Infestation. [Merged]

Seems we have another infestation. Well, actually we don’t, just the same infestation returning methinks.


I’m afraid that I may have dropped a little titbit off before realising. Sorry.
Just when we were feeling more relaxed.

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Was always going to happen unfortunately.
Some people are so devoid of personality that trolling online to get a reaction is their only way to get the attention they desperately crave
I personally feel trolls should be pitied, especially ones who keep coming back to the same forums with different usernames

It is exactly the same person every time imo .Long winded waffler .Possibly an ex retired driver .Or more than likely a team member trying to create page views .Either way it is pathetic :unamused: :laughing:

It is exactly the same person every time imo .Long winded waffler .Possibly an ex retired driver .

Whilst I can agree with the idea behind the posts in this topic so far, as well as your comment/opinion above, I’ll say that we have recently strengthened the Mod/Admin Team.

However, this nugget has left me puzzled:

Or more than likely a team member trying to create page views .

The need to strengthen the Mod/Admin Team was because we were a little thin on the ground, so quite who of the thinly stretched Team would have had enough time to invent an alias and post a load of trolling pish nonsense etc is beyond me.

Given that page views etc have gone up since the crackdown, a good conspiracy theory (and very cheap shot) is “more than likely a team member…” unless you’ve got any proof that we might have missed.

:bulb: Although the hit rate won’t ever be 100%, the strengthened Team are now better able to spot posters who post crap just to get a reaction.

What did I miss? :smiley:

What did I miss? :smiley:

Have a read through the PDF bud, all the clues and writing “styles” are a giveaway.


It is exactly the same person every time imo .Long winded waffler .Possibly an ex retired driver .

Whilst I can agree with the idea behind the posts in this topic so far, as well as your comment/opinion above, I’ll say that we have recently strengthened the Mod/Admin Team.

However, this nugget has left me puzzled:

Or more than likely a team member trying to create page views .

The need to strengthen the Mod/Admin Team was because we were a little thin on the ground, so quite who of the thinly stretched Team would have had enough time to invent an alias and post a load of trolling pish nonsense etc is beyond me.

Given that page views etc have gone up since the crackdown, a good conspiracy theory (and very cheap shot) is “more than likely a team member…” unless you’ve got any proof that we might have missed.

:bulb: Although the hit rate won’t ever be 100%, the strengthened Team are now better able to spot posters who post crap just to get a reaction.

You know it is the same person.My point is you just let it go on and on like they are part of the team.
Sorry if it offended you pal .

You can spot them a mile away. I always cringe when I see them and wait for the usual posts to start appearing blaming me!!!

You know it is the same person.My point is you just let it go on and on like they are part of the team.
Sorry if it offended you pal .

No need to apologise mate, you didn’t offend me… I just didn’t get your logic in your earlier post, or indeed this one.

I understand that certain things might be annoying to you, but unless you can point me in the direction of a forum rule that has been broken (as I’ve asked you to do previously,) then there’s nothing we can do.

I’ll say again… posters have the choice of either ignoring or replying to any post as they see fit.

It might just be me, but I honestly don’t think that’s a difficult concept.

Just to add to what DieselDave has said, any post that any member thinks is an issue, can be quickly flagged up to the team, by clicking on the report button. Shown highlighted here


Hello everyone, good afternoon. I haven’t had my account for very long and already had some very pleasant responses from the users of trucknet. However there is a much more upsetting tone that seems to share the same pages. I have unfortunately been accused of being a troll by numerous users of this forum - to which I don’t take kindly in being called. Why is it action hasn’t been taken in trying to curb such language? Surely moderators of this site could try to control the amount of name calling I have already seen occur in less than a week of me being on here? And how can we stop trolling and trolling accusations from occurring in the future? Lucid Dreams.

I’ve moved your post here (to the Feedback Forum) because it’s a feedback question.

If you read the recent topics in here, you’ll see that we are aware of (and dealing with) this issue.

I’ve moved your post here (to the Feedback Forum) because it’s a feedback question.

If you read the recent topics in here, you’ll see that we are aware of (and dealing with) this issue.

Hello Dave, thank you for placing this within the relevant department. As you can see by the post placed by “Robroy” this could potentially in itself be classed as trolling/spam I really do hope these issues are resolved swiftly. Lucid Dreams.

Just you interpret it as you like bud…I aint fussed tbh.
If the mods think I’m trolling/spamming my feet won’t touch.

We’ll see who lasts the longest though eh? :wink:
Have a nice life (lives) :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The only way trolling will truly stop is not through heavy handed or over-moderation (which does reduce it to a point to be fair) but by the troll respondents taking a step back and stop calling out every other post as a “troll post”, once the trolls realise there is no entertainment value to be gained from troll posting in the first place they will stop fishing because they’re not getting any bites…

The only way trolling will truly stop is not through heavy handed or over-moderation (which does reduce it to a point to be fair) but by the troll respondents taking a step back and stop calling out every other post as a “troll post”, once the trolls realise there is no entertainment value to be gained from troll posting in the first place they will stop fishing because they’re not getting any bites…

^^^^ is the correct answer, but it’s soooooo difficult not to bite back.

So people who flag up blatant trolls should be quiet yeah ?Your new title gone to your head pal?
Fyi i think you being a mod is HUGE mistake :grimacing: :unamused: