Infestation. [Merged]


Freight Dog:
You’ve some fantastic posters on here, good people. Beaver, Rob, Maoster, Conor, Snowman, even UKT. Endless list. And it’s not clicks. You see half these people might not even relate to each other, certainly some don’t probably think much to me. But that’s not the point. They all provide a mix. They make up trucknet. They come here because they choose. They’ve supported it over the years. Granted there’s some sharp corners. But they make this site. Keep your ears pinned and respect them.


None taken Freight Dog but I will take it, well after reading this, I am uncertain as to how you flew under my radar for so long, pardon the pun. Probably one of the best replies I have read on here. Accurate and to the point with no insults being thrown, merely a gloves off British tommy response. Kudos.

Sorry mate it’s my poor description. I got a blind goose with a sore backside to write it whilst I made a cup of tea :smiley: . Kind of mean you’ve bumped axes from time to time with the departments :smiley: , I’m not doing very well ha, I really rate you myself (people are fainting, I can hear the thumps). I forgot Eager too. The list is endless. Well, not really endless. Just too long for my tiny brain.

Freight Dog:
l forgot Eager to

You may want to read your own origin post :smiley:

Sent from my mobile.

No Freight dog, it’s not personal, who you are has no relevance at all, it’s what you said that I challenged as feigning offense and you can deny it all you want, my interpretation will remain the same, you suddenly went how very dare you over a simple reply to a question you posed that even the simplest of minds wouldn’t have needed to ask.

I haven’t honed in on you at all, but you keep on and on, bleating about the same thing and directing your questions to me, so I answer them. If you don’t wish to have further dialogue with me, stop going on and on revisiting earlier posts that have been explained to you numerous times.

Call into question my motives all you like, it’s pretty clear that you and I think very differently and therefore my tactics will appear alien to you, great minds don’t always think alike you know, not that I’m claiming either of us is a great mind.

Your latest whinge mentions people that you consider to be great posters and yet half of them, maybe more, are on premod, that in itself speaks volumes! Let’s be honest here, premod means that they need nannying, they are not trusted to post without it being approved first, which by definition means that they are not great posters, but nuisances and of no benefit to the forums whatsoever. This fact appears to have escaped your notice and you’re just banging your head against a wall if you think supporting them is doing you any good apart from making yourself feel better for standing with your brothers in arms.

So carry on with your crusade if you so desire, get it off your chest, but bear in mind that it’s a broken record.

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Freight Dog:
l forgot Eager to

You may want to read your own origin post :smiley:

Sent from my mobile.

Yeah that bloody goose and I are going to cross swords. I asked him to write one simple thing. Lucky Sunday dinner is finished :smiley: . Cheers chief

Freight Dog:

Captain Caveman 76:

Freight Dog:
You’ve some fantastic posters on here, good people. Beaver, Rob, Maoster, Conor, Snowman, even UKT. Endless list. And it’s not clicks. You see half these people might not even relate to each other, certainly some don’t probably think much to me. But that’s not the point. They all provide a mix. They make up trucknet. They come here because they choose. They’ve supported it over the years. Granted there’s some sharp corners. But they make this site. Keep your ears pinned and respect them.


Ahem, er, hmmm, forgotten anyone?

So sorry mate. Remiss of me. Definitely you. You should be on there.The list is endless. You’d make a good mod actually imo. Cheers mate.

Cheers FD, even though it took you two attempts and some prompting, :wink: it’s kind of you to say so.

Captain Caveman 76:
Cheers FD, even though it took you two attempts and some prompting, :wink:.

Ha. So sorry mate, not at all. My mind was elsewhere. Really enjoyed our natters and story swapping on PM. Keep ‘er lit boss

Your latest whinge mentions people that you consider to be great posters and yet half of them, maybe more, are on premod, that in itself speaks volumes! Let’s be honest here, premod means that they need nannying, they are not trusted to post without it being approved first, which by definition means that they are not great posters, but nuisances and of no benefit to the forums whatsoever. This fact appears to have escaped your notice and you’re just banging your head against a wall if you think supporting them is doing you any good apart from making yourself feel better for standing with your brothers in arms.

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I don’t want this to turn into a mod vs poster thing, but I really disagree with this statement. Is that really your opinion of posters on premod? I’m sorry but that smacks of arrogance. In fact, it makes a mockery of premod because, in your opinion, they shouldn’t be here at all.

