Infestation. [Merged]

Beetlejuices point about i.p. addresses (as well as the booting good lads one :bulb: ) is a valid one, why do you as mods just do that, prior checkbthe ip ad.s…problem sorted. :bulb: , or at least a long way to problem being sorted.

Not that easy. Both 3 Mobile and Sky issue dynamic IP addresses to their customers as do most other ISPs. Your posts, for instance over, the time you have been on here have come from around 80 to 90 different IP addresses issued to you by your ISP. In Beetlejuices case, I can see that 10 other forum members have posted from the IP address he currently has (or had when he posted at 9:29AM) from his ISP, as they also use the same ISP. I can also see he has posted from the roughly the same number different of IP addresses as you.

So while it does help, it’s not perfect. Now if we could get the MAC address of the router or phone, that would be much more useful. :wink:

Wow so this area is where the juicy stuff is.

Can I just pull the admin team into line here and say any mentioning of leaving or forum rules is now boring, stop it.

Now as an elite moderator from my antiscam/ 419eater/PayPal watchdog team days I can honestly say troll spotting has nothing to do with IP addys, whether static/dynamic/proxy based etc the art is to recognise a unique writing style, a certain use of Gramma or phrase or even a common or misspelt word.

I struggle with the phrase ‘troll’ though as the petty stuff this forum has to put up with is nothing compared to proper trolling.

Anyway carry on I still likes this forum very much.

So while it does help, it’s not perfect. Now if we could get the MAC address of the router or phone, that would be much more useful. :wink:

Or you could use common sense instead of trying to catch people on an IP address which is completely inaccurate. Somebody says the wrong thing or expresses an opinion that goes against the grain and off you go, straight on pre mod and use the troll expression as an excuse. Running a forum must be difficult but at the same time you have to be fair.

I struggle with the phrase ‘troll’ though as the petty stuff this forum has to put up with is nothing compared to proper trolling.

100% agree!
Calling the idiots “trolls” validates their actions and gives them reason to justify their ■■■■ poor attempts at baiting other forum members.

Anyway carry on I still likes this forum very much.

And it likes you too you rascal :smiley:

So here’s the thing, the trolls seem to be targeting the same small audience every time, the ones who sometimes “liven up a boring thread” (not aimed at any one person in particular) because they know they’ll get a reaction.

The solution to all of the complaints contained within this thread…

Stop reacting to obvious troll posts, or posts that you feel have a troll behind them, don’t feed the trolls is a cliche for a reason.

If you stop all the petty arguing and bickering, we (the mod team) will not have to take such a heavy handed approach.

This is not social media, it’s a forum for lorry drivers, primarily to be used as a tool, so that we can help each other out, of course there can be a little bit of banter and conversation in the threads, but that has to be within the rules that the site owners put in place.

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Tell you what I find interesting. Posts from the likes of Rob, Frozen chap and the juice from a beetle illustrate VERY clearly the problem with the moderation of this site.

Yet despite the criticism given and also despite last years subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) calls for idiots to be removed, we got the frankly weak and pathetic excuse of " No rules are being broken ". Bit like the rule of thumb from yesteryear, it’s ok to knock seven bells of crap out of your missus, as long as the stick is no wider than your thumb :unamused:

This industry already has it’s spineless and pointless elements implanted already. Why don’t you offer the drivers on here some decent old fashioned honesty and talk straight for once? Do you not think the lads (and some lasses) on here DESERVE some bloody respect ffs?
Stop hiding behind bullshine. We put up with enough of that within our working day.

And a quick tip for you Rikki…do you notice some of the lads on here have a ’ supporting signature ’ with regards to my good self?

That’s because they CHOOSE to offer me support based on respect and mutual understanding. Stop throwing your weight around on here like a spoilt kid with a train set. You wouldn’t do it in a pub, so why do it on here? Grow up and take criticism like a man.

(I haven’t broken any forum rules with this post. Let’s see if you ’ allow ’ it eh?)

(I haven’t broken any forum rules with this post. Let’s see if you ’ allow ’ it eh?)

do you notice some of the lads on here have a ’ supporting signature ’ with regards to my good self?

I call them the Beavettes :grimacing:


If you stop all the petty arguing and bickering, we (the mod team) will not have to take such a heavy handed approach.

Surely that wouldn’t get a heavy handed approach? Argueing and bickering being stamped out? That’ll ruin the job. In depth chat on here can get into argueing or bickering. Argueing over a subject is part and parcel of some debates on here. People won’t all agree over subjects like a vicar’s tea party. As long as it’s about the posts, not the person.

I get personal attacks (calling someone a gopping baldy for example :laughing: :laughing: ) are against the rules. That’s different.

Stop throwing your weight around on here like a spoilt kid with a train set. You wouldn’t do it in a pub, so why do it on here? Grow up and take criticism like a man.

No no one can accuse you of not speaking your mind beaver, personally I like your style and think your a good bloke, I think there will be a few more posters joining us in our club yet m8. Its pretty much ethnic cleansing of the truckers.

There’s an argument from having a different point of view and there’s arguing for the sake of argument, two very different things and you know very well which one I’m referring to.

If you see a troll post, there is no requirement to jump in, you could just quote the post and put in a couple of rolling eye smileys, or a here we go again quote, then report it, if it’s clearly an attempt at trolling it will be deleted.

Unless you come here to confront the trolls, in which case this is not the place for you and as has been said many times, the door is that way ---->

A bit of banter is welcome, more than welcome in fact, but it’s easy to cross the lines of what’s acceptable, sometimes without intention as the written word often doesn’t reflect your actual meaning, basically if you wouldn’t say it face to face to Mike Tyson, don’t say it on trucknetuk.

Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk

Freight Dog:


If you stop all the petty arguing and bickering, we (the mod team) will not have to take such a heavy handed approach.

Surely that wouldn’t get a heavy handed approach? Argueing and bickering being stamped out? That’ll ruin the job. In depth chat on here can get into argueing or bickering. Argueing over a subject is part and parcel of some debates on here. People won’t all agree over subjects like a vicar’s tea party. As long as it’s about the posts, not the person.

I get personal attacks (calling someone a gopping baldy for example :laughing: :laughing: ) are against the rules. That’s different.

Get your facts straight mate…it was ‘‘A gopping bald ■■■■’’ :laughing:
Can not for the life of me remember who it was aimed at. :wink:
:laughing: :laughing:

Tell you what I find interesting. Posts from the likes of Rob, Frozen chap and the juice from a beetle illustrate VERY clearly the problem with the moderation of this site.

Yet despite the criticism given and also despite last years subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) calls for idiots to be removed, we got the frankly weak and pathetic excuse of " No rules are being broken ". Bit like the rule of thumb from yesteryear, it’s ok to knock seven bells of crap out of your missus, as long as the stick is no wider than your thumb :unamused:

This industry already has it’s spineless and pointless elements implanted already. Why don’t you offer the drivers on here some decent old fashioned honesty and talk straight for once? Do you not think the lads (and some lasses) on here DESERVE some bloody respect ffs?
Stop hiding behind bullshine. We put up with enough of that within our working day.

And a quick tip for you Rikki…do you notice some of the lads on here have a ’ supporting signature ’ with regards to my good self?

That’s because they CHOOSE to offer me support based on respect and mutual understanding. Stop throwing your weight around on here like a spoilt kid with a train set. You wouldn’t do it in a pub, so why do it on here? Grow up and take criticism like a man.

(I haven’t broken any forum rules with this post. Let’s see if you ’ allow ’ it eh?)

Hiya Beav. :wink:
Nice to see that premod has made you a bit more tactful and humble mate, …shows it works. :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
You need to get off that fence bud.
Talk soon. :smiley:


Freight Dog:


If you stop all the petty arguing and bickering, we (the mod team) will not have to take such a heavy handed approach.

Surely that wouldn’t get a heavy handed approach? Argueing and bickering being stamped out? That’ll ruin the job. In depth chat on here can get into argueing or bickering. Argueing over a subject is part and parcel of some debates on here. People won’t all agree over subjects like a vicar’s tea party. As long as it’s about the posts, not the person.

I get personal attacks (calling someone a gopping baldy for example :laughing: :laughing: ) are against the rules. That’s different.

Get your facts straight mate…it was ‘‘A gopping bald ■■■■’’ :laughing:
Can not for the life of me remember who it was aimed at. :wink:
:laughing: :laughing:

Was it? I couldn’t remember :laughing: . It made me belly laugh at the time. I’ve not heard that before :grimacing:

There’s an argument from having a different point of view and there’s arguing for the sake of argument, two very different things and you know very well which one I’m referring to.

I don’t appreciate that tone. I did not know which one you were referring too as quite frankly I wasn’t aware you had made a distinction as it wasn’t referred to in your post.

The rest of your post refers to trolling which is not what I was discussing so I don’t see the need to respond to the bulk.

As for the door comment. I have never been one for chasing trolls. I have been quite vocal in my support the mods in attempts to change the forum, even when others were not. That does not negate my giving feedback, on the feedback forum. It’s what is right, not who is right.

To be “shown the door” over my feedback is quite eye opening in its attitude.

Well seeing as the thread is about trolling and arguing, I didn’t see the need to explain it and we both know that you knew exactly what I meant, your posting history proves that you’re articulate and intelligent. And if per chance you did in fact grasp the wrong end of the stick, that reinforces what I said about the written word being easily misinterpreted.

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Well seeing as the thread is about trolling and arguing, I didn’t see the need to explain it and we both know that you knew exactly what I meant, your posting history proves that you’re articulate and intelligent. And if per chance you did in fact grasp the wrong end of the stick, that reinforces what I said about the written word being easily misinterpreted.

Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk

Right. Can you please stop insulting me by asserting I had an ulterior motive. I did not know your distinction. I have explained this once, and you are still insistent.

It is a matter of clarity and subjective. As far as I am concerned argument is often the result of debate, it gets heated and indeed can be seen as bickering, particularly with in depth or divisive subjects. A good example would be the warm up thread, you were yourself involved with.

As for “per chance”, again still you as a parting remark insinuating I was attempting to misinterpret you. I can assure you I have no interest to do so on a feedback forum.

I rather suggest instead of accusing and riling up an otherwise mod supportive readership, you would have been better off ploughing your vitriol into clarifing your distinction rather better. Particularly as you were discussing this in context of heavy handed moderation, a subject that is bound to spark response. And my response was polite.

Freight Dog:


If you stop all the petty arguing and bickering, we (the mod team) will not have to take such a heavy handed approach.

Surely that wouldn’t get a heavy handed approach? Argueing and bickering being stamped out? That’ll ruin the job. In depth chat on here can get into argueing or bickering. Argueing over a subject is part and parcel of some debates on here. People won’t all agree over subjects like a vicar’s tea party. As long as it’s about the posts, not the person.

I get personal attacks (calling someone a gopping baldy for example [emoji38] [emoji38] ) are against the rules. That’s different.

Freight Dog, when you stop being offended, have a read of the above, the post that you quoted and that I referred to in my reply to your response.

It quite clearly states PETTY ARGUING AND BICKERING, I’ve put it in uppercase so that you don’t miss it a third time.

Or you can carry on with your current tactic of feigning offence, which is only attempting one thing, trolling and I’m quite sure you know the result of that particular style of posting. Take that as heavy handed moderation if you so desire, it is what it is, the direction that it takes is in your hands.

Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk

Tell you what I find interesting. Posts from the likes of Rob, Frozen chap and the juice from a beetle illustrate VERY clearly the problem with the moderation of this site.

Yet despite the criticism given and also despite last years subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) calls for idiots to be removed, we got the frankly weak and pathetic excuse of " No rules are being broken ". Bit like the rule of thumb from yesteryear, it’s ok to knock seven bells of crap out of your missus, as long as the stick is no wider than your thumb :unamused:

This industry already has it’s spineless and pointless elements implanted already. Why don’t you offer the drivers on here some decent old fashioned honesty and talk straight for once? Do you not think the lads (and some lasses) on here DESERVE some bloody respect ffs?
Stop hiding behind bullshine. We put up with enough of that within our working day.

And a quick tip for you Rikki…do you notice some of the lads on here have a ’ supporting signature ’ with regards to my good self?

That’s because they CHOOSE to offer me support based on respect and mutual understanding. Stop throwing your weight around on here like a spoilt kid with a train set. You wouldn’t do it in a pub, so why do it on here? Grow up and take criticism like a man.

(I haven’t broken any forum rules with this post. Let’s see if you ’ allow ’ it eh?)

Honest and straight talk, well here goes, this is trucknetuk, not the eagerbeaver fan club, so what if a few other members have signatures in support of you? Do you really think you’re that important? That without you the forums will stop dead in their tracks?

Over the years there have been many prolific posters that have, for one reason or another, stopped posting on the forums, it hasn’t made the slightest difference to the forums in general, someone has always come along and taken their place and the world has carried on turning.

You got put on premod for a reason, so take your own advice and man up and accept it, the rules of the site are very clear as are the penalties for breaking them, there’s no vendetta against you, or anybody on here and the only way you will have your posting privileges reduced or posts deleted is if you choose to flout the rules, rules which have not changed since you joined trucknetuk.

Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk


Freight Dog:


If you stop all the petty arguing and bickering, we (the mod team) will not have to take such a heavy handed approach.

Surely that wouldn’t get a heavy handed approach? Argueing and bickering being stamped out? That’ll ruin the job. In depth chat on here can get into argueing or bickering. Argueing over a subject is part and parcel of some debates on here. People won’t all agree over subjects like a vicar’s tea party. As long as it’s about the posts, not the person.

I get personal attacks (calling someone a gopping baldy for example [emoji38] [emoji38] ) are against the rules. That’s different.

Freight Dog, when you stop being offended, have a read of the above, the post that you quoted and that I referred to in my reply to your response.

It quite clearly states PETTY ARGUING AND BICKERING, I’ve put it in uppercase so that you don’t miss it a third time.

Or you can carry on with your current tactic of feigning offence, which is only attempting one thing, trolling and I’m quite sure you know the result of that particular style of posting. Take that as heavy handed moderation if you so desire, it is what it is, the direction that it takes is in your hands.

Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk

What on Earth.

Let’s get this straight. I responded in an adult civil fashion to your comment regarding argument and bickering. Mh post was even handed, polite and of no harm. You could have simply replied regarding clarifying what you meant. An adult way of dealing of talking about things. Given you’re meant to represent Trucknet.

However you saw fit to inflame by insinuating over three posts that I my response was deliberately misinterpreting.

What have I received in return? Instead over the last 3 replies you have accused me of

1/ trying to misinterpret you
2/ You showed me the door
3/ No you’re suggesting I am trolling
4/ subtlety threatening to treat me as a troll■■?

I’m am not “feigning offence”. I am very actually surprised and irritated that representing Trucknet instead of replying in a professional balanced fashion to feedback, you saw fit to over three posts to accuse me of devious intent culminating with threats.

So basically my well mannered feedback has me now being threatened because I have responded to how bloody unnecessary you have been in your responses?

Unnecessary? Really? I made a simple comment about stopping petty arguments and bickering and you decided to make a big deal out of it. You said arguments were part and parcel of a forum, to which I replied that you knew what arguments I was referring to and I even said you were articulate and intelligent in that same response and underlined the earlier point I made about the written word being misinterpreted and yet you still carried on trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.

As I also said, your posting history is very different to your last few posts, I see this as deliberately attempting to provoke an argument.

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