Infestation. [Merged]

I truly hope that you’re not imagining that I’m even thinking that you’re in that group. (Please.)

Hi Dave.

Mate I’ll keep this simple as I’m bored of it, I’m sure you’re bloody bored of it :laughing: . You’ve read all the stuff.

If trucknet Staff ease up on this constant “there’s the door” line, we’ll be behind you. If truknet Staff don’t threaten to mod for no good reason again. We’ll be behind you. We get you have to stick to the rules. We get it’s bad cop bad cop. We’ve had it drummed into us enough times. That’s all.

We just want to use trucknet as I’m sure Trucknet needs visitors. I’m sure we’ll all able to rub along together.

Have a good un mate.

Freight Dog, there’s a really easy way to get what you want there, don’t start or participate in threads questioning the moderator tactics, that sounds quite blunt and dictatorial I know, but I don’t know how to sugar coat it.

The facts are that this site has a man/men at the top, his/their wallet ensures that it stays in existence, so if he/they send requests/demands down the food chain then those requests/demands will be followed.

It really is as simple as play by the rules or the door is that way, but the only time you’ll ever get to hear it is if you are not playing by the rules, it doesn’t get more black and white than that. Again, it sounds harsh, but it is what it is, no matter how you word it, the meaning remains the same.

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Freight Dog, there’s a really easy way to get what you want there, don’t start or participate in threads questioning the moderator tactics, that sounds quite blunt and dictatorial I know, but I don’t know how to sugar coat it.


Could you clarify what you mean in the above mate? What are you saying? By following your advice we won’t find ourselves on mod action?

You see, I didn’t actually question your tactics. I asked if argument or debate would result in heavy handed moderation. Here’s the post that directly after resulted in my potentially being modded …

Surely that wouldn’t get a heavy handed approach? Argueing and bickering being stamped out? That’ll ruin the job. In depth chat on here can get into argueing or bickering. Argueing over a subject is part and parcel of some debates on here. People won’t all agree over subjects like a vicar’s tea party. As long as it’s about the posts, not the person

Do you still maintain what I asked warranted being informed I was posting dubiously and could face mod action?


:laughing: this thread.

CAN SOMEONE from the admin or mod team PLEASE tell Freight Dog he is not going to be put on any list or premod, for crying out loud! :smiling_imp: Holy crap. :open_mouth:

No it’s the written word and misinterpretation at work again, the last paragraph says it better, you’ll only ever get the door is that way comment if you’re questioning something that has been explained to you and you keep on arguing the point. It’s not a phrase thrown out willy nilly.

For example,
MemberA 'Why do you keep deleting my pics of naked women?

Moderator “Because we don’t allow that kind of thing here, our audience doesn’t come here for that and we have younger members here too.”

MemberA ‘blah blah blah…’ and a bit more back and forth and then finally,

Moderator “If you don’t like it, the door is that way ---->”

The point if it is, that you have a choice, if you disagree with the way the site is run, you can leave, it’s not a threat that you will be kicked out.

As I said earlier, as far as I’m concerned everything said in these threads is a clear the air thing and judging by the lack of anything related to them in the moderator forums, the rest of the team feels the same, they probably wish I would STFU though, as I’m sure many of you do, but I do believe that we’ve covered good ground here and because of that, the whole sorry episode has a happy ending of sorts.

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sorry for dropping your text. I have read it and taken it in, just to keep it short


You haven’t answered my other question.

It’s not about how one could get simply get shown a door of they didn’t like things.

After my post, you straight away suggested I was posting dubiously then moved onto to telling me I was actually trolling and pointed towards action. You also raised into question my prior posting history.

You see I’ve you having told me all that in black and white. And ive got DieselDave saying the opposite, seemingly suprised where I’ve got the notion that I was/am in question.

Do you still maintain my post in italics warranted you threatening me with mod action?

If so, that’s where the problem lies. I did nothing wrong in that post.

You so far still maintain I deserved it. This has actual issue still not been acknowledged or responded to directly by Trucknet admin. Just very diplomatic suggestions of taking things to pm.

Right I’ve just read through it all again, so here’s how I saw things. I posted about stopping the petty arguing and bickering, you (FD) responded that arguing is part and parcel, I agreed, but said there’s arguing a point and arguing for the sake of arguing and that you knew very well what I meant, A, because this thread is about just that and B, because I specified petty arguing and bickering. Then you took offence, I interpreted this as trying to cause trouble (trolling) as it was very out of character for you to post in such a manner, then there was a bit of back and forth, during which I commented that if your (the general your) sole purpose is to argue with trolls, by definition a troll yourself, then you’re not welcome here and the good old the door is that way came out.

As explained previously, that doesn’t mean that you will be subject to sanctions of any kind, it’s just that there’s no place for you (not you specifically) here as this isn’t the place for it.

Any clearer now?

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God almighty, Freight Dog is asking if debates or argues on a topic with someone, is he likely to be shown the door. He isn’t asking for political answers skating around the subject. Is he at risk, yes or no?

Rob K:
:lol: this thread.

CAN SOMEONE from the admin or mod team PLEASE tell Freight Dog he is not going to be put on any list or premod, for crying out loud! :smiling_imp: Holy crap. :open_mouth:

I honestly thought I had explained that.

I think the bit you’re missing UKTramp is the no sanctions against you part, it’s a direct answer to the question asked.

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Freight Dog:
ive got DieselDave saying the opposite, seemingly suprised where I’ve got the notion that I was/am in question.

OK Freight Dog, it seems that a clarification of my earlier clarification might be needed.

Following suggestions made by two posters above, I’ll attempt to clarify again.

Please read the parts I’ve made red in their proper context.

I think that some people have an agenda which may be intended to damage the forum, or attempt to change the forum rules by rants and bully-boy tactics, in some way. If that counts as a clique, then so be it. Those people may think they win the odd tactical squabble here or there, so I hope it pleases them. Whether they count as a ‘clique’ isn’t really a consideration in the bigger picture IMHO. Their cards are marked and I think they know it, so I hope we can end the negative stuff.

You are NOT in that group.

Hopefully, my answer is unambiguous now. :smiley:

Freight Dog:
Mate I’ll keep this simple as I’m bored of it, I’m sure you’re bloody bored of it :laughing: .

Thanks for that FD, you’re spot-on and I agree 100%.


Dave you seem very clear and able to clarify on certain things but your diplomatic replies skirt the root thing as if it didn’t happen.

1/ I posted a fair post that started all this. It’s italics further up.

2/ I received suspicion about the motives, accusations, threats of action and doubting of my posting style.

3/ NMM is still suggesting his part was warranted.

4/ you have a moderator who only after the fact said “he was baiting” (if that is believed). The whole thing you lot bang on about here is us sticking to the rules.

5/ I haven’t seen anything from you that recognises directly that the actual response after my post from one of your mods was acceptable, unacceptable or if it is something you endorse as a business. Just suggestion to take it to PM.

I’ll just spell this out. I don’t think I my post deserved any inch of the response they received from NMM. Do you? This might seem trivial to trucknet but it smacks of left hand right hand.

This place is toxic. You can’t even ask a flipping question to mods without them getting so bent out of shape they threatened you, then the response from the tip of the business fails to address it.

Freight Dog:


Dave you seem very clear and able to clarify on certain things but your diplomatic replies skirt the root thing as if it didn’t happen.

1/ I posted a fair post that started all this. It’s italics further up.

2/ I received suspicion about the motives, accusations, threats of action and doubting of my posting style.

3/ NMM is still suggesting his part was warranted.

4/ you have a moderator who only after the fact said “he was baiting” (if that is believed). The whole thing you lot bang on about here is us sticking to the rules.

5/ I haven’t seen anything from you that recognises directly that the actual response after my post from one of your mods was acceptable, unacceptable or if it is something you endorse as a business. Just suggestion to take it to PM.

I’ll just spell this out. I don’t think I my post deserved any inch of the response they received from NMM. Do you? This might seem trivial to trucknet but it smacks of left hand right hand.

This place is toxic. You can’t even ask a flipping question to mods without them getting so bent out of shape they threatened you, then the response from the tip of the business fails to address it.

They won’t address it in the correct manner my airborne friend because in order to do such, it requires an admission of hypocrisy :wink:

Bottom line is this; You had a veiled threat made against you and were deliberately baited (including an actual moderator’s admission :open_mouth: ). So if you are expecting a full blown admission of guilt and subsequent apology mate, I suggest you are urinating into a head wind. Which is great for assisted lift but not good for the aroma :grimacing:

DIESEL DAVE; Who is this band of scoundrels that you believe are out to harm the forum? (Name & shame please)

And do you believe the North West’s premium driver (I mean me btw :sunglasses: ) is part of this group?

Freight Dog:


Dave you seem very clear and able to clarify on certain things but your diplomatic replies skirt the root thing as if it didn’t happen.

1/ I posted a fair post that started all this. It’s italics further up.

2/ I received suspicion about the motives, accusations, threats of action and doubting of my posting style.

3/ NMM is still suggesting his part was warranted.

