Infestation. [Merged]

I see this as deliberately attempting to provoke an argument.

Well I saw it as having a laugh and having a joke with you. To me, it looked like having a play on the topic and you’ve got all bent out of shape, taken it seriously and flew right off the deep end
Much like rikki last night, you’ve missed the point of the posts and taken them serious and created something out of nothing.
Your responses here are MUCH more aggressive than anyone else’s on this thread so far and is exactly what I meant in my reply to Rikki this morning when I said the mods and admins were getting increasingly arrogant when dealing with members comments. “its our way, thats it and dont argue” seems to be the order of the day.
Remember, ordinary members were powerless with the trolls last year. On many occasions members were ignoring them but posting pleading messages to the admins to boot them and sort it out only to get replies of “they arent breaking forum rules” . It was the mods and admins who let them run around like hyperactive children and let the forum descend into a near farce, no one else, so don’t start blaming everyone else for it now. The chances to nip it in the bud were there and not taken. It was allowed to run (for what appeared to be hope that it would stop itself) till someone said “enough” and now whats happening is I guess a message was sent to all mods and admins along the lines of “dont take any ■■■■ and start cracking the whip. If you decide someones trolling, premod them and we’ll back you up” and that power has gone right to your heads. A thinly veiled threat to freightdog about premod if he kept replying to you was bang out of order.
The problem youve got now is you’re all cracking down and being far too heavy handed (see youre replies to beaver and FD if you want an example) with the wrong people.
“The door is that way” might be a good response to end anyone questioning things but remember, a forum without members isnt a forum. If you all continue to alienate people and continue down this path of everyone getting battered for daring to question what the ■■■■■ going on behind the scenes then all the decent members will say “■■■■ this, im out of here” and leave. Then youll be left with few decent members and guess what, your troll problem will still be here before they move on but by then itll be too late


As I also said, your posting history is very different to your last few posts, I see this as deliberately attempting to provoke an argument.

Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk

So you find yourself in disagreement with one of the readership due your fly handed accusatory manner you displayed from your response.

I am normally different, but not for the reasons you mention. Rarely when chatting to online friends such as a Dipper, Maoster etc they do not ever behave in such a manner you find yourself any other way. YOU are a moderator. I gave you a simple well mannered balanced response on a feedback forum. And since your post one reply to my feedback you have accused me multiple times and bolstered with threats.

Of course I will take issue. I have a member on trucknet prior to 2005. The beginning when, it was known as the round table. I don’t mention that in the sense that time served means anything at all - rather my using the boards means I care about the forum and it’s direction.

I can see the bordering abuse of your position has me firmly stuffed on this. Interesting development on the forum. Leaves me with something to think about anyway.

A little ironic by bickering and arguing on a thread about stamping out bickering and arguing. I think the current climate has really turned everyone insane. As quoted in my previous post, I think common sense has taken leave in this instance. Everyone is now getting accused of being a troll if it suits the mods and is then dealt by a heavy handed approach. Why accuse Freight Dog of trolling when it is quite evident to me that he is simply expressing an opinion.

You call it aggressive, I call it saying it how it is and to further expand on that, on the one hand some of you are saying that we’re being heavy handed and jumping on the smallest thing and yet when things get a little argumentative you start crying foul, you can’t have it both ways.

Yes I have a little bit more “artistic licence” which allowed me to make my point and it worked out surprisingly better than I hoped, I knew one of you would bite, in this case it was FD.

The point is your reaction to my in your face replies, you (the general you) didn’t like it and that’s the effect that the petty arguments and ganging up have on the members as a whole, it may be fine amongst yourselves, but overall it’s not on. That’s the point of all of this, it’s about what’s best for the site as a whole, not just what pleases a few, or even a lot.

Now, as you were chaps.

Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk

Yes I have a little bit more “artistic licence” which allowed me to make my point and it worked out surprisingly better than I hoped, I knew one of you would bite, in this case it was FD.

The point is your reaction to my in your face replies, you (the general you) didn’t like it and that’s the effect that the petty arguments and ganging up have on the members as a whole, it may be fine amongst yourselves, but overall it’s not on. That’s the point of all of this, it’s about what’s best for the site as a whole, not just what pleases a few, or even a lot.

Now, as you were chaps.

Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk

This statement is ridiculous to say the very least. Highly embarrassed yourself.

Yes I have a little bit more “artistic licence” which allowed me to make my point and it worked out surprisingly better than I hoped, I knew one of you would bite, in this case it was FD.

Oh right. Well I don’t quite get this. So you’re now saying this was some kind of thought experiment? For crying out loud.

I’d rather you didn’t accuse and threaten to bait and play games.

Do you not see that the very reason the way you dealt with this received such dismay was because you area mod? A normal poster can’t threaten to mod me. A normal poster doesn’t have the power to ban me. You do! You have proved nothing. Just damaged the integrity of the leadership in my eyes.

I posted in the feedback forum. Trucknet has had some troubled times. I’m aware of it and thought I’d do my bit and engage. In good faith I wrote a normal well mannered post. Childish games from some posters one thing. For goodness sakes we’re adults.

Luckily I’m pretty prosaic as “one swallow a summer does not make”, I don’t completely let one instance dictate my impression of the whole.

I surely cannot be the only person here to notice the utter irony of those members whining about trolls/trolling/mods done nothing to stop it etc, are largely the perpetrators of the very stuff they’re complaining about? :bulb: Has no-one bothered to point out to them that perhaps they should take a look in a mirror to see the source of the problems and realise that their “bantz” are pathetic, not even remotely funny and suggest they change their ways if they wish to continue being a member?

My casual observations over the past 48 hours of reading various threads dating back a few months and also occasional ‘look-ins’ prior to that show quite clearly there are around 10 prolific members that have formed a clique and between them with their silly little ‘in jokes’ have turned this site into one of the most unfriendly and unwelcoming on the net if you’re new or an outsider. This is not a new thing either, it’s been rife here for at least the past 5+ years.

Their modus operandi is roughly thus :

  1. new guy or someone not in their clique posts a thread.
  2. clique member posts a jpeg/gif meme insult or ■■■■-take.
  3. another clique member will jump on the bandwagon with some insults and abuse of their own.
  4. ringleader of the clique appears with his usual 2 line reply and long line of laughing emoticons.
  5. a different clique member replies to the ringleader with more laughing emoticons and some terrible ‘in joke’.
  6. ringleader replies to that with some guff.
  7. another clique member will post agreeing with the others and will call into question the legitimacy of the story or whatever posted by the OP.
  8. repeat points 3 to 6 ad infinitum until there’s at least 3 pages of back-slapping and thinly veiled abuse and insults at which point the OP concludes that Trucknet is full of complete and utter bell-ends and never returns.

In essence this clique of members are treating the Trucknet forums as their personal chatroom. If you’re not part of the clique then you get ganged up on and ousted out. The utter garbage and dross that you’d usually find contained to Facebook groups has spilled across to these forums and it’s spread like an out of control disease.

I note from reading between the lines on the threads that number 2 clique member has finally been disposed of but why has this taken so long? Rikki and the administrators should be ashamed of themselves for letting that go on for over 5 years. Any member with a vaguely foreign sounding username whom didn’t have English as their first language was ripped apart by him on EVERY POST they made and the mods did absolutely nothing. How in the name of all things Holy is that behaviour acceptable and how do you think it looks to them or any other new members? I am no fan of the driving antics of our foreign cousins but they should not be subject to constant unwarranted abuse and ■■■■-taking on every post they make just from wanting to participate and join in the discussions. And again, those members ripping them to shreds over their limited grasp of the English language are often found to have a poor command of English grammar themselves. Stones and glasshouses? :bulb:

The only reason I can see that the clique members are complaining about “trolls” is simply because the non-clique member(s) have an opinion that isn’t inline with their (collective) own. When the usual ganging up together to oust them out doesn’t have the desired effect, the crying and name-calling begins because they don’t like that an “outsider” has a differing opinion to their own and is challenging their faux authority. It’s blatantly obvious in nearly all of the lengthy threads that have descended into petty arguing and name-calling. They pretend to act all innocent and hide behind “it’s just banter” when challenged but it’s BS and it stifles any interesting or intelligent discussions from taking place.

Make it known to the perpetrators that their content is not welcome here with the tools at your disposal and eventually the message will sink in and they’ll find somewhere else to congregate. The fact that they post just staying on the right side of the ‘rules’ line should make no difference. If their response to someone’s post is not constructive, helpful or deemed not to be a worthy contribution to the site then remove it. It really should not be hard to sort out. Get rid of the source of the problem and slowly people will return and the post quality will start to improve and the 5+ years of Facebook-esque trash posts will disappear into the aether.

I am of course fully prepared for the wholly predictable “pot calling kettle” responses to this due to having a history for being a bit of a scamp myself (as I’m sure the long-termers here will be quite eager to remind me of). However I feel qualified to comment as I too have been firmly placed in the sin-bin on 2 occasions for overstepping the mark and I have the wing clippings to prove it, but, having been away for some years and remembering how this site used to be, it really has become an unpleasant and unwelcoming place to visit. Ignore the cries of “it’s just bantz” and stop letting certain members treat the forums as their own personal playground. No ifs, no buts, no discussion about it; post on-topic and constructively or bugger off back to Facebook where you came from.

Not at all, you know how many members there are on the forums that haven’t contributed to this whingefest, I’ll give you a clue, it’s 99.9% of them.

You lot have been given fair warning of why, what and how and yet you still keep giving “feedback” as you call it. I even made what has been referred to as an embarrassing attempt at showing you what effect you have on the 99.9% of trucknetuk members.

They see posts from one of you and then the rest of you join in and other members exit stage left. Your heroes had posting freedoms taken away from them and all you’ve done since then is whine and cry about it.

It’s been explained to you all quite clearly, prior to the premodding and numerous times since, yet here we go again. The tail does not wag the dog here, you all need to understand that. You can call it whatever you like, you can like it or dislike it, it doesn’t change a single thing, you play by the rules or you don’t play at all.

Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk

You lot have been given fair warning of why, what and how and yet you still keep giving “feedback” as you call it.

Blooming heck. You’re now even critical that we’re giving feedback or calling it feedback. It is called the feedback forum.

If you see my post a page or two back I stuck up for the moderation on here and how a balance needs to be struck. If you see my posts during the time when the purge happened you’d see I was very supportive.

It’s been explained to you all quite clearly, prior to the premodding and numerous times since, yet here we go again.

The rest of your aggressive tone about sums it up. “We’re all bad”.

As a user you’ll see I don’t do personal attacks, gang up on people or any such antics. I’ve been a member on here years and try and treat it like it used to be, as if you’re in the room with someone. Yes I’ve been in discussions with folk on here. But I discuss as adults. The only thing I can’t see is how I deserved that bullshine thought experiment and behaviour from you.

Never mind tail wagging dog. How the hell do you expect good behaviour from users if someone making a pleasant post on a forum can expect the kind of manner in return that I have just received from trucknet Staff?

Why do you think I’m singling you out FD? I’m not and attempted to make that clear by emphasising “you in general” so no need to be so touchy.

My methods may not be to your taste, but you unwittingly made my point, you didn’t like what I had written and told me how you felt about it in no uncertain terms.

That’s how the majority of members view the stuff that has been happening in the recent past, I know this to be fact because that’s how the moderator team get to hear about it, we are few and don’t see everything posted on the forums, but things do get brought to our attention.

It’s been dealt with and regurgitating it isn’t going to change anything, except to add to the list of members without the freedom to post at will.

Yes, I may come across as aggressive, but as has been said, we are all big boys here and if you make that claim yourselves, then you have to realise that it’s a two way street.

The facts are that there was a little clique that was at the centre of most of the recent trouble, in my opinion that was self inflicted and now many of the clique are here complaining about trolls. It’s laughable really.

Now FD, don’t take it personally, most of that isn’t directed at you, but nevertheless it is feedback, that’s a two way street too and I’m exercising my rights as a member to join the debate. I’m not adding names to a list that I don’t have in the first place, just sharing my thoughts with you all.

Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk

Odd really, as I was never in this clique and more to the point I am constantly being accused by the clique of being a troll and a fantasist or whatever else, I post up proof and still I get the same treatment and barrage of abuse. I am constantly hounded at every post put up and it is plain to see the clique like a pack of hounds after me. I am accused of being any person that agrees with me, I am on pre mod through this clique and yes I admit I have done the odd post to rile up this clique only out of sheer contempt. The mods listened to the clique and was even influenced by them and as a result, every post made by myself was then dubbed as a troll or must be made up. Your theory of a clique is sort of watered down when you read any of my posts and see the replies that I will always receive and yet you allow it and only edit any reply from myself. I do not ever post insults unless I am replying to one.

UKTramp, you said it yourself mate, making posts to rile people and posting insults is going to fast track you to the naughty step. If you find yourself the subject of sanctions, it’s nothing personal, there’s no agenda here, half of the stuff I read here makes me want to gouge out my eyes with a rusty spoon, but as long as it doesn’t contravene the rules, there’s nothing I can do about it.

Now the clique thing again, over the years there have been many of those, kindred spirits and all that, every one of them descends into chaos at some point, they either try to outdo each other and cross the line, or there’s in fighting as the alpha males start trying to mark their territory, anyone who has been around a while can testify to that.

All this latest nonsense is just a storm in a teacup, a few guys overstepped the mark, friendly warnings were issued, then formal warnings and announcements were made and still it persisted, so action was taken and that’s upset a few people, not only the ones caught up in the dragnet.

My advice, notice I’m saying advice, I’m not making threats, would be to quit while you’re ahead, if you’ve been put on premod then take it like a man, you deserved it, if you’re not on premod and wish that to remain the same, have a read of the site rules that you agreed to when you signed up and act accordingly.

A few of your mates have gone down, there’s no appeal process, no chance that a petition will see that decision reversed, they’ll serve their time and with good behaviour they’ll get to see the light of day again, when that is will be up to them.

Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk

Some really interesting posts here, especially Rob K’s that gives a great perspective on how this forum is perceived.

As far as ‘clique club’ it’s inevitable over time online friendships will form and pile ons occur, even posters who think they aren’t in the clique actually are by merit of being anti clique and attracting the rest of the clique to join in on a topic. (This made more sense in my head).

Rob K:
I surely cannot be the only person here to notice the utter irony of those members whining about trolls/trolling/mods done nothing to stop it etc, are largely the perpetrators of the very stuff they’re complaining about? :bulb: Has no-one bothered to point out to them that perhaps they should take a look in a mirror to see the source of the problems and realise that their “bantz” are pathetic, not even remotely funny and suggest they change their ways if they wish to continue being a member?

My casual observations over the past 48 hours of reading various threads dating back a few months and also occasional ‘look-ins’ prior to that show quite clearly there are around 10 prolific members that have formed a clique and between them with their silly little ‘in jokes’ have turned this site into one of the most unfriendly and unwelcoming on the net if you’re new or an outsider. This is not a new thing either, it’s been rife here for at least the past 5+ years.

Their modus operandi is roughly thus :

  1. new guy or someone not in their clique posts a thread.
  2. clique member posts a jpeg/gif meme insult or ■■■■-take.
  3. another clique member will jump on the bandwagon with some insults and abuse of their own.
  4. ringleader of the clique appears with his usual 2 line reply and long line of laughing emoticons.
  5. a different clique member replies to the ringleader with more laughing emoticons and some terrible ‘in joke’.
  6. ringleader replies to that with some guff.
  7. another clique member will post agreeing with the others and will call into question the legitimacy of the story or whatever posted by the OP.
  8. repeat points 3 to 6 ad infinitum until there’s at least 3 pages of back-slapping and thinly veiled abuse and insults at which point the OP concludes that Trucknet is full of complete and utter bell-ends and never returns.

In essence this clique of members are treating the Trucknet forums as their personal chatroom. If you’re not part of the clique then you get ganged up on and ousted out. The utter garbage and dross that you’d usually find contained to Facebook groups has spilled across to these forums and it’s spread like an out of control disease.

I note from reading between the lines on the threads that number 2 clique member has finally been disposed of but why has this taken so long? Rikki and the administrators should be ashamed of themselves for letting that go on for over 5 years. Any member with a vaguely foreign sounding username whom didn’t have English as their first language was ripped apart by him on EVERY POST they made and the mods did absolutely nothing. How in the name of all things Holy is that behaviour acceptable and how do you think it looks to them or any other new members? I am no fan of the driving antics of our foreign cousins but they should not be subject to constant unwarranted abuse and ■■■■-taking on every post they make just from wanting to participate and join in the discussions. And again, those members ripping them to shreds over their limited grasp of the English language are often found to have a poor command of English grammar themselves. Stones and glasshouses? :bulb:

The only reason I can see that the clique members are complaining about “trolls” is simply because the non-clique member(s) have an opinion that isn’t inline with their (collective) own. When the usual ganging up together to oust them out doesn’t have the desired effect, the crying and name-calling begins because they don’t like that an “outsider” has a differing opinion to their own and is challenging their faux authority. It’s blatantly obvious in nearly all of the lengthy threads that have descended into petty arguing and name-calling. They pretend to act all innocent and hide behind “it’s just banter” when challenged but it’s BS and it stifles any interesting or intelligent discussions from taking place.

Make it known to the perpetrators that their content is not welcome here with the tools at your disposal and eventually the message will sink in and they’ll find somewhere else to congregate. The fact that they post just staying on the right side of the ‘rules’ line should make no difference. If their response to someone’s post is not constructive, helpful or deemed not to be a worthy contribution to the site then remove it. It really should not be hard to sort out. Get rid of the source of the problem and slowly people will return and the post quality will start to improve and the 5+ years of Facebook-esque trash posts will disappear into the aether.

I am of course fully prepared for the wholly predictable “pot calling kettle” responses to this due to having a history for being a bit of a scamp myself (as I’m sure the long-termers here will be quite eager to remind me of). However I feel qualified to comment as I too have been firmly placed in the sin-bin on 2 occasions for overstepping the mark and I have the wing clippings to prove it, but, having been away for some years and remembering how this site used to be, it really has become an unpleasant and unwelcoming place to visit. Ignore the cries of “it’s just bantz” and stop letting certain members treat the forums as their own personal playground. No ifs, no buts, no discussion about it; post on-topic and constructively or bugger off back to Facebook where you came from.

Hi Rob.
You make a few good and valid points.
I don’t necessarilly agree with them all, but you would know that anyway due to the fact that me and you have not exactly gelled in the past when you have come on here in some of your alias guises and for everything that went on during that time…(history btw as far as I’m concerned)

Call me arrogant, call me vain, call me paranoid, but I bet as sure as hell that I am in your eyes part of the ‘‘Clique’’ you are on about, if only because you mention a few negative comments aimed at mods, and I have done just that…although constructively I like to think.
I also like to think I get on with the majority of the mods, a couple of pms do prove that.
If I am part of this perceived clique you mention, there are two sides to every tale mate, here’s my side.

Firstly cliques are part of human nature, not everybody can like each other
(me and you prove that :smiley: )
There are cliques in every pub, organisation, club, football grounds, or any other gathering of testoterone fuelled groups. So as far as this forum goes, Trucknet is no different, and with those cliques come the ‘‘in jokes and cracks’’ , …fair enough a bit boring and meaningless to others on the periphary.

Whether or not said clique/cliques spoil it for others is open to individual interpretation, as you have proven.

For my part in it, seeing as I am more friendly with a few on here than others (including ‘‘member no.2’’ as you refer to him) I can answer some of your points, from my own personal view on it all.

Yeh, I’ve outed one or two trolls, mainly because that is what they are…trolls end of.

As for me accusing and belittling all new members, definitely not.
There are numerous posts on here with me saying ‘Welcome to Trucknet’', I have wished new lads ‘good luck’ many times with predicaments they have had.
I have given advice,… I even have a few pms in my box thanking me for giving the advice that some have taken.

Foreign drivers…I’ve been accused too many times for sticking up for them TOO much, so not guilty on that score either.

Picking up on grammar…only if some ignorant ■■■■ has a pop…I don’t suffer d/heads too well.

On the other hand, picking up on spellings and grammar, a definite ‘no’, …I have tried to encourage one very knowledgable veteran driver, and good bloke, who freely admits to not handling spelling etc very well, so does not come on as often as he would like in case of ridicule, to ignore it, to come on and give us the benefit of his vast experience.
As you rightly say yourself you have been less than a saint on here yourself, but I won’t give the predictable answer of it ‘‘being a bit rich you criticising other’s personas on here’’ so I’ll rise above it.

Reckon I’ve covered all your points.
If you feel the need to reply to my post with cheap jibes and personal insults as in the past, …up to you bud, I aint fussed, fill yer boots, but I hope you take it in the spirit it was intended instead.

Odd really, as I was never in this clique and more to the point I am constantly being accused by the clique of being a troll and a fantasist or whatever else, I post up proof and still I get the same treatment and barrage of abuse. I am constantly hounded at every post put up and it is plain to see the clique like a pack of hounds after me. I am accused of being any person that agrees with me, I am on pre mod through this clique and yes I admit I have done the odd post to rile up this clique only out of sheer contempt. The mods listened to the clique and was even influenced by them and as a result, every post made by myself was then dubbed as a troll or must be made up. Your theory of a clique is sort of watered down when you read any of my posts and see the replies that I will always receive and yet you allow it and only edit any reply from myself. I do not ever post insults unless I am replying to one.

Following my answer to RobK mate, you must be referring to a different clique :smiley: , as you will know I’ve always got on with you, as a couple of others have in the ‘‘clique’’ that RobK evidently (or not) perceives me to be in.
Just saying. :wink:

Hmmnn. " What do we have here? " I ask?

We have moderators/site managers who really are proving that they are no match for some of mere mortals on here. Freight Dog- A man of clear intelligence with a balanced and good sense of humour. Snowman- Pretty much the same. But all of a sudden the game has changed…

Because of a FEW of us on here, our tactics have forced the moderation crew into a corner without them realising it until it was too late. YES I deliberately provoked a reaction by mocking Rikki’s post (Big Clint always delivers :laughing: ), but even The mighty Beaver didn’t expect such a collapse :wink:

Turning on FD and Frozen chap is a HUGE mistake fella’s! ( I don’t mention the ladeez because Albion, Lucy etc seem like good eggs to me :stuck_out_tongue: ). All you have done is simply reinforced the commonly held view that it really is a case of " MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY "

Truck drivers in my experience don’t take too kindly by being threatened, yet you now feel that you lot have to start taking out a few officers to gain a tactical advantage. As for any support I have on here, A) It is flattering and genuinely makes me chuffed. B) I will return the favour in my own inimitable way by fighting nail & tooth for my fellow drivers.

This site is a place for truckers to learn and relax. I have learned a lot from the hairy eared crew on here and will continue to do so. I have also ■■■■■■ myself laughing over the last four years at/with many on here, and gained friends both virtual and real time. This pre-mod crap doesn’t make a sod of difference to me personally NMM, the other lads who you seem to BELITTLE by calling them ’ followers ’ :unamused: have their own minds & views, and IF they were followers I would be proud to lead them. So don’t start picking fights with the members because YOU WILL LOSE. We can simply ■■■■ off somewhere else and reform.

So if you want to continue with your pleasing the owners, selling advertising and generally preening your non existant feathers, do us a favour and tone it down. As already said-you are embarassing yourselves.

RobK- Why don’t you name who you believe to be this ’ clique ’ ?

I’m exercising my rights as a member to join the debate.

Really? Because a few hours ago anyone else was “contributing to this whingefest”.
What you’re doing now is trying to backtrack but last night you threw your toys out the pram and to try to pretend it was some sort of lesson teaching moment you were doing is laughable.

I see this as deliberately attempting to provoke an argument.

I knew one of you would bite

So you deliberately provoked an argument? That’s not artistic license, that’s one rule for me and another for you.
What the mods/admin are doing is acting like bullying prison guards trying to beat everyone into toeing the line.
To further than analogy, you (collective you) let a few bad ones run amok and control the place because you were too scared to act and now you’re smashing everyone with a nightstick to get order so dont act upset and ■■■■■■ off when not everyone takes it lying down

Afternoon. Been drunk, have I missed anything?

the maoster:
Afternoon. Been drunk, have I missed anything?

This are a long series and you can join back at any episode, main theme is the same.


the maoster:
Afternoon. Been drunk, have I missed anything?

This are a long series and you can join back at any episode, main theme is the same.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: just like Corrie street/ eastenders etc?