Infestation. [Merged]

The only way trolling will truly stop is not through heavy handed or over-moderation (which does reduce it to a point to be fair) but by the troll respondents taking a step back and stop calling out every other post as a “troll post”, once the trolls realise there is no entertainment value to be gained from troll posting in the first place they will stop fishing because they’re not getting any bites…

Agreed Reef. :smiley:

Now that I’ve merged two topics on the same subject ( = about the same posters :wink: ) I’ll repeat myself…

I’ll say again… posters have the choice of either ignoring or replying to any post as they see fit.

It might just be me, but I honestly don’t think that’s a difficult concept.

So people who flag up blatant trolls should be quiet yeah ?

No, they should use the ‘report’ button and just leave it to the Team.

Your new title gone to your head pal?

Again, no.
Reef is following forum guidelines, which I now recommend that YOU read.

Fyi i think you being a mod is HUGE mistake :grimacing: :unamused:

We’ll agree to disagree then.


So people who flag up blatant trolls should be quiet yeah ?

No, they should use the ‘report’ button and just leave it to the Team.

Your new title gone to your head pal?

Again, no.
Reef is following forum guidelines, which I now recommend that YOU read.

Forum rules and sanction system - WEBSITE INFORMATION - Trucknet UK

Fyi i think you being a mod is HUGE mistake :grimacing: :unamused:

We’ll agree to disagree then.

Well this is getting rather pathetic in all honesty .In older posts ,you and other mods have said only use the report button for serious offenses. Now its to report petty trolling that you are fully aware of :unamused:

So people who flag up blatant trolls should be quiet yeah ?

Hello again Beetle, it is equally as offensive to accuse someone as a troll who is not. As I have said to you previously these forums appear to come across as very cliquey. Lucid Dreams.

Well this is getting rather pathetic in all honesty .


In older posts ,you and other mods have said only use the report button for serious offenses. Now its to report petty trolling that you are fully aware of :unamused:

The purpose of the report button is to allow a post that causes concern to be brought to the Team’s attention by the quickest means, so the Team member who sees a reported post can decide how important/urgent/serious it is.
This is all done in one central place and out of public view for confidentiality.

The Team are all invited volunteer humans, so we can’t be here 24/7 baby sitting every topic/post because we all have lives.

Whilst those with good intent are tasked to sit save a button, the radar will be switched on and gain set to clutter. Or at least it should be.

The exact form that preceded the last sweep is now playing out with vigour on the PDF and bullies.


So people who flag up blatant trolls should be quiet yeah ?

Hello again Beetle, it is equally as offensive to accuse someone as a troll who is not. As I have said to you previously these forums appear to come across as very cliquey. Lucid Dreams.

You are 100% a fake troll account .get help :unamused:



So people who flag up blatant trolls should be quiet yeah ?

Hello again Beetle, it is equally as offensive to accuse someone as a troll who is not. As I have said to you previously these forums appear to come across as very cliquey. Lucid Dreams.

You are 100% a fake troll account .get help :unamused:

How dare you say that? Do you have any evidence of this? Lucid Dreams.


the maoster:

May you enlighten me on this phobia? Lucid Dreams.

How dare you say that? Do you have any evidence of this? Lucid Dreams.

This is not a court of law…We don’t need evidence, lets just say if an account looks like a troll account, then after many years experience we can probably call it and deal with it. yours is verging on the edges right now, so take this warning shot…


How dare you say that? Do you have any evidence of this? Lucid Dreams.

This is not a court of law…We don’t need evidence, lets just say if an account looks like a troll account, then after many years experience we can probably call it and deal with it. yours is verging on the edges right now, so take this warning shot…

Hello Rikki, as far as I’m aware I haven’t broken any forum rules, I’m engaging in debate very fairly and without judgment. I haven’t insulted anyone? If moderators wish to ban my account without me actually breaking any rules, then I’m not sure i actually want to be a part of such forum. Lucid Dreams.


yours is verging on the edges right now, so take this warning shot…

Hello Rikki, as far as I’m aware I haven’t broken any forum rules, I’m engaging in debate very fairly and without judgment. I haven’t insulted anyone? If moderators wish to ban my account without me actually breaking any rules, then I’m not sure i actually want to be a part of such forum. Lucid Dreams.

Hi LD,

I said in your other topic (in Bully’s Bar) that the jury was out.

Whether or not you’ve read all the way to the bottom of the forum rules is of no consequence because you have already electronically agreed to them anyway.

We try to be fair, so I’m just pointing out some bits that you (and some other posters) might have missed:

The Forum Rules:
Note This website is owned by DVV Media International Ltd. and administered by us for them. DVV Media International Ltd. can withdraw all or any part of the website or use of its facilities to all users or individuals at any time.

Will no longer be tolerated- if in the view of the admin team your posts are simply one line trolling and not posted to contribute/ add value to a discussion they will be removed… the arbitors of this will be the admin team.

Random crap
Posts that do not make any sensible contribution to the forum will simply go
the arbitors of this will be the admin team.

Baiting other members
Posting simply to get a rise out of another/other members will simply lead to the poster no longer being able to post without their posts being scrutinised first no warnings- it will just happen. any such posts will be removed
the arbitors of this will be the admin team.

What happens next is pretty much in your (and some other posters’) own hands now.

these forums appear to come across as very cliquey. Lucid Dreams.

Personally dont see how that could be further from the truth tbh… :confused:

Fyi i think you being a mod is HUGE mistake :grimacing: :unamused:

Not quite sure what I’ve done to twist you up so badly in fact I wasn’t aware that we had even crossed paths but nonetheless that’s your opinion and your entitled to it.

I’m assuming there’s sound reasoning behind your statement, care to let me in on it?


Fyi i think you being a mod is HUGE mistake :grimacing: :unamused:

Not quite sure what I’ve done to twist you up so badly in fact I wasn’t aware that we had even crossed paths but nonetheless that’s your opinion and your entitled to it.

I’m assuming there’s sound reasoning behind your statement, care to let me in on it?

That was not an attack or anything other than a mere comment sorry if you feel bitter …,And as you seem to think i’m twisted up about it :unamused: here you go .Moderators are supposed to be diplomatic and level headed .Like the speaker in parliament …I have seen you involved in a few little spats unless i am mistaken .I tend to read more than post …
And no i do not make enemies for life for a few disagreements on a forum hopefully i am proven wrong ,A Mod who has no diplomacy will soon get power hungry .You never upset me pal .Just an observation …Freedom of speech an all that .
P.s this would have been better by p.m .


If moderators wish to ban my account without me actually breaking any rules, then I’m not sure i actually want to be a part of such forum

If you were a genuine poster as upset at being called a troll as you make out then you’d have stopped posting long ago.
As it is all you’re doing is making it more and more obvious you’ve been a member here previously and have changed tactics to stay within the rules, which incidently doesnt protect you from being barred as much as you think
You’re not fooling anyone. No-one on here is as stupid as you think. Or you for that matter, if you genuinely believe you have anyone fooled

I’m engaging in debate very fairly and without judgment.

Your first thread after joining was a judgement/insult of British drivers as a whole
Just because you’re not name calling doesnt mean you arent trolling.



Fyi i think you being a mod is HUGE mistake :grimacing: :unamused:

Not quite sure what I’ve done to twist you up so badly in fact I wasn’t aware that we had even crossed paths but nonetheless that’s your opinion and your entitled to it.

I’m assuming there’s sound reasoning behind your statement, care to let me in on it?

That was not an attack or anything other than a mere comment sorry if you feel bitter …,And as you seem to think i’m twisted up about it :unamused: here you go .Moderators are supposed to be diplomatic and level headed .Like the speaker in parliament …I have seen you involved in a few little spats unless i am mistaken .I tend to read more than post …
And no i do not make enemies for life for a few disagreements on a forum hopefully i am proven wrong ,A Mod who has no diplomacy will soon get power hungry .You never upset me pal .Just an observation …Freedom of speech an all that .
P.s this would have been better by p.m .


OK three Final points on this and the matter is closed as far as I’m concerned (unless you wish to continue via PM of course)

  1. I’m not bitter, I cannot even see how you’ve ascertained that from my prior post, trust me I’m happy as a lark…

  2. Please refer me to the ruling whereby it states that (in your words) “Moderators are supposed to be diplomatic and level headed .Like the speaker in parliament” For the record we are meant to be fair and unbiased in our moderating decisions but other than that we do not become automatons the minute we accept this voluntary role, when I speak (type) on this or any forum I speak as Reef, as me, when i moderate I do so as a representative of the forum team, please learn to differentiate the two!

  3. I am not power hungry, I have no ideas of grandeur, I have been a member of this forum for over 12 yrs I was asked if I’d join the team and after a thinking period of 3 - 4 days I accepted. Just an fyi, I have moderated forum boards for the last 8 years, and never once have attempted to start a master race and invade other territories or countries, there are some, maybe even many that either disagree with my views or even just plain out dislike me, that’s fine, but it has never caused me to perform my moderating duties in any less of an unbiased or unfair way.

P.s this would have been better by p.m .

Then why didn’t you?

As said above , freedom of speech ^ And p.s all of this above kind of confirms my innitial thoughts .you argue .you kind of made my point for me here lol .
Good afternoon .

As said above , freedom of speech ^

Fair enough, you have a point with that, but there are limits.

From my post above, and now diplomatically pointed out to you as friendly advice…

We try to be fair, so I’m just pointing out some bits that you (and some other posters) might have missed:

The Forum Rules:
Note This website is owned by DVV Media International Ltd. and administered by us for them. DVV Media International Ltd. can withdraw all or any part of the website or use of its facilities to all users or individuals at any time.

Will no longer be tolerated- if in the view of the admin team your posts are simply one line trolling and not posted to contribute/ add value to a discussion they will be removed… the arbitors of this will be the admin team.

Random crap
Posts that do not make any sensible contribution to the forum will simply go
the arbitors of this will be the admin team.

Baiting other members
Posting simply to get a rise out of another/other members will simply lead to the poster no longer being able to post without their posts being scrutinised first no warnings- it will just happen. any such posts will be removed
the arbitors of this will be the admin team.

What happens next is pretty much in your (and some other posters’) own hands now.

In the above, “you” and “your” was aimed at LD, but FYI you were included in the “and some other posters” bit. :wink:

And p.s all of this above kind of confirms my innitial thoughts .you argue .you kind of made my point for me here lol .
Good afternoon .

As far as I can see, Reef simply responded to something that you had written and appeared to be directed at him.

Maybe, you’ve just got it in for Mods in general, so I’ll diplomatically just point out that I’m still awaiting your response to my TWO requests for how it is (you say) that there’s some kind of Mod conspiracy going on.

Mind you, having read your reply to Reef… I can accuse you of arguing if you answer. :grimacing: :laughing: :laughing:

Oh, and I nearly forgot… a very good afternoon to you Sir.