Infestation. [Merged]

Snowman, yes the admin/mod team are partially responsible for the mess, no doubt about that, but only one side has the ability, or power, call it what you like, to change things, that’s not you lot (the members)

That’s how it’s going to be from now on, we’ve learned our lesson, now it’s up to the members to do their part. I can see why some of you are rattled, one minute you can post in a certain way, the next you can’t, but that’s the way it’s got to be, the decision to move the goalposts has been made and the referee’s decision is final.

Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk

Rob K:
including an official Number 10 Downing Street online petition to have me reinstated and Rikki still stood firm so you’ve no chance! :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing:

Freight Dog:


Evening NMM.

I’m sure you and I have the same basic goal regarding trucknet that is common to most of us. We want it to work.

With that in mind I think it’s benefical we resolve conflict in order to regain a positive focus.

To triangulate back to the originating topic of argument; I can see merit in your points. Those points deserve further exploration and thought from everybody given the citing of moderation.

With regards to our subsequent exchanges; I want to scrub aside the pallet and set those disagreements adrift. It’s counter productive to everyone for you and I to maintain that course. From my perspective it’s gone, forgotten and I still welcome and remain open minded to your views.

All the best.

FD, no harm, no foul. I welcome constructive debate and I believe our dialogue fit into this category. A bit of straight talk is a good thing at times.

Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk

One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter mate :grimacing:

As for being " part of the problem ", I can’t see how telling the truth is such? But you seem like a reasonable chap to me so I will allow you to join my ’ followers ’ if you like. But please beware that Robroy is a trusted member and holds a key position within my cabinet, so a bonding session will probably be essential :grimacing:

Thanks for the heads up about poking the hornets nest though (may be a little late but the ’ stings ’ are a tad tame tbh :laughing: )

I think most reasonable company owners are open to hearing constructive criticism if conveyed in a professional and adult manner. What they’re not open to is being told “how it is” and “how it should be” by some nobody with an inflated sense of self-importance. What they really don’t like is being constantly reminded about it with cheap jibes. To put it bluntly, you’ve failed on all 3 counts :smiley: .

I would also add my observations after reading your contributions thus far today are that you’re sailing extremely close to receiving an outright ban (imo). Whether that’s your intention or not I have no idea, but if it isn’t then my friendly advice from my own past experiences is that you should pipe down by several notches. Feel free to ignore at your peril! :wink:


Thanks for the heads up about poking the hornets nest though (may be a little late but the ’ stings ’ [that I’ve had so far :wink: ] are a tad tame tbh :laughing: )

FTFY, but please don’t let’s go there. :grimacing:

But as you said in another topic:

So I reckon we should ALL learn from recent events and move on.

With which I still agree, so best foot forward eh?. :smiley:

That was a better sting Dave :laughing:

Snowman, yes the admin/mod team are partially responsible for the mess, no doubt about that, but only one side has the ability, or power, call it what you like, to change things, that’s not you lot (the members)

That’s how it’s going to be from now on, we’ve learned our lesson, now it’s up to the members to do their part. I can see why some of you are rattled, one minute you can post in a certain way, the next you can’t, but that’s the way it’s got to be, the decision to move the goalposts has been made and the referee’s decision is final.

Don’t get me wrong, i’m glad things have changed. A far harsher way of dealing with people who’d only joined to cause trouble was required and in that sense its welcome. I like to think that while I may break or bend the odd rule here and there I keep mainly within the rules so it wont affect me that greatly.
I just don’t approve of the heavy handed way its being dished out to everyone, especially members who have no need to be threatened in the manner its been happening, Nor the “us & them” gulf that seems to be developing between the admins and the ordinary (for want of a better word) members. That’s never a good road to go down
My posting style wont change due to the rules crack down and if it becomes a problem and its deemed not allowed ill just stop posting. Hopefully it wont come to that though as I do still like this forum

Snowman, yes the admin/mod team are partially responsible for the mess, no doubt about that, but only one side has the ability, or power, call it what you like, to change things, that’s not you lot (the members)

That’s how it’s going to be from now on, we’ve learned our lesson, now it’s up to the members to do their part. I can see why some of you are rattled, one minute you can post in a certain way, the next you can’t, but that’s the way it’s got to be, the decision to move the goalposts has been made and the referee’s decision is final.

Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk

I’ve kept out of this discussion so far, but this last one has thrown me and I feel compelled to comment.

The trolling infestation we went through was out of order. Fair enough if the mods didn’t want to put their jack boots on and start kicking, a policy hindsight says wasn’t right. Mods have now started to be proactive in dealing with problems, a policy I agree with. But I don’t agree that the majority of posters on here ARE the problem. The section of your post I’ve highlighted suggests to me that you’re in danger of throwing the baby out with the bathwater. The posting style is what attracted me to this forum in the first place, without the humour, banter and mick taking, you’re left with a sanitised list of sat nav reviews and directions.

Wherever you have discussion, you’ll get disagreement. People get wound up because the subject matter is important to them and fall outs will occur. But we’re adults, we’ll kiss and make up (or maybe just shake hands and move on), and arguments are largely forgotten. The difference with people who are trolling is that they’ll deliberately provoke discord and then carry it on. THAT is what needs to be stamped on, not regular, long term posters who are getting a bit animated.

@ dieseldave.

Hiya Dave, …following Rob.k’s comments on cliques, (which to be fair is quite relavent) I’d like to hear your comments as chief mod on the subject.

Do you accept they exist on here… (pretty hard not to I reckon, as I said you get them in every walk of life, especially among blokes)

Do you look upon them as negative or derogatory to the forum, or do you see them as a positive thing, or something that does not matter here or there.

Do you accept the existing (or perceived to be) cliques have gone a long way to cause some, many, all, or none of the present negative aspects on this forum.

Not looking for any side taking here mate between R.k and me, if you agree with R.k’s take on it at least the members of such can watch their step,.as I believe on the whole the genuine ones among us are all singing from the same hymn sheet to ‘tidy up’ this forum, and kick to ■■■■ the culprits.
The fact that we all as individuals think the culprits and offenders are different members to some of the mods do at present is another argument for another day. :smiley:


Freight Dog:


Evening NMM.

I’m sure you and I have the same basic goal regarding trucknet that is common to most of us. We want it to work.

With that in mind I think it’s benefical we resolve conflict in order to regain a positive focus.

To triangulate back to the originating topic of argument; I can see merit in your points. Those points deserve further exploration and thought from everybody given the citing of moderation.

With regards to our subsequent exchanges; I want to scrub aside the pallet and set those disagreements adrift. It’s counter productive to everyone for you and I to maintain that course. From my perspective it’s gone, forgotten and I still welcome and remain open minded to your views.

All the best.

FD, no harm, no foul. I welcome constructive debate and I believe our dialogue fit into this category. A bit of straight talk is a good thing at times.

Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk

Evening NMM. That’s good.

Are you able to meet halfway at all and recognise any validity in some of my concerns? They drive to a centre of an issue I have raised with DieselDave. I do feel your points regarding argument and debate are particularly noteworthy and are stimulating interest.

I just don’t approve of the heavy handed way its being dished out to everyone, especially members who have no need to be threatened in the manner its been happening,

Eh up mate. Cheers for all your supporting opinions btw. You’ve been clearer than I as I allowed the frustration to cloud my points :laughing: .

I did find the suggestion from TN leadership this was down to a misunderstanding disappointing. It happened quickly was overt and has left some questions open. My kernel point is mentioned in my reply to DD.

However. In my willingness to make progress and defuse my reply to Dave and NMM has conceded full willingness on my part to move away to deconflict the disagreement. It isn’t conflict resolution to solely just pay lip service to the fact; the points at heart remaining un addressed, silenced. It requires effort, elements of respect from those involved.

As long as you can deconflict the situation and keep the channels open it can be productive. Sometimes :laughing: . Sometimes it just collapses, and depending on how important it is you either drop it or press on. If it’s a 747 with multiple hydraulic failure with a choice of diverting to two snow containated runways you might take conflicting opinion resolve more seriously :laughing:. If it’s whether to let the misses have ”thank god it’s not ice skating” - probably let it go :grimacing: :grimacing:

Hey Freight Dog, each and every one of you posting here has raised very valid points, captain caveman brought up regular members getting a little boisterous not being a problem and I do agree with that sentiment, the fact that it’s all very civilised now is proof that sometimes it needs to go like that to clear the air.

I didn’t single anybody out in particular, you just took the first bite and I played on it, with your help. It served a purpose and I think the point was made eventually, it’s not a blame game, we are all members here first and foremost and it became clear that changes were necessary.

I accept that some of the members that got caught in the net are valuable members that provide both knowledge and entertainment and as such, it appears on the surface to be a harsh regime now, but that’s going to be for the benefit of the site as a whole and that’s the objective.

Personally speaking I take my role as a moderator quite literally, I’m not an enforcer, I delete things that don’t belong, often with an explanation for all to see, I step into the odd argument here and there with a please stop or grow up comment, other than that I’m a big believer in free speech, proven by this thread and the others currently running about this situation.

Now having said that, my personal opinions mean nothing, it’s not my site, I don’t make the rules and whether I agree with them or not is irrelevant, I’ve deleted some things on here that I find hilarious, I’ve even saved some of the memes and stuff to my phone and used them elsewhere, but I’ve still deleted them for not conforming to trucknetuk guidelines, that’s what the rest of you have to do, filter what you post before somebody else does, if you don’t like something just ignore it if reacting to it is going to end up in an argument just because you don’t agree. You may be right, but it doesn’t always mean you should say so.

Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk

@ dieseldave.

Hiya Dave, …following Rob.k’s comments on cliques, (which to be fair is quite relavent) I’d like to hear your comments as chief mod on the subject.

Do you accept they exist on here… (pretty hard not to I reckon, as I said you get them in every walk of life, especially among blokes)

Hi Rob,

I think it might depend on how one defines a ‘clique.’
In our forum, I think of each of them as a common school of thought or attitude shared by a few people, so a few different schools of thought or attitude could be said to be ‘cliques.’

Do you look upon them as negative or derogatory to the forum, or do you see them as a positive thing, or something that does not matter here or there.

I don’t think it matters too much Rob.

Do you accept the existing (or perceived to be) cliques have gone a long way to cause some, many, all, or none of the present negative aspects on this forum.

I think that some people have an agenda which may be intended to damage the forum, or attempt to change the forum rules by rants and bully-boy tactics, in some way. If that counts as a clique, then so be it. Those people may think they win the odd tactical squabble here or there, so I hope it pleases them. Whether they count as a ‘clique’ isn’t really a consideration in the bigger picture IMHO. Their cards are marked and I think they know it, so I hope we can end the negative stuff.

Not looking for any side taking here mate between R.k and me, if you agree with R.k’s take on it at least the members of such can watch their step,.as I believe on the whole the genuine ones among us are all singing from the same hymn sheet to ‘tidy up’ this forum, and kick to [zb] the culprits.

I think that you and Rob K (and others) have made some excellent and very constructive points, and I’ve read the whole lot and thank you all for it!!
I’ve noticed that you and Rob K have something of a difference of opinion, but I think it’s great that it didn’t descend into nonsense and petty back biting.
Adults can agree to differ on some points whilst wholeheartedly agreeing on other points, and all at the same time.

Some people had a concern about free speech… no posts edited and TBH I can’t even remember seeing a ZB anywhere, which IMHO shows the idiots a thing or two.

The fact that we all as individuals think the culprits and offenders are different members to some of the mods do at present is another argument for another day. :smiley:

Quite true Rob, but then again, people can have their say and then agree to differ.
One of the points made (paraphrased) was that we’re pretty much all after the same broad objective, so I’d characterise that as some of us are using different satnavs, but we’ll still get where we want to be in the end.

Rob K:

One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter mate :grimacing:

As for being " part of the problem ", I can’t see how telling the truth is such? But you seem like a reasonable chap to me so I will allow you to join my ’ followers ’ if you like. But please beware that Robroy is a trusted member and holds a key position within my cabinet, so a bonding session will probably be essential :grimacing:

Thanks for the heads up about poking the hornets nest though (may be a little late but the ’ stings ’ are a tad tame tbh :laughing: )

I think most reasonable company owners are open to hearing constructive criticism if conveyed in a professional and adult manner. What they’re not open to is being told “how it is” and “how it should be” by some nobody with an inflated sense of self-importance. What they really don’t like is being constantly reminded about it with cheap jibes. To put it bluntly, you’ve failed on all 3 counts :smiley: .

I would also add my observations after reading your contributions thus far today are that you’re sailing extremely close to receiving an outright ban (imo). Whether that’s your intention or not I have no idea, but if it isn’t then my friendly advice from my own past experiences is that you should pipe down by several notches. Feel free to ignore at your peril! :wink:

An interesting reply. " Some nobody with an inflated sense of self-importance " :laughing:

Surely you can do a bit better than that fella? I can see why you got in trouble :wink: The fact that you are concerned about being banned off an internet site proves to me that it is actually YOU that does not appear to amount to much, and strike me as yet another person in life who gives it large under the cloak of anonymity. Fear is a natural and important instinct but you must control it :stuck_out_tongue:

Let’s be objective about this; The site is free so therefore a ban has no financial penalty to me. 99% of members are complete strangers to me. The handful of members that I do enjoy being in the company of contact me directly on my mobile phone. I can frequent numerous other internet sites at will.

So the ’ peril ’ that you speak of is of zero consequence to me fella :wink: I would respectfully suggest that maybe it is you that should pipe down. I mentioned to a moderator recently the same opinion that I am about to dispense to you.

" On your best day you are no match for me on my worst…"

The whole problem in a nutshell is that way to many people take this forum far too seriously, they see a post and instead of ignoring it and hopping onto another thread or even starting one of their own, they have to throw their opinion in and get worked up over it, then continue the barrage of insults and troll calling. Other clique members then step in and a vicious cycle begins and all over a thread that they dislike. Members who have been on here for years have developed a clique and have put their own self importance and imagine that they somehow are self appointed mods and believe that this is their own forum and anyone outside of this circle especially new members can expect nothing but ridicule at any post they make. I think the mods are doing a clear out and anyone who holds a self professed importance of themselves will be gone, not a bad judgement call in all honesty. There will be casualties along the way and a few put on pre mod who maybe otherwise shouldn’t. At the end of the day there are rules and we on pre mod have broken them, if you can’t do the time then don’t commit the crime. I am not bleating over pre mod or even think I am a pre Madonna, if you think your important to this site then actually, your probably not.

Eh up NMM.

Thanks for the reply mate. It’s good to talk as Bob Hoskins once growled :laughing: .

I think as users it is crucial that we don’t ever feel again a well meant, non rule breaking post can land us on pre mod action or booted. Point making or not I feel this is so important - it has created a large amount of mistrust if not undermined the very message trucknet demands of its users. It’s not something I ever wish to experience again on trucknet. If it were the case I would no longer use the forum. It would have become toxic to use.

(I’m aware of the door, it gets talked about too much to the wrong people :smiley: )

If that kind of thing doesn’t happen again, I remain, as I was before, fully onboard and try to do my bit :smiley: . I’ve only ever wanted trucknet to stay in existence. I think your fact regarding moderating to the rules is a really good one, and it’s one I absolutely respect.

Hope you’re having a good eve.

[jeremyclarkson]And another thing…[/jc]

Another little irony nugget I’ve noticed is that the complainants whom are crying about “infestations of trolls” don’t seem to have any problems dishing it out when some weaker opposition pops up on their radar screens :bulb: . Amazing how the delicate little snowflakes don’t like it when they’re given a dose of their own medicine and the first thing they do is go crying to the mods that “something must be done”. The mods then apply some “something must be done” to appease the whiners which basically amounts to a big crackdown on acceptable post content and removing the posting rights from some, but this is apparently “too heavy-handed” and they don’t like this either because some of them have got caught up in the crossfire and can no longer post freely. :laughing: You really couldn’t make this [zb] up! :grimacing:

Bulk order of these needed for a lot of snowflakes on here me thinks :

Those people may think they win the odd tactical squabble here or there, so I hope it pleases them. Whether they count as a ‘clique’ isn’t really a consideration in the bigger picture IMHO. Their cards are marked and I think they know it, .

I think it’s exactly the opposite Dave. We’re not sure who’s cards are marked now. After this thread I’m not sure if my cards are marked. And that is a result of witnessing the process laid before me when analysing the motives of my reply regarding “arguments”, citing my past behaviour in order to come to a misguided conclusion I was dubious.

I’d like to think my cards are not marked. But I don’t have much confidence in the system having witnessed the process. However I’ll carry on. And for this reason. I’ve always tried to maintain integrity when replying. If that gets me kicked off, modded or I find the door myself then so it would have to be. And that would be as they say, that :laughing:

Freight Dog:
I did find the suggestion from TN leadership this was down to a misunderstanding disappointing. It happened quickly was overt and has left some questions open. My kernel point is mentioned in my reply to DD.

Hi Freight Dog,

I’d just like to point out one thing please.

You said “this was down to a misunderstanding” which isn’t quite what I said.

Not wanting to escalate matters by taking sides, I deliberately worded it as a theory:

I saw a difference of opinion, so it might be that somebody hasn’t quite used what somebody else thinks to be the right word in a particular instance, but it also might equally be that somebody else took a word otherwise than it was intended. It then escalated somewhat.
Being non-judgemental… I think it possible that it could have been initiated by a simple misunderstanding on either part. Maybe that discussion could be continued by PM because I think that it could be resolved amicably by reasonable people… just a thought.

I could write a bit more at this point, but I feel that it wouldn’t help matters or be to anybody’s advantage.

If I lacked clarity, then I apologise for that.

Rob K:

Hi Rob. If you actually read the thread you’ll notice it’s nothing to do with the usual suspects whining they don’t like the taste of their own medicine. It’s to do with quite where the judgment lines fall that get you kicked onto modding. If you look again you might notice it didn’t take very much to invoke that suspicion.

But I’d hate to let the details rock you from your ivory tower :grimacing: :wink:

Nice picture btw.

Freight Dog:

Those people may think they win the odd tactical squabble here or there, so I hope it pleases them. Whether they count as a ‘clique’ isn’t really a consideration in the bigger picture IMHO. Their cards are marked and I think they know it, .

I think it’s exactly the opposite Dave. We’re not sure who’s cards are marked now. After this thread I’m not sure if my cards are marked. And that is a result of witnessing the process laid before me when analysing the motives of my reply regarding “arguments”, citing my past behaviour in order to come to a misguided conclusion I was dubious.

I’d like to think my cards are not marked. But I don’t have much confidence in the system having witnessed the process. However I’ll carry on. And for this reason. I’ve always tried to maintain integrity when replying. If that gets me kicked off, modded or I find the door myself then so it would have to be. And that would be as they say, that :laughing:

Hi Freight Dog,

Here’s the relevant quote:

I think that some people have an agenda which may be intended to damage the forum, or attempt to change the forum rules by rants and bully-boy tactics, in some way. If that counts as a clique, then so be it. Those people may think they win the odd tactical squabble here or there, so I hope it pleases them. Whether they count as a ‘clique’ isn’t really a consideration in the bigger picture IMHO. Their cards are marked and I think they know it, so I hope we can end the negative stuff.

I truly hope that you’re not imagining that I’m even thinking that you’re in that group. (Please.)