4/ you have a moderator who only after the fact said “he was baiting” (if that is believed). The whole thing you lot bang on about here is us sticking to the rules.

5/ I haven’t seen anything from you that recognises directly that the actual response after my post from one of your mods was acceptable, unacceptable or if it is something you endorse as a business. Just suggestion to take it to PM.

I’ll just spell this out. I don’t think I my post deserved any inch of the response they received from NMM. Do you? This might seem trivial to trucknet but it smacks of left hand right hand.

This place is toxic. You can’t even ask a flipping question to mods without them getting so bent out of shape they threatened you, then the response from the tip of the business fails to address it.

Hi Freight Dog,

An honest question IMHO, which I don’t mind. Hopefully, you don’t mind my answer.

Yes, this ‘thing’ happened, so now I’m trying to fix it equitably in my own way.

I think this hinges on two ‘maybes’ (they’re without criticism and bulleted in no particular order.)

  • Maybe NMM (with hindsight) could have worded responses slightly differently to convey his meaning more clearly.

  • Maybe you’re looking too deeply/being over-sensitive/over-reacting.

The two maybes (IMHO) should be tempered with the knowledge that either of you could have been tired/grumpy etc for any reason at any given time.


For my part, I’d like to clearly assure you that your present concerns about things like questioning Mods etc has not placed you on any list, nor is there the threat of you being placed on any such list, or being placed on pre-mod, or being shown the door.

I’d also say this… me taking sides in (what I see as) a fairly minor issue that has the possibility to be easily resolved isn’t very constructive in the bigger picture.

Putting it a different way… I don’t think a pound of flesh from either of you is necessary.

:bulb: If diplomacy and a wish for harmony are toxic (your word) to you, then I’m sorry but it won’t stop me from trying.

Just for clarity, you’re NOT on any list, so please feel free to post as normal.

Just for clarity, you’re NOT on any list, so please feel free to post as normal.

Providing you do not question or disagree with the mods then you will be free to post as normal.
Kindest regards
Kim Jong un

There’s a great deal of truth in what Rob K has said, in fact I think I said last year that it wasn’t the trolls that cause most of the problems it’s the people who like to shout troll at every opportunity and see themselves as outing trolls and multiple account holders.

The hypocrisy of some of the people on this site is mind boggling, only last week I called out a topic (started by someone who has admitted trolling in the past) that I regarded as baiting and got the usual crap about the fun police and if some of us didn’t like the banter we should leave, no-one denied that the topic was baiting but it was regarded by the few as OK because it suited them, in just a few days the same people were shouting about trolls and sock-puppets because they didn’t like what someone else was posting :unamused:

There is a very small number of very vocal people on this board who ruin it for the majority of people who try to use the board in the way it was always intended to be used.

In my opinion the problem is being tackled from the wrong end, you can keep putting new members on pre-mod, if that’s what’s happened to them, but it won’t stop the small number of people who use this board for their own self perceived entitlement from continuing to ruin the board for the majority of responsible posters.
I regularly get asked questions by PM, sometimes it’s because people prefer to discuss things by PM but plenty of people have made it clear that they don’t want to ask questions openly because they know they will be ridiculed and mocked.

The saddest part of this is that I don’t see any signs that things are going to change any time soon :frowning:

DIESEL DAVE; Who is this band of scoundrels that you believe are out to harm the forum? (Name & shame please)

And do you believe the North West’s premium driver (I mean me btw :sunglasses: ) is part of this group?

That’s taken from my reply to Robroy, which started with… " I think…"

It’s only a theory for now, so an expression of that might start a rumour, which is against forum rules.

eagerbeaver on Sat Apr 21, 2018 at 5:50 pm:
So I reckon we should ALL learn from recent events and move on.

I think this is a great idea with which I’ve already agreed 100%, so could you just clarify the start date for it please?


Just for clarity, you’re NOT on any list, so please feel free to post as normal.

Providing you do not question or disagree with the mods then you will be free to post as normal.
Kindest regards
Kim Jong un

Sorry UKtramp, but in your haste, maybe you missed this…

The very first part of my reply said this:

An honest question IMHO, which I don’t mind.



Just for clarity, you’re NOT on any list, so please feel free to post as normal.

Providing you do not question or disagree with the mods then you will be free to post as normal.
Kindest regards
Kim Jong un

Sorry UKtramp, but in your haste, maybe you missed this…

The very first part of my reply said this:

An honest question IMHO, which I don’t mind.

Ah yes, sorry I did indeed miss that part. Thank you for pointing it out though in a civil manner. That’s why your No2. :blush:

Can I be on the list…