence, however it seems he’s intent on proving otherwise in this thread. Either that or he’s having mood swings, one minute all happy and conversational, the next he’s offended again.

Ok, right I see you’re doing this again getting personal. Tin hat and gloves off then chaps I guess it is then…

Feigning Offence

I’m not offended NMM. I’m certainly not feigning anything. This was clarified once.

I am direct. To you. Your behaviour as a mod is disgusting. I’m not pretending. My opinion of your behaviour is authentic. It’s not offence, it’s not losing my rag. It’s me being direct…with you, because of your behaviour on this thread. Bare in mind you tried and still try to drag my name through the mud. (Above)

Your citing my job and insinuations about intelligence

You’re mistaking my being direct with you for mood swings or offence. I think the thats reflection of you own lack of emotional intelligence that was causal in the first place.

No one buys you started that threatening manner as part of an experiment. No one. Not even the birds in the trees.

You started throwing your weight around and then panicked. You then came up with a half baked story about it being an experiment (so many reasons why this would not be the case) .

If you saw me in actual life, you’d note the firm in this case yet, still funnily smily demeanour. Written word perception I suppose, but don’t mistake my good nature for taking things to task, that deserve it.

Do I value fairness and justness? Well yes, but then I’ve been on here a long time, since the beginning and I care about it very much. More than I should have? Perhaps. But even I am not immune to forming friendships online and valueing something that played quite a pivotal role in my life. It weren’t for trucknet I wouldn’t have been driving lorries, and wouldn’t therefore lead to where I am now.

I can assure the charge of my position, psychological assessments and training positions I’ve held, my character has not ever been deemed in question. Whilst you’re offering to ratify and qualify my character and intelligence for myself and everyone reading. I’ll take a pass given your own performance ha. Thankyou all the same anyway.

I’ve been on trucknet a long time and only until you clapped your rosey eyes on me have I had my integrity brought into question through no good reason. Rather more you attempt and still attempt to drag my name through the mud. For instance, above by citing jobs and intelligence to make some sort of point.

You can make insinuations to denegrate my intelligence on the forum all you wish. I don’t actually care my old friend, as I’ll wake up with reality and you’ll still be you.

Your behaviour seems to be validated by the team behind the business. My use of the forum is free, but it is voluntary as user. A business needs a user base. I am one person and equally mean… nothing in the scale of it. That is a truism. It cannot be argued. But, I wish to be no part in supporting a business that endorses this kind of behaviour towards the very people that supported it in good faith over the years.

The place is toxic. And quite frankly the very disgusting attitude that Rikki wished to stamp out… it’s still here. Whilst an element of the mod team exists that behaves in the power abusing manner you see fit then I see scant ability for me to share the same space. Since you bring it up, we wouldn’t tolerate behaviour like that within our airline crews and I’m not taking on the chopper on my time off thank you very much.

You’ve some fantastic posters on here, good people. Beaver, Rob, Maoster, Conor, Snowman, even UKT. Endless list. And it’s not clicks. You see half these people might not even relate to each other, certainly some don’t probably think much to me. But that’s not the point. They all provide a mix. They make up trucknet. They come here because they choose. They’ve supported it over the years. Granted there’s some sharp corners. But they make this site. Keep your ears pinned and respect them.


Freight Dog:
You’ve some fantastic posters on here, good people. Beaver, Rob, Maoster, Conor, Snowman, even UKT. Endless list. And it’s not clicks. You see half these people might not even relate to each other, certainly some don’t probably think much to me. But that’s not the point. They all provide a mix. They make up trucknet. They come here because they choose. They’ve supported it over the years. Granted there’s some sharp corners. But they make this site. Keep your ears pinned and respect them.


None taken Freight Dog but I will take it, well after reading this, I am uncertain as to how you flew under my radar for so long, pardon the pun. Probably one of the best replies I have read on here. Accurate and to the point with no insults being thrown, merely a gloves off British tommy response. Kudos.

Freight Dog:
You’ve some fantastic posters on here, good people. Beaver, Rob, Maoster, Conor, Snowman, even UKT. Endless list. And it’s not clicks. You see half these people might not even relate to each other, certainly some don’t probably think much to me. But that’s not the point. They all provide a mix. They make up trucknet. They come here because they choose. They’ve supported it over the years. Granted there’s some sharp corners. But they make this site. Keep your ears pinned and respect them.


Ahem, er, hmmm, forgotten anyone?

Captain Caveman 76:

Freight Dog:
You’ve some fantastic posters on here, good people. Beaver, Rob, Maoster, Conor, Snowman, even UKT. Endless list. And it’s not clicks. You see half these people might not even relate to each other, certainly some don’t probably think much to me. But that’s not the point. They all provide a mix. They make up trucknet. They come here because they choose. They’ve supported it over the years. Granted there’s some sharp corners. But they make this site. Keep your ears pinned and respect them.


Ahem, er, hmmm, forgotten anyone?

So sorry mate. Remiss of me. Definitely you. You should be on there.The list is endless. You’d make a good mod actually imo. Cheers mate.

Captain Caveman 76:

Freight Dog:
You’ve some fantastic posters on here, good people. Beaver, Rob, Maoster, Conor, Snowman, even UKT. Endless list. And it’s not clicks. You see half these people might not even relate to each other, certainly some don’t probably think much to me. But that’s not the point. They all provide a mix. They make up trucknet. They come here because they choose. They’ve supported it over the years. Granted there’s some sharp corners. But they make this site. Keep your ears pinned and respect them.


Ahem, er, hmmm, forgotten anyone?

Yeah he did forget me didn’t he, thanks for pointing that out cavey, never mind, I forgive him :grimacing: