Infestation. [Merged]

the maoster:


the maoster:
Afternoon. Been drunk, have I missed anything?

This are a long series and you can join back at any episode, main theme is the same.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: just like Corrie street/ eastenders etc?

More like Hollyoaks in the 90’s but without the “self entertainment” opportunities.


the maoster:


the maoster:
Afternoon. Been drunk, have I missed anything?

This are a long series and you can join back at any episode, main theme is the same.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: just like Corrie street/ eastenders etc?

More like Hollyoaks in the 90’s but without the “self entertainment” opportunities.

Ha that’s a welcome break in an otherwise frosty exchange of views :smiley: .

I recall a particularly heavy Union meeting with airline management taking place in a meeting room. At one point the Flight Ops director - veins bulging and red with anger - completely lost his rag and stomped out of the door. Only to meekly re appear 10 seconds later. He’d walked into the store cupboard :laughing: ! Stifled snot inducing smirking :laughing:

(In the 90s I liked the brunette one with glasses, can’t remember her name)

Mercedes was her name I think mate. Completely ruined my sock drawer did that girl :blush:

the maoster:


the maoster:
Afternoon. Been drunk, have I missed anything?

This are a long series and you can join back at any episode, main theme is the same.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: just like Corrie street/ eastenders etc?

Not so long maybe :slight_smile: " Game of Thrones " ?

Don’t you dis GOT, remember what happened to the Prince of Dorne! :slight_smile:

My first word… Blimey!! :open_mouth:

I’ve been away working and only just got back, but I was pointed here by some PMs from different people. This topic has certainly been contributed to in the meantime.

I’ve read every post and I’ll say they were very interesting because there was (IMHO) some very (very) constructive feedback given, which I’ve taken on board.

I don’t really like to do the ‘naming’ thing because it can appear confrontational, or might be perceived as I’ve left somebody out, which is exactly what (I think) we’d all like to avoid. Having had a few sherbets, people can be touchy/sensitive on a Saturday afternoon. :wink:
I’ll thank the constructive posters for their input, so my true thanks and respect to them for giving me food for thought.

I saw a difference of opinion, so it might be that somebody hasn’t quite used what somebody else thinks to be the right word in a particular instance, but it also might equally be that somebody else took a word otherwise than it was intended. It then escalated somewhat.
Being non-judgemental… I think it possible that it could have been initiated by a simple misunderstanding on either part. Maybe that discussion could be continued by PM because I think that it could be resolved amicably by reasonable people… just a thought.

I’m also seeing that there are some (plural) who seem to challenge the forum rules under the guise of expressing an opinion by use of words such as “spine” and “balls” to quote one of them. I’ve got no problem with a forthright person’s views, they’re welcome!!

However, and needing to achieve a balanced response, those views should be expressed within the forum rules, otherwise…
(Those three dots save me from typing the rest. :wink: )

Since it’s clear that so much thought, time and effort was put into the constructive posts, I’d like to thank those posters again.
Thanks guys!! :smiley:

Call me arrogant, call me vain, call me paranoid, but I bet as sure as hell that I am in your eyes part of the ‘‘Clique’’ you are on about

You wouldn’t be feeling paranoid if what I’d written was not hitting a bit too close to home… But, if the cap fits… :bulb:

I also like to think I get on with the majority of the mods, a couple of pms do prove that.

And… ?

Are you suggesting that having such a good rapport with the mods empowers one with some kind of elevated status whereby the site rules no longer apply and they are free to conduct themselves however they want? I’ve got news for you : it does not, as I too get on with the majority of the mods and have still been sin-binned on more than one occasion.

There are cliques in every pub, organisation, club, football grounds, or any other gathering of testoterone fuelled groups. So as far as this forum goes, Trucknet is no different, and with those cliques come the ‘‘in jokes and cracks’’ , …fair enough a bit boring and meaningless to others on the periphary.

No. You see that’s where you’re very wrong, robroy. If you behave in an outlandish manner in any of those public places you’ve listed as examples, the worst that is likely to happen is you’ll receive some tutting and rolling of eyes from people in the immediate proximity and that’s about it. Trucknet, on the other hand, is a privately run forum that is open to the public to join as a member with set rules on how one is expected to conduct themselves. As it is a privately run forum then the owner/administrator(s) are the arbiters of what content they deem to be acceptable and have an overall positive impact on the site. From recent postings it would appear they have decided that the low quality “in jokes, cracks, bantz” posts and the way that certain groups of members are treating the place as their own personal playground are collectively affecting the site in a negative way and are clamping down.

Yeh, I’ve outed one or two trolls, mainly because that is what they are…trolls end of.

“Troll” is the default cry of a weak individual that doesn’t possess the intelligence or intellect to counter-argue a person’s argument or opinion that is not inline with their own. Baseless finger-pointing says a lot more about the accuser than the accused…

I’d rather attempt to have an intelligent debate/discussion with these members whom you deem to be “trolls” than read the endless inane Facebook-esque drivel and “bantz” that counts for a large part of the forum content over the past 5+ years.

the maoster:
Don’t you dis GOT, remember what happened to the Prince of Dorne! :slight_smile:

Yes, explosion, when force applied overcame resistance. Simple physics. :slight_smile:


I’m exercising my rights as a member to join the debate.

Really? Because a few hours ago anyone else was “contributing to this whingefest”.
What you’re doing now is trying to backtrack but last night you threw your toys out the pram and to try to pretend it was some sort of lesson teaching moment you were doing is laughable.

I see this as deliberately attempting to provoke an argument.

I knew one of you would bite

So you deliberately provoked an argument? That’s not artistic license, that’s one rule for me and another for you.
What the mods/admin are doing is acting like bullying prison guards trying to beat everyone into toeing the line.
To further than analogy, you (collective you) let a few bad ones run amok and control the place because you were too scared to act and now you’re smashing everyone with a nightstick to get order so dont act upset and ■■■■■■ off when not everyone takes it lying down

Yes I deliberately provoked a response, sometimes you need to speak to people in a language they understand, it worked too, as I got a response. It isn’t one rule for one as my post was fine, it was the response that turned things into an argument, all I did from that point was let out more rope.

Trust me, I’m not backtracking, I made my feelings quite clear without throwing my toys around and they haven’t changed one bit. If my posts had been from someone else, not a moderator, the poster would have been called out as a troll, that’s how you lot work, disagree and you all steam in.

Things did get out of hand on here for a while, clear warning was given that it was not going to be tolerated any longer, but some of you saw that as a challenge and here we are.

You need to let what’s happened sink in and accept that things have changed, you took a mile when given an inch and it ended badly, so either shape up or ship out, it’s that simple.

Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk

Hmmnn. " What do we have here? " I ask?

We have moderators/site managers who really are proving that they are no match for some of mere mortals on here. Freight Dog- A man of clear intelligence with a balanced and good sense of humour. Snowman- Pretty much the same. But all of a sudden the game has changed…

Because of a FEW of us on here, our tactics have forced the moderation crew into a corner without them realising it until it was too late. YES I deliberately provoked a reaction by mocking Rikki’s post (Big Clint always delivers [emoji38] ), but even The mighty Beaver didn’t expect such a collapse :wink:

Turning on FD and Frozen chap is a HUGE mistake fella’s! ( I don’t mention the ladeez because Albion, Lucy etc seem like good eggs to me [emoji14] ). All you have done is simply reinforced the commonly held view that it really is a case of " MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY "

This pre-mod crap doesn’t make a sod of difference to me personally NMM, the other lads who you seem to BELITTLE by calling them ’ followers ’ :unamused: have their own minds & views, and IF they were followers I would be proud to lead them. So don’t start picking fights with the members because YOU WILL LOSE. We can simply ■■■■ off somewhere else and reform.

So if you want to continue with your pleasing the owners, selling advertising and generally preening your non existant feathers, do us a favour and tone it down. As already said-you are embarassing yourselves.

You’re not doing yourself any favours here are you. Do you really hold yourself in such high esteem that you think you are the sole reason for the recent crackdown? Not much of an accolade if it was true, unfortunately you’re not, sorry to burst that bubble.

To make it clear, yes it is MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY, with MY being the site rules, clearly that gives you two options, you can choose either one, the third option does not exist as sanctions are in place to ensure that anyone who doesn’t take the highway is forced to do it MY WAY.

I WILL LOSE, what exactly am I going to lose? I’ve given this careful consideration over the past few hours and I can’t come up with anything, nothing at all. If you were to ■■■■ off somewhere else to reform, how would that impact me in any way?

As for keeping the owners happy and advertising, yes that’s exactly who I want to keep on board, without them there would be no trucknetuk.

Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk

RobK- Why don’t you name who you believe to be this ’ clique ’ ?

If you have to ask then maybe you’re part of the problem? :bulb: For anyone that’s been a regular visitor here for more than a few months it’s pretty clear who the key perpetrators are.

For the record I personally don’t have any issues with the vast majority of your posts. Most are entertaining in a positive way and provide some light relief from mundane life. Where you’ve royally messed up is by getting too cocky and deciding that telling Rikki a few home truths whilst prodding him with a big pointy stick was a good idea :laughing: . Let me tell you my friend that this is road I have trodden many years before you and it didn’t end well for me either :frowning: .

Time to MTFU. You’ve done the crime now do your time and stop bleating about all your “followers” :laughing: :unamused: . I tried that one as well, including an official Number 10 Downing Street online petition to have me reinstated and Rikki still stood firm so you’ve no chance! :laughing:

( apologies for editing. More for brevity to let you know I’ve acknowledged your reply)

Eh up Dave. Thanks for taking the time to absorb and reply with balance. It is constructive you acknowledge positive intentions. I think your approach and mediation is very beneficial. I appreciate keeping the figurative channel with what makes trucknet (users) - open.

An unsatiated issue remains. Within the bulk of emotive text a disquieting aspect lies latent. Of late there exists conflicting attitudes, demands and behaviours.

During self review Trucknet cited, as a business, value of its users. A plea for collaborative assistance, engagement and responsibility in order to maintain the forum safe and viable for use. Yet - empirically on this sub forum- tone has been expressed from Trucknet at odds with its requests. A conflicting and condescending message. In light of this dichotomy for us to assist, it is crucial that the TN team is consistent, constructive and respectful.

I can only express my own goals on the feedback forum; to use my own experiences in order to engage TN’s self reviewing approach as a platform.

With that in mind your conflict resolution is welcome to parry negativity and focus on the constructive goals. After all, we all want this to continue. With that in mind I’ll pass out my own olive branch to NMM in a later post in order to constructively move forward.


Rob K:

Call me arrogant, call me vain, call me paranoid, but I bet as sure as hell that I am in your eyes part of the ‘‘Clique’’ you are on about

You wouldn’t be feeling paranoid if what I’d written was not hitting a bit too close to home… But, if the cap fits… :bulb:

I also like to think I get on with the majority of the mods, a couple of pms do prove that.

And… ?

Are you suggesting that having such a good rapport with the mods empowers one with some kind of elevated status whereby the site rules no longer apply and they are free to conduct themselves however they want? I’ve got news for you : it does not, as I too get on with the majority of the mods and have still been sin-binned on more than one occasion.

There are cliques in every pub, organisation, club, football grounds, or any other gathering of testoterone fuelled groups. So as far as this forum goes, Trucknet is no different, and with those cliques come the ‘‘in jokes and cracks’’ , …fair enough a bit boring and meaningless to others on the periphary.

No. You see that’s where you’re very wrong, robroy. If you behave in an outlandish manner in any of those public places you’ve listed as examples, the worst that is likely to happen is you’ll receive some tutting and rolling of eyes from people in the immediate proximity and that’s about it. Trucknet, on the other hand, is a privately run forum that is open to the public to join as a member with set rules on how one is expected to conduct themselves. As it is a privately run forum then the owner/administrator(s) are the arbiters of what content they deem to be acceptable and have an overall positive impact on the site. From recent postings it would appear they have decided that the low quality “in jokes, cracks, bantz” posts and the way that certain groups of members are treating the place as their own personal playground are collectively affecting the site in a negative way and are clamping down.

Yeh, I’ve outed one or two trolls, mainly because that is what they are…trolls end of.

“Troll” is the default cry of a weak individual that doesn’t possess the intelligence or intellect to counter-argue a person’s argument or opinion that is not inline with their own. Baseless finger-pointing says a lot more about the accuser than the accused…

I’d rather attempt to have an intelligent debate/discussion with these members whom you deem to be “trolls” than read the endless inane Facebook-esque drivel and “bantz” that counts for a large part of the forum content over the past 5+ years.

Ok mate, firstly I did not say I WAS feeling paranoid, it was my perception (among others) of what you maybe thought I would feel after reading your post (your answer ‘‘if the cap fits’’ maybe confirms that. :bulb: )

What I DID say was that I did not agree with you on many of your points, so that said, your opinions of me personally, negative or (unlikely so :smiley: ) positive are in my mind irelavent tbh.
I was just responding to your post about cliques, as I respond to many other posts from many other people.
If I felt paranoia it would suggest that I actually give a ■■■■ what you think, I don’t, so I didn’t…no offence intended btw Rob, just saying it as it is mate.

‘Getting on with mods’ was my point that they maybe have a different opinion to my posts than you evidently do.
The phrase ‘‘Elevated status’’ were YOUR words and YOUR opinion of how I may or may not perceive my bearing or status on here…NOT mine. :bulb:

So thanks for the advice on how to conduct myself on here, but tbf mate and brutally honest, I aint going to take any advice from a guy with multi id.s (one of the probs on this forum in question) and one who has had his wings clipped on pre.mod more than once, especially as I have not experienced that accolade myself …but thanks for the sentiment anyway. :wink:

The troll thing…My intelligence and debating skills are fine thanks, but I don’t waste my time trying to find out the motives of someone who comes on here purely to make mischief and garner controversy for the sake of it…imo ‘‘trolls’’, evidently not your opinion.

It’s like this Rob, you have your views and opinions, and you’re fully entitled to express them, as I have mine and as I also do…thing is they are each at opposite ends of the spectrum.
So, that in mind, we will just have to agree to differ.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


Hmmnn. " What do we have here? " I ask?

We have moderators/site managers who really are proving that they are no match for some of mere mortals on here. Freight Dog- A man of clear intelligence with a balanced and good sense of humour. Snowman- Pretty much the same. But all of a sudden the game has changed…

Because of a FEW of us on here, our tactics have forced the moderation crew into a corner without them realising it until it was too late. YES I deliberately provoked a reaction by mocking Rikki’s post (Big Clint always delivers [emoji38] ), but even The mighty Beaver didn’t expect such a collapse :wink:

Turning on FD and Frozen chap is a HUGE mistake fella’s! ( I don’t mention the ladeez because Albion, Lucy etc seem like good eggs to me [emoji14] ). All you have done is simply reinforced the commonly held view that it really is a case of " MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY "

This pre-mod crap doesn’t make a sod of difference to me personally NMM, the other lads who you seem to BELITTLE by calling them ’ followers ’ :unamused: have their own minds & views, and IF they were followers I would be proud to lead them. So don’t start picking fights with the members because YOU WILL LOSE. We can simply ■■■■ off somewhere else and reform.

So if you want to continue with your pleasing the owners, selling advertising and generally preening your non existant feathers, do us a favour and tone it down. As already said-you are embarassing yourselves.

You’re not doing yourself any favours here are you. Do you really hold yourself in such high esteem that you think you are the sole reason for the recent crackdown? Not much of an accolade if it was true, unfortunately you’re not, sorry to burst that bubble.

To make it clear, yes it is MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY, with MY being the site rules, clearly that gives you two options, you can choose either one, the third option does not exist as sanctions are in place to ensure that anyone who doesn’t take the highway is forced to do it MY WAY.

I WILL LOSE, what exactly am I going to lose? I’ve given this careful consideration over the past few hours and I can’t come up with anything, nothing at all. If you were to ■■■■ off somewhere else to reform, how would that impact me in any way?

As for keeping the owners happy and advertising, yes that’s exactly who I want to keep on board, without them there would be no trucknetuk.

Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk

Not doing myself any favours? Don’t need any mate thanks :wink:

However, if you want me to pop over to FB and try and sort out your 30 day ban for trying to be clever, I’m all in :laughing:
(Seems to me that you are the one in need of a favour) :grimacing: Trying to mis-quote and massage my comments in order to make me look like a big head won’t work either. Do you honestly believe that the majority of folk on here think that I am claiming to be the sole reason for the crack down? Laughable.

I don’t know you NMM and have never had any reason to fall out with you. I have far better things to do than get bothered by total strangers. However the hypocrisy coming from you is quite amusing. Have a good read of your own comments on the brexit thread, having a good old whinge that " they " have banned you!!

It seems to me that there is a growing number of disgruntled members on here, and if you lot were wise you would take notice and settle yourselves down :wink:

Rob K:

RobK- Why don’t you name who you believe to be this ’ clique ’ ?

If you have to ask then maybe you’re part of the problem? :bulb: For anyone that’s been a regular visitor here for more than a few months it’s pretty clear who the key perpetrators are.

For the record I personally don’t have any issues with the vast majority of your posts. Most are entertaining in a positive way and provide some light relief from mundane life. Where you’ve royally messed up is by getting too cocky and deciding that telling Rikki a few home truths whilst prodding him with a big pointy stick was a good idea :laughing: . Let me tell you my friend that this is road I have trodden many years before you and it didn’t end well for me either :frowning: .

Time to MTFU. You’ve done the crime now do your time and stop bleating about all your “followers” :laughing: :unamused: . I tried that one as well, including an official Number 10 Downing Street online petition to have me reinstated and Rikki still stood firm so you’ve no chance! :laughing:

One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter mate :grimacing:

As for being " part of the problem ", I can’t see how telling the truth is such? But you seem like a reasonable chap to me so I will allow you to join my ’ followers ’ if you like. But please beware that Robroy is a trusted member and holds a key position within my cabinet, so a bonding session will probably be essential :grimacing:

Thanks for the heads up about poking the hornets nest though (may be a little late but the ’ stings ’ are a tad tame tbh :laughing: )


Evening NMM.

I’m sure you and I have the same basic goal regarding trucknet that is common to most of us. We want it to work.

With that in mind I think it’s benefical we resolve conflict in order to regain a positive focus.

To triangulate back to the originating topic of argument; I can see merit in your points. Those points deserve further exploration and thought from everybody given the citing of moderation.

With regards to our subsequent exchanges; I want to scrub aside the pallet and set those disagreements adrift. It’s counter productive to everyone for you and I to maintain that course. From my perspective it’s gone, forgotten and I still welcome and remain open minded to your views.

All the best.

Yes I deliberately provoked a response, sometimes you need to speak to people in a language they understand, it worked too, as I got a response. It isn’t one rule for one as my post was fine, it was the response that turned things into an argument, all I did from that point was let out more rope.

Can you not even see the hypocrisy in what you just said?
Whether you did it deliberetly to prove a point or not I dont really care tbh. Personally I think you lost your cool because you couldnt handle not getting “yes sir, no sir” and anyone questioning you. You’re thinly veiled threat of premod for continuing to argue with you didnt do you any favours, nor did calling the whole thread a whingefest. Maybe im wrong, only you know for sure. What isnt up for debate though is that either way, its not behaviour becoming of a moderator. Someone charged with making sure the forum is kept to the rules has no place provoking a response from members, point proving or otherwise.

If my posts had been from someone else, not a moderator, the poster would have been called out as a troll, that’s how you lot work, disagree and you all steam in.

Not even close. Someone who only just joined with a post count in single figures who has clearly only joined with the intention of posting insults is called out as a troll. Not someone whos been a member for ages. There’s a big difference. Not every new member is called out as a troll but have you ever considered that when they are its because of the ineptitude and inaction of the management team last year where they were ignored in the hope they would go away themselves? Those of us trying to use the forum properly were basically left to fend for ourselves and wade through the sludge, dealing with the usual anti hgv driver insults and baiting while the admins sat back and washed their hands of it so stop beating everyone around the head now when we see an obvious troublemaker, or the paranoia we got from last year is carried on. Cracking down doesnt mean the overnight the trust in admins will automatically reappear. A lot of us lost that trust last year when you lot decided the rules wernt being broken. It doesnt magically reappear and certainly not with the attitude being shown from management at present to anyone who dares step out of line.

you took a mile when given an inch and it ended badly, so either shape up or ship out, it’s that simple.

See this is EXACTLY what i’m talking about. The mods and admin were responsible for the mess that was allowed to develop last year, NO ONE ELSE. Countless times members were pointing out obvious trolls and pleading to get them booted only to get “they arent breaking forum rules” and it was allowed to continue but now all of a sudden everyone’s getting it in the neck with the type of responses you gave last night. Stop blaming everyone for the mess the site got into and shoulder the blame where its deserved.
There are members on here getting spoken to by admins and mods in a way which is not on. Cracking down is one thing but youve gone far too far and treating everyone as hostile is not going to bring the forum back to its intended purpose. If you keep abusing people (or provoking responses as you call it) then you wont have much of a forum left to moderate.
We all want a decent forum, a few laughs, some gentle ribbing and some helpful advice. Thats not in question. In that respect, we’re all on the same side. However, to use my prison analogy again, prisoners and guards also want a quiet, easy life but if the guards start charging around, treating everyone like dirt and blaming everyone else for a problem they created then dont be surprised when theres resistance to your methoeds

Thanks for the heads up about poking the hornets nest though (may be a little late but the ’ stings ’ [that I’ve had so far :wink: ] are a tad tame tbh :laughing: )

FTFY, but please don’t let’s go there. :grimacing:

But as you said in another topic:

So I reckon we should ALL learn from recent events and move on.

With which I still agree, so best foot forward eh?. :smiley:



Hmmnn. " What do we have here? " I ask?

We have moderators/site managers who really are proving that they are no match for some of mere mortals on here. Freight Dog- A man of clear intelligence with a balanced and good sense of humour. Snowman- Pretty much the same. But all of a sudden the game has changed…

Because of a FEW of us on here, our tactics have forced the moderation crew into a corner without them realising it until it was too late. YES I deliberately provoked a reaction by mocking Rikki’s post (Big Clint always delivers [emoji38] ), but even The mighty Beaver didn’t expect such a collapse :wink:

Turning on FD and Frozen chap is a HUGE mistake fella’s! ( I don’t mention the ladeez because Albion, Lucy etc seem like good eggs to me [emoji14] ). All you have done is simply reinforced the commonly held view that it really is a case of " MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY "

This pre-mod crap doesn’t make a sod of difference to me personally NMM, the other lads who you seem to BELITTLE by calling them ’ followers ’ :unamused: have their own minds & views, and IF they were followers I would be proud to lead them. So don’t start picking fights with the members because YOU WILL LOSE. We can simply ■■■■ off somewhere else and reform.

So if you want to continue with your pleasing the owners, selling advertising and generally preening your non existant feathers, do us a favour and tone it down. As already said-you are embarassing yourselves.

You’re not doing yourself any favours here are you. Do you really hold yourself in such high esteem that you think you are the sole reason for the recent crackdown? Not much of an accolade if it was true, unfortunately you’re not, sorry to burst that bubble.

To make it clear, yes it is MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY, with MY being the site rules, clearly that gives you two options, you can choose either one, the third option does not exist as sanctions are in place to ensure that anyone who doesn’t take the highway is forced to do it MY WAY.

I WILL LOSE, what exactly am I going to lose? I’ve given this careful consideration over the past few hours and I can’t come up with anything, nothing at all. If you were to ■■■■ off somewhere else to reform, how would that impact me in any way?

As for keeping the owners happy and advertising, yes that’s exactly who I want to keep on board, without them there would be no trucknetuk.

Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk

Not doing myself any favours? Don’t need any mate thanks :wink:

However, if you want me to pop over to FB and try and sort out your 30 day ban for trying to be clever, I’m all in [emoji38]
(Seems to me that you are the one in need of a favour) :grimacing: Trying to mis-quote and massage my comments in order to make me look like a big head won’t work either. Do you honestly believe that the majority of folk on here think that I am claiming to be the sole reason for the crack down? Laughable.

I don’t know you NMM and have never had any reason to fall out with you. I have far better things to do than get bothered by total strangers. However the hypocrisy coming from you is quite amusing. Have a good read of your own comments on the brexit thread, having a good old whinge that " they " have banned you!!

It seems to me that there is a growing number of disgruntled members on here, and if you lot were wise you would take notice and settle yourselves down :wink:

Eagerbeaver it’s not hypocritical as its Facebook and not trucknetuk. That’s the thing that you appear to be getting confused about, over there you can post things which are frowned upon here, not the stuff I posted obviously as that’s frowned upon over there too as my ban clearly proves.

I’m on another 30day ban over there as we speak, since September last year I’ve had my account open for about a fortnight in total. I posted some Hitler memes on a closed page on 20th April a couple of years ago, Hitler’s birthday and got banned for the first time, since then my card has been marked and the slightest thing gets me banned, with each ban getting progressively longer. I poked the bear and now I’m paying the price. I don’t like it, but there’s nothing I can do about it.

See the similarities with trucknetuk and your situation?

As I’ve said, it’s not personal, not with any of you, all of this dialogue here is just that, in my mind it’s a place to get stuff off your chest, an amnesty of sorts. I actually find some of your posts entertaining, along with others in your little gang.

However, things have got to change, that’s all you’re being asked to do, not just you lot, but everyone on here. The softly softly approach didn’t work, so it’s bad cop, bad cop now. These are the rules we all have to play by from now on, no amount of debate, discussion or arguing is going to change that.

Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk

Following my answer to RobK mate, you must be referring to a different clique :smiley: , as you will know I’ve always got on with you, as a couple of others have in the ‘‘clique’’ that RobK evidently (or not) perceives me to be in.
Just saying. :wink:

I wasn’t actually referring to you as being in any clique rob, I do get on with you and find your posts humorous at times and in general informative. I was referring to those who constantly hound me as the clique. You have never to my recollection, ever posted anything I would consider as insulting or being one of the clique, there are a good few men on here but an element of people who I could never relate to or consider as intelligent.