Nah, this forum’s not cliquey at all. :confused:

WOW you are quite unbelievable, NMM your views are very Victorian, should we possibly be hanged? I honestly do not need nannying by you, my god a real life Mrs doubtfire you are. I think you have disgraced yourself enough without pouring fuel onto the already blazing fire. Do you realise that you are a mod?

Rob K:

Hey mate.
It was I (as you are aware) that played the ‘Fun Police’ card on that particular thread.
The thread in question was UKt trying to prove his point about being a fridge specialist.
Now whether UK.t is guilty of trolling in the past is a side issue , but as far as I remember (and maybe you will come back and shoot me down on this, as I can’t be arsed to trawl through the thread in question) he was just trying to re.gain some credibility but did not want to reveal his i.d. which is where the arguments and bickering started.

As for you saying ‘‘There’s a great deal of truth in what Rob.k said’’, whether there is or not, it’s kinda counteracted by the fact that Rob practices multi forum i.d.s in epic proportions, which imo is as big a problem as blatant trolling, if not a catalyst for the same thing. :bulb:

Another thing mate, if you thought some of the people you mention were ‘the biggest problem’ you had every opportunity to stamp on it when you were a mod yourself, so why did you not?

I purposely ignored responding to your earlier accusation of this as it is quite clear to everyone that this is your pathetic attempt at [zb] stirring because you didn’t like the tone of my earlier reply to you. I also see from doing a site wide search of my username that you have quite the reputation for stalking me and claiming that you know what all my alleged alter-egos are (your words, not mine). Well then, for the benefit of the membership and administration team please list them all so they can take any necessary actions as they see fit. You have self-appointed yourself as being the Chief forum “troll outer” and expert on all things member related, so on you go please :arrow_right: .

To save some time and as I really cannot be arsed reading any more of your dreary rhetoric I’ll state right here that, yes, I have in the very distant past posted under aliases, but then so too have many of the original crowd (Neil, Vince, Ady, to name but a few) and from what I can recall, no bunnies or kittens were hurt and there was no adverse effect on the forums as a whole because it was just a bit of fun. Have I used or posted under an alias here within the past few years? No I have not. Prior to that (possibly circa 4+ years ago) after I was put on premod I needed to contact a mod but was unable to do so because my PM ability had also been disabled. As a result of that I did create a new name so that I could PM to get their contact details. That’s it. There hasn’t been any content here worth engaging with as it’s all been Facebook-esque dross.

Now that’s been cleared up could you please stop stalking me and responding to every post I make filled with paranoia that it’s always about you. I do not give one single hoot for your thoughts or opinions and the fewer posts you make here, the better this site becomes and the better I feel. If I were to have the misfortune of meeting you at an RDC I would quite honestly hide in the Gents for 4 hours or go and stand outside getting drenched in the rain and wind just so that there would be no risk of being bored to death with job and truck talk when you inevitably decide to strike up a “conversation”. I do not like your passive-aggressive tone in all your posts eg. “I couldn’t give [zb] what you think […] no offence pal/mate […] have a nice weekend” and for the record I am NOT your “mate” or “pal” so quit referring to me as such.

I hope I’ve made my feelings crystal clear now and we can move on as a forum without this constant childish point-scoring nonsense polluting every thread.

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
Jeez H man ! :smiley:
You’ll do yourself a mischief getting worked up like that Rob . …:laughing:
Fair enough think I best lay off if a forum difference of opinion is actually getting you THAT agitated. :open_mouth:
I think I liked your ‘‘failed owner driver/council house’’ jibes from one of your nom de plumes, better than you playing the victim.tbh,… but hey ho. :laughing:

Yeh fair enough mate (sorry I forgot)… I’ll go with that, something we agree on I can’t be arsed with your drivel as you can’t be arsed with mine.

Reckon we’ll just press the ‘Avoid each other’ button and draw a line under it ?
Don’t bother replying, (as I’ve no desire to prolong this embarrasing exchange) and I will take it as an agreement between us.

Captain Caveman 76:

Your latest whinge mentions people that you consider to be great posters and yet half of them, maybe more, are on premod, that in itself speaks volumes! Let’s be honest here, premod means that they need nannying, they are not trusted to post without it being approved first, which by definition means that they are not great posters, but nuisances and of no benefit to the forums whatsoever. This fact appears to have escaped your notice and you’re just banging your head against a wall if you think supporting them is doing you any good apart from making yourself feel better for standing with your brothers in arms.

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I don’t want this to turn into a mod vs poster thing, but I really disagree with this statement. Is that really your opinion of posters on premod? I’m sorry but that smacks of arrogance. In fact, it makes a mockery of premod because, in your opinion, they shouldn’t be here at all.

That’s exactly what premod is, a members ability to post without it first being approved by a moderator, by definition that means they need nannying. Nothing arrogant about it, it’s a simple fact.

Victorian you say, well as I have the ability to delete any post I don’t like and haven’t deleted any from this thread, nor any from anybody posting here, ever, even though I clearly don’t agree with this current gong show and a lot of the other stuff you all post, that pretty much answers that I think.

Do I think you should all be banned? No, even if I think you’re talking a complete load of ■■■■■■■■, you have every right to do so, just as long as you do so within the rules of trucknetuk, that’s the whole point of this.

Edited to add.

Freightdog, I missed your earlier post, just to clear up one thing, I haven’t moderated anything in this thread, so I don’t see how you can constitute that as an abuse of power? I have taken everything you and others have said without taking offence to any of it.

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That’s exactly what premod is, a members ability to post without it first being approved by a moderator, by definition that means they need nannying. Nothing arrogant about it, it’s a simple fact.

Victorian you say, well as I have the ability to delete any post I don’t like and haven’t deleted any from this thread, nor any from anybody posting here, ever, even though I clearly don’t agree with this current gong show and a lot of the other stuff you all post, that pretty much answers that I think.

That’s very decent of you not to delete any posts that you don’t like or agree with. After all this thread isn’t actually a witch hunt, it is supposedly be a feedback forum where people are allowed or meant to give feedback. The feedback that is received should be welcomed rather than be threatened with the usual f*** off if you don’t like it. I have to say that you have sort of thrust your opinions upon respected members which appear a little bizarre. I now understand that your feelings towards anyone on pre mod is purely a nuisance and has little academic skills or is worthless to the site. Sorry to disappoint here but in my case I am actually an academic, you are of course entitled to think what you like but your view is a little blinkered or tunnel visioned. People are expressing their concerns over the heavy handed approach the mods appear to be taking and are simply looking for a little clarification on the subject. The way you spoke / typed your reply to Freight Dog was harsh and excessive only reinforcing and realising his suspicions. You also told him in no uncertain terms that he is guilty by association of his list of posters that he liked. You also stated that you were conducting an experiment to get to see members bite and classed this as artistic licence. I would say that it is more autistic than artistic but that is my opinion which I expect others would have concluded but dare not say. Which brings me to my point, with this sort of arrogance and stance, it will make posters like Freight Dog think twice about contributing to threads and instead of having a positive effect, it will actually have a negative impact on the site. Who is next to get this sort of treatment? Could be anyone I expect, unless you like them that is. Personally I think moderators should be more toned down and not be so vocal in their opinions. Diesel Dave could give you some pointers on diplomacy and how mods should behave. Mods stick together as we have all witnessed and yet you mock Freight Dog for sticking by his “brothers in arms”. A real shame how things are and an even bigger shame on you. You will no doubt have the backing of all the mods so that must make it right.


Captain Caveman 76:

Your latest whinge mentions people that you consider to be great posters and yet half of them, maybe more, are on premod, that in itself speaks volumes! Let’s be honest here, premod means that they need nannying, they are not trusted to post without it being approved first, which by definition means that they are not great posters, but nuisances and of no benefit to the forums[/i] whatsoever. This fact appears to have escaped your notice and you’re just banging your head against a wall if you think supporting them is doing you any good apart from making yourself feel better for standing with your brothers in arms.
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I don’t want this to turn into a mod vs poster thing, but I really disagree with this statement. Is that really your opinion of posters on premod? I’m sorry but that smacks of arrogance. In fact, it makes a mockery of premod because, in your opinion, they shouldn’t be here at all.
That’s exactly what premod is, a members ability to post without it first being approved by a moderator, by definition that means they need nannying. Nothing arrogant about it, it’s a simple fact.
I’ve rehighlighted the portion of your post I was referring to. Is it your opinion or mods in general who believe that posters on premod have nothing to offer the forum? Personally, I strongly disagree with that statement despite appreciating why they are on premod.
Victorian you say, well as I have the ability to delete any post I don’t like and haven’t deleted any from this thread, nor any from anybody posting here, ever, even though I clearly don’t agree with this current gong show and a lot of the other stuff you all post, that pretty much answers that I think.
I don’t recall making that reference (victorian), you may have mistaken me for someone else.
Do I think you should all be banned? No, even if I think you’re talking a complete load of ■■■■■■■■, you have every right to do so, just as long as you do so within the rules of trucknetuk, that’s the whole point of this.
But your thoughts don’t come into it. You’re here to simply apply the rules, not interpret them. The paragraph above where you state you haven’t edited/deleted posts you don’t agree with shouldn’t need stating. If something is within the rules then you have no need to get involved, whether you agree with it or not. I’ve no issue at all with rules being applied or enforced, as long as they’re fair and the same for everyone.
Edited to add.
Freightdog, I missed your earlier post, just to clear up one thing, I haven’t moderated anything in this thread, so I don’t see how you can constitute that as an abuse of power? I have taken everything you and others have said without taking offence to any of it.
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I said very early in my post that I didn’t want this to be a poster v mod situation, nor do I want it to be an internet “pile on newmercman”. But when you say things like “Do I think you should all be banned?”, you can hopefully see why I think mods are detached from standard posters.

you have all had your say, nothing has been deleted or edited.
The forum manager has said he has read your comments and will take them on board. So I suggest that you allow him time to do that.

As for what moderators can or cannot say. Moderators are members here and entitled to have their opinions, . and just like everyone else, as long as they stay within the forum rules, they can express them freely.
I would remind you that the moderators are all volunteers who give their time up to keep this forum running, they are not paid staff.

If you have an issue concerning any moderator , the way to address it is to contact privately the forum manager and ask him to look into it.

I will make it very clear, that all the people on pre-moderation are there because of regular posting behaviour that breaches the forum rules, and not heeding warnings or advice given to them by the team, to post in a manner within the guidelines. All people on pre-moderation will stay on pre-moderation until they show that they are willing to utilise this site within the forum guidelines. This does not happen quickly or because a few people shout.

Freight Dog think twice…

Hi Tramp. That’s so, buried in text somewhere . Have a good eve

Uktramp, mods stick together for one simple reason, we all play by the same rules, the trucknetuk rules, if you have to deal with a moderator in an official capacity it’s for one reason only, namely a breach of the rules. The rules are pretty black and white, there’s no ambiguity, so yes you will see mods backing each other up.

You complain about heavy handed moderators, yet look at what this descended into from a simple statement about stopping petty arguing and bickering, followed by a comment about Freightdog knowing very well what I meant when I said arguing, there was no ambiguity in my comment, PETTY ARGUING AND BICKERING is self explanatory.

Then the “feedback” started, basically the same thing repeated over and over again, but approached from different angles.

Yes I did remark about Freightdog and his idea of what constitutes a good poster here, I meant every word of it too, the posters may well make interesting and helpful comments, start threads etc. But if the other side of that coin are posts that break site rules to the point of being put on premod, then that cancels out the good stuff they post.

Now as I said earlier, I’ve never deleted a single post from anybody that’s posted on this thread, not on this thread or any other and I can assure you that I won’t be putting you on any list for future revenge, that’s not my style at all. I’ve expressed my opinion on the subject, a bit of feedback from the other direction if you like and that’s that.

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Uktramp, mods stick together for one simple reason, we all play by the same rules, the trucknetuk rules, if you have to deal with a moderator in an official capacity it’s for one reason only, namely a breach of the rules. The rules are pretty black and white, there’s no ambiguity, so yes you will see mods backing each other up.

You complain about heavy handed moderators, yet look at what this descended into from a simple statement about stopping petty arguing and bickering, followed by a comment about Freightdog knowing very well what I meant when I said arguing, there was no ambiguity in my comment, PETTY ARGUING AND BICKERING is self explanatory.

Then the “feedback” started, basically the same thing repeated over and over again, but approached from different angles.

Yes I did remark about Freightdog and his idea of what constitutes a good poster here, I meant every word of it too, the posters may well make interesting and helpful comments, start threads etc. But if the other side of that coin are posts that break site rules to the point of being put on premod, then that cancels out the good stuff they post.

Now as I said earlier, I’ve never deleted a single post from anybody that’s posted on this thread, not on this thread or any other and I can assure you that I won’t be putting you on any list for future revenge, that’s not my style at all. I’ve expressed my opinion on the subject, a bit of feedback from the other direction if you like and that’s that.

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Jeez don’t apologize to him , he’s the root cause of all this ■■■■ with a “little help from his friends” . Give things a few days to calm down and the "sock puppet "nonsense will resume , garun ■■■■■■ teed . :unamused:

flat to the mat:
Jeez don’t apologize to him , he’s the root cause of all this [zb] with a “little help from his friends” . Give things a few days to calm down and the "sock puppet "nonsense will resume , garun [zb] teed . :unamused:

And there it is, in a nutshell I allegedly have multiple accounts and have posted under different guises, never have done that and the mods know this. It was so simple to prove but yet it was deemed better to allow everyone to believe it is all my fault and to shine the spot light away from themselves. Oddly enough I live in Hull and we have our own ISP unique to everyone else. We have our own telephone exchange, once again unique in the country. All of my so called “friends” would not have been posting on the same ISP as they were all from different parts of the UK. It is not me that is the root cause of all of this, it is caused by people not having the common sense to use their own intelligence, an example is when I kept getting all of my posts highlighted up. It was so obvious that it wasn’t me, it was unbelievable how the usual suspects and troll hunter types went into a frenzy. I fully understand that rules have to be followed and that running a forum like this must be trying and at times difficult, the problem is when you stamp out the wrong people and leave the real perpetrators to run free. When this is addressed only then will you start to solve your current problems. I am not saying I am guilt free by any shot, I did indeed sail close to the wind at times, not on the scale it was made out to be though. I hope you get the site back on track again but you really need to be looking at the troll hunter types and read a few posts to see where the problem lies. It is so obvious to me and a few of the other members on here. You may have noticed a difference in my style of posting since being placed on pre mod, so yes pre mod can work but then for it to work the right people need to be put on it, that actually is the easy bit in my opinion. I know the reply will be the obvious, your on it stop bleating. I am not bleating, just stating the obvious if only you opened your eyes. As moderators people expect more sense from you.

I think the forum manager can take heart from this thread, not only the points mentioned but also the way the conversation has been conducted.

With any pendulum shift, in this case from a ‘lite touch’ moderation style to a more stronger approach there’s going to be a few issues but eventually things get rebalanced and settle in the middle.

Maybe the days of drunken kickoffs are long gone but any mass debating club will inevitably lead to heated exchanges on certain topics. Regular posters will have more knowledge of the new changes and hopefully play a part in keeping the forum moving along smoothly.

For me I’ll just try to embrace the change and help out if possible or I’ll just run the risk of losing an area of the internet where I can contribute and occasionally get away with some soft ■■■■… :wink:

Just my tuppence worth.


multi forum i.d.s are as big a problem as blatant trolling, if not a catalyst for the same thing. :bulb:

I’ve no idea why people get so worked up about multiple account holders, it’s often hard to see who has multiple accounts and just as hard to deal with them even if it was against the forum rules, which it isn’t.

I’ve never seen any reason to have more than one account myself but frankly couldn’t care less how many accounts other people have if they’re used responsibly.

Well mostly tacho, because of the reasons I pointed out.
What other motive for multi usernames could anybody have other than to cause mischief…for want of a better word.

You say yourself, ‘‘you’ve never seen any reason to hold more than one account’’…why would you?.. I certainly can’t see a GOOD reason for it either, so I’m same as you on this.

Somebody said (can’t for the life of me who btw :neutral_face: ) that it was just for a bit of fun and went on to give examples of a few old mates who did the same thing, correct me if I wrong here but is that not the self same thing as a forum based ‘‘clique’’ :bulb: …which has been already condemned on here to be a big part of the problem on this site?

That aside, in other cases we also often get what looks like one bloke talking to himself,.answering his own questions, then another comes on (presumably the same bloke) disagreeing with the other ‘‘two’’.
So how is that a constructive contribution to the forum?..and then you say you can’t see anything wrong with that? :open_mouth:

At the very least tachograph it’s insulting the intelligence of other members, so then the ones on the ball are ‘outing’ these guys to let them see that they are not as gullible as that o/p thinks, but now even they are condemned for doing that by some !! :open_mouth:

Everyone or most on this thread have different opinions on the source and causes of the present problems on this site.
Mods are getting condemned for the cause of the problems, certain members are getting condemned for the cause of the problems, as are certain perceived ‘cliques’ and of course the famous trolls.

I don’t envy Dave and his mates trying to sort it, but I just hope they get the balance right between sorting the forum and spoiling it. :bulb: