Infestation. [Merged]


If moderators wish to ban my account without me actually breaking any rules, then I’m not sure i actually want to be a part of such forum

If you were a genuine poster as upset at being called a troll as you make out then you’d have stopped posting long ago.
As it is all you’re doing is making it more and more obvious you’ve been a member here previously and have changed tactics to stay within the rules, which incidently doesnt protect you from being barred as much as you think
You’re not fooling anyone. No-one on here is as stupid as you think. Or you for that matter, if you genuinely believe you have anyone fooled

I’m engaging in debate very fairly and without judgment.

Your first thread after joining was a judgement/insult of British drivers as a whole
Just because you’re not name calling doesnt mean you arent trolling.

No-one on here is as stupid as you think. Well all I can say you have not met me

There is no such thing as freedom of speech on this forum.

Beetlejuice is one of the best posters on here in my opinion, however let’s see how long it takes for Rikki to kick him into pre mod club (aka ’ The ones with a spine who have the balls to tell it as it is ') for DARING to question one of ’ The Team ’ !!

Hell hath no fury like a mod/train set owner scorned… :unamused: And for what it’s worth, this forum is becoming a pale imitation of what it was a few years ago :frowning:


As said above , freedom of speech ^

Fair enough, you have a point with that, but there are limits.

From my post above, and now diplomatically pointed out to you as friendly advice…

We try to be fair, so I’m just pointing out some bits that you (and some other posters) might have missed:

The Forum Rules:
Note This website is owned by DVV Media International Ltd. and administered by us for them. DVV Media International Ltd. can withdraw all or any part of the website or use of its facilities to all users or individuals at any time.

Will no longer be tolerated- if in the view of the admin team your posts are simply one line trolling and not posted to contribute/ add value to a discussion they will be removed… the arbitors of this will be the admin team.

Random crap
Posts that do not make any sensible contribution to the forum will simply go
the arbitors of this will be the admin team.

Baiting other members
Posting simply to get a rise out of another/other members will simply lead to the poster no longer being able to post without their posts being scrutinised first no warnings- it will just happen. any such posts will be removed
the arbitors of this will be the admin team.

What happens next is pretty much in your (and some other posters’) own hands now.

In the above, “you” and “your” was aimed at LD, but FYI you were included in the “and some other posters” bit. :wink:

And p.s all of this above kind of confirms my innitial thoughts .you argue .you kind of made my point for me here lol .
Good afternoon .

As far as I can see, Reef simply responded to something that you had written and appeared to be directed at him.

Maybe, you’ve just got it in for Mods in general, so I’ll diplomatically just point out that I’m still awaiting your response to my TWO requests for how it is (you say) that there’s some kind of Mod conspiracy going on.

Mind you, having read your reply to Reef… I can accuse you of arguing if you answer. :grimacing: :laughing: :laughing:

Oh, and I nearly forgot… a very good afternoon to you Sir.

Theres nothing to answer to .That is my opinion .
You either except my opinion or you don’t .As for being againat mods what a crock of ■■■■■ .

There is no such thing as freedom of speech on this forum.

Beetlejuice is one of the best posters on here in my opinion, however let’s see how long it takes for Rikki to kick him into pre mod club (aka ’ The ones with a spine who have the balls to tell it as it is ') for DARING to question one of ’ The Team ’ !!

Hell hath no fury like a mod/train set owner scorned… :unamused: And for what it’s worth, this forum is becoming a pale imitation of what it was a few years ago :frowning:

I think i might be getting the boot bud (The gangs onto me) .I am apparently a mod hater ? .But being honest ,I appreciate the kind words ,I would rather be straight up,And truthful than not say anything "In a polite -ish manner " …

There is no such thing as freedom of speech on this forum.

People can say what they want as long as it’s within the forum rules, which haven’t been revised since before you joined.

:bulb: everybody who posts has electronically agreed to them, so folks are invited to read them.

Beetlejuice’s posts haven’t been edited, or did you miss that?

Do you agree that your post hasn’t been edited?

Beetlejuice is one of the best posters on here in my opinion, however let’s see how long it takes for Rikki to kick him into pre mod club (aka ’ The ones with a spine who have the balls to tell it as it is ') for DARING to question one of ’ The Team ’ !!

IMHO, that might be a fair observation, but let’s consider a different way of putting it…

Now he’s had some pointers, let’s see how long it takes Beetlejuice to get himself put on pre-mod. Also fair?

Now for questioning the Team… this one is easy. Questions were asked and answered and a polite pointer to the forum rules was supplied, or did you miss that?

Hell hath no fury like a mod/train set owner scorned… :unamused:

Pure drivel eagerbeaver, and let’s be fair, really not worthy of you. (I’ll leave out the rolly eyes.)

And for what it’s worth, this forum is becoming a pale imitation of what it was a few years ago :frowning:

This one is even easier… And yet you’re still here? (Again, no rolly eyes.)

… I think i might be getting the boot bud …

:bulb: Now that you’ve had a polite and friendly pointer, that’s a choice that is entirely in your own hands.

And for what it’s worth, this forum is becoming a pale imitation of what it was a few years ago :frowning:

This one is even easier… And yet you’re still here? (Again, no rolly eyes.)

Now that’s a brutal knock out!!! :laughing:



… I think i might be getting the boot bud …

:bulb: Now that you’ve had a polite and friendly pointer, that’s a choice that is entirely in your own hands.

For what ?To be honest pal ,You are pathetic .
Ban block whatever .but sort your pathetic moderation techniques out, and get rid of the Trolls it belittles drivers .It is embarassing .


… I think i might be getting the boot bud …

:bulb: Now that you’ve had a polite and friendly pointer, that’s a choice that is entirely in your own hands.

<Rolls up shirt sleeves> OK Beetlejuice, Here goes…

For what ?

I’m guessing completely here, but surely you must already know or at least have some idea, because you wrote: “I think i might be getting the boot bud” so (I’m trying to be diplomatically helpful here) can you remember why you wrote that?

To be honest pal ,You are pathetic .

I’ll leave out a personal response to that because I prefer not to get involved in pathetic (your word :wink: ) name calling if you don’t mind.

Ban block whatever .but sort your pathetic moderation techniques out,

I’d like to get your insight and reasoning, so what would you suggest please?

and get rid of the Trolls it belittles drivers …

We’re already working on getting rid of the trolls.
I can understand how trolls belittle themselves, but could you explain how they belittle drivers please?

It is embarassing

For whom please?



… I think i might be getting the boot bud …

:bulb: Now that you’ve had a polite and friendly pointer, that’s a choice that is entirely in your own hands.

For what ?To be honest pal ,You are pathetic .
Ban block whatever .but sort your pathetic moderation techniques out, and get rid of the Trolls it belittles drivers .It is embarassing .

Eh up BJ. Just my take on it. I think it’s easy to get too worked up over it when you don’t have to.

On face value after the last purge it could appear a large amount of trolling has resurged. That’s probably misleading to us. It’s likely just one or two individuals email hopping. It’s the old multiple account thing. One person with 6 different personas can create a fair footprint.

Bare in mind the challenges as users we have expressed. We tended to agree we’d like to use the forum for chit chat but without zealous modding. Everyone is a little guilty of infringing the rules a little from time to time - we all have expressed our like for banter. And that leeway keeps it enjoyable.

On the other hand we have expressed dislike for the multiple account user(s) who, being extremely familiar with trucknet know exactly how to attempt to skirt the rules whilst posting for dubious reasons. I’m pretty sure we’d all agree last thing we want is for a genuine knew poster to join and get booted off by mistake through misjudgement :laughing:

So it’s a hard set of demands with contradictions in some cases. And somewhere in between is where we all want it. And even then on a sliding scale depending on your own preference. Not an easy task I’d imagine. I suppose sorting that all out comes down to judgement. So when the first sign of subtle or rule skirting “trolling” appears, just because a few weeks go by and nothing is seemingly done, doesn’t mean it won’t get sorted. It’s probably a case of watching to see.

Trying to avoid using over serious terms but I’m guessing it’s probably a case of gathering evidence :laughing:

That’s my take anyway.

If the mods & admin decide to crack down and hold the forum to the letter of the rules then 95% of users are going on pre-mod!

If the mods & admin decide to crack down and hold the forum to the letter of the rules then 95% of users are going on pre-mod!

nearly but , to be honest not quite- “95% of the users of this site” , and a fair bit more are using this site for what it is intended 493 as I type this and perhaps 6-7 voicing there opinion in a vocal manner in here - the odds and facts aren’t in your favour, but why let the small matter of the facts get in the way?

Just because you shout doesn’t give you any more voice than the 100’s of other people who use this website, we don’t cater for those who shout loudest, we cater for those who use it as it is intended.

Shout as loud as you want the majority of people using this forum- by a huge margin, are not interested - we are providing what they want- as a minority either accept that fact or move on - sorry to see you go but not every where is right for every one

the odds and facts aren’t in your favour, but why let the small matter of the facts get in the way?

Has humour been outlawed now?
It was a joke for christ sake

is posting a reply not allowed?- I don’t see I belittled your post, just gave an accurate response which I hope you happy with

Hey Rikki/Dave.
Just to stick my neb in here on this.:unamused: :smiley:
Your last reply to Snowman kind of illustrates a point I’d like to make.

I as a lot of others enjoy this forum, in fact I’m dipping in and out of it EVEN while away on hol this wk when I get the odd 10 mins, :blush: :unamused: :smiley:
So if I’ve already said all this crap, the beer ‘Black Russians’ and sun.must be mushing my brain. :laughing: )

I fully understand your predicament in trying to clean up the format of the site, and by doing that kicking into touch the d/heads who deliberately go out to spoil it, because they do just that…spoil it, and yeh rightly so, nobody on here wants them…Maoster sums it up perfectly ‘‘An Infestation’’ . :bulb:

However as Beetlejuice has touched on, you have also pre.modded some members who maybe (in popular opinion) did not merit it, where a good verbal arse kick would have been more apt.
As Beaver (a classic example) pointed out, those who speak up (or as he put it have the balls and spine to tell it how it is) seem to be getting targeted.
(so much so even Beetlejuice can feel the end of your chopper :open_mouth: :laughing: )

Ok you may not agree with Beaver’s approach on the forum, (tact aint his speciality :laughing: ) but the likes of him and Nodding Donkey, who have both been nicked on here, did add a lot of input, and chuck a grenade into a boring thread and liven it up, thus preventing bland boredom.

Every forum/pub/group/gang or whatever have their maverick type characters, and without them things do get a bit boring.

Maybe the ‘‘It’s Rikki’s trainset’’ bit mildly ■■■■■■ you a bit, who knows, but tbh Rikki saying stuff like ‘‘If you don’t like it, ■■■■ off somewhere else’’ (or words to that effect) does come across a bit that way sometimes.

I know ‘‘rules is rules’’ and all that, but to chuck out the babies with the bathwater is maybe a step too far, maybe a ‘‘d/head/multi identity’’ types (who tbf stick out like a bulldog’s ■■■■■■■■) zero tolerance policy, whereby a ‘‘first sign and out’’ system could be adopted…Running alongside a ‘‘yellow card’’ warning for genuine (and longer term) members would work. :bulb:
Maybe, maybe not, who knows ? …I don’t run a forum. :smiley:



… I think i might be getting the boot bud …

:bulb: Now that you’ve had a polite and friendly pointer, that’s a choice that is entirely in your own hands.

<Rolls up shirt sleeves> OK Beetlejuice, Here goes…

For what ?

I’m guessing completely here, but surely you must already know or at least have some idea, because you wrote: “I think i might be getting the boot bud” so (I’m trying to be diplomatically helpful here) can you remember why you wrote that?

Because you mods suddenly start circling…

To be honest pal ,You are pathetic .

I’ll leave out a personal response to that because I prefer not to get involved in pathetic (your word :wink: ) name calling if you don’t mind.

Its a pattern i have noticed …

Ban block whatever .but sort your pathetic moderation techniques out,

I’d like to get your insight and reasoning, so what would you suggest please?

Read below

and get rid of the Trolls it belittles drivers …

We’re already working on getting rid of the trolls.
I can understand how trolls belittle themselves, but could you explain how they belittle drivers please?

Read below

It is embarassing

For whom please?

This forum .

Do you think that these narcisstic trolls are making drivers look good then ? Any non driver who reads some of these threads must think wtf …
Come on the Same person signs up too yet another account , then starts attacking brit drivers ? And it is not trolling ?
Blatant trolling .Delete attacks no matter how subtle they appear is my suggestion .New members who come on and settle in like they have been here for years probably have been …It is not rocket science …

I mentioned one mod could be a mistake ,The guy then starts going on as if his opinion is the only one allowed ,Then says he has been a mod for 8 years ? ?
I don’t want to get into that any deeper ,but i have been online from the dial up days of faked copied dvds Disqworld traders heavan pir8 forums and frequented many other legit moderated forums ,Much more fairly moderated "They listened to regular contributors " .
They did not get arsey over an opinion .A valid opinion .
And they certainly never suddenly started circling one member with a pre mod or ban button .They use a hidden moderator forum for that and delegate one mod to take care of the problem.
It works that way .Now we have three mods all involved in one thread all digging against members .
Not being funny but that gives me the impression you think b.s fake members, creating page views is more important than real contributors .
Anyway i have no problem with any mods or members other than a few remarks made im not sure why you are circling me lol .
I get peed off while you pre mod good lads and allow pathetic trolls to carry on .Its wrong .

In a forum you as mods can view i.p addresses .And you know it .
It is embarassing for the site to keep allowing it…i actually have taken some great advice off here .i got my licences through this site .
To be fair i should not have said anything as it seems that you cannot voice opinions about mods .So on that note i will be keeping out of that activity .

It was a joke for christ sake

I got it Snowman. Not that helps or means anything :laughing: :smiley:

is posting a reply not allowed?- I don’t see I belittled your post, just gave an accurate response which I hope you happy with

I didnt say you were belittling it, I said you went into a speel about how I was wrong when I wasnt being serious.
I get that you are annoyed the forum is being infested (for want of a better word) but last year members were crying out for the problem to be dealt with, only to get the stock answer “they arent breaking forum rules”. It should have been nipped in the bud but was allowed to carry on. Now you either didnt have the power at the time or were scared (or hesitant) to, I dont know which. Either way, this new way of giving arrogant replies and telling anyone who voices concerns “the doors that way” is a swing too far in the other direction.
It was clearly a joke but as of late the mods, and you in particular, are becoming increasingly arrogant in your replies to members. Mods, admins and yourself all had the chance to deal with the trolls last year and it was allowed to get as bad as it did and now you’re all having a pop at everyone. who raises their head above the parapet

Freight Dog:

It was a joke for christ sake

I got it Snowman. Not that helps or means anything :laughing: :smiley:

Cheers mate, glad someone did! :laughing:

Hey Rikki/Dave.
Just to stick my neb in here on this.:unamused: :smiley:
Your last reply to Snowman kind of illustrates a point I’d like to make.

I as a lot of others enjoy this forum, in fact I’m dipping in and out of it EVEN while away on hol this wk when I get the odd 10 mins, :blush: :unamused: :smiley:
So if I’ve already said all this crap, the beer ‘Black Russians’ and sun.must be mushing my brain. :laughing: )

I fully understand your predicament in trying to clean up the format of the site, and by doing that kicking into touch the d/heads who deliberately go out to spoil it, because they do just that…spoil it, and yeh rightly so, nobody on here wants them…Maoster sums it up perfectly ‘‘An Infestation’’ . :bulb:

However as Beetlejuice has touched on, you have also pre.modded some members who maybe (in popular opinion) did not merit it, where a good verbal arse kick would have been more apt.
As Beaver (a classic example) pointed out, those who speak up (or as he put it have the balls and spine to tell it how it is) seem to be getting targeted.
(so much so even Beetlejuice can feel the end of your chopper :open_mouth: :laughing: )

Ok you may not agree with Beaver’s approach on the forum, (tact aint his speciality :laughing: ) but the likes of him and Nodding Donkey, who have both been nicked on here, did add a lot of input, and chuck a grenade into a boring thread and liven it up, thus preventing bland boredom.

Every forum/pub/group/gang or whatever have their maverick type characters, and without them things do get a bit boring.

Maybe the ‘‘It’s Rikki’s trainset’’ bit mildly ■■■■■■ you a bit, who knows, but tbh Rikki saying stuff like ‘‘If you don’t like it, [zb] off somewhere else’’ (or words to that effect) does come across a bit that way sometimes.

I know ‘‘rules is rules’’ and all that, but to chuck out the babies with the bathwater is maybe a step too far, maybe a ‘‘d/head/multi identity’’ types (who tbf stick out like a bulldog’s ■■■■■■■■) zero tolerance policy, whereby a ‘‘first sign and out’’ system could be adopted…Running alongside a ‘‘yellow card’’ warning for genuine (and longer term) members would work. :bulb:
Maybe, maybe not, who knows ? …I don’t run a forum. :smiley:


.New members who come on and settle in like they have been here for years probably have been …It is not rocket science …

I get peed off while you pre mod good lads and allow pathetic trolls to carry on .Its wrong .

In a forum you as mods can view i.p addresses
It is embarassing for the site to keep allowing it .

Got to agree.
These troll guys (or maybe this troll guy :stuck_out_tongue: ) are obvious when they (he) first comes on.
Like the guy who started a post/thread with…
‘‘As you all know I do nights’’ :unamused:
(after a very small post count) where as in reality no ■■■■ knew,… He’d obviously forgot he was posting under one of his aliases…think it was Snowman who picked up on it.

Beetlejuices point about i.p. addresses (as well as the booting good lads one :bulb: ) is a valid one, why do you as mods just do that, prior check the ip ad.s…problem sorted. :bulb: , or at least a long way to present problem being sorted.