Infestation. [Merged]

That was like wading through treacle and if I started to answer every post I’d have a couple of pages of my own. So here’s my tuppeneth…

  1. Cliques. No I don’t think it’s cliquey. There isn’t a forum I’ve been on when someone hasn’t wailed, ‘it’s cliquey on here’. No, people ‘know’ each other on here, possibly in real life, so they are friendly. Hang around, join in, then you’ll be in the imaginary clique.

  2. Trolls, undoubtedly there are some, nothing wrong with pointing them out, don’t encourage them and then whine about it. From my very limited mod experience, it’s not always obvious who they are and I don’t want to take action against someone that isn’t trolling, just having a dizzy moment.

  3. Mods - I suspect that we won’t all sing from the same hymn sheet all the time. NMM’s style of posting and character is different to mine, his words on here are more robust than I would use and I don’t particularly agree with his thoughts on this thread. But that is me talking as a poster as opposed to a mod - being a mod doesn’t mean you stop being a poster.

If there needs to be a consistent approach from moderators on a specific issue and it’s been discussed between us and a general consensus agreed, then I’d support the consensus.

No those two paragraphs are not paradoxical.

  1. Multiple IDs, I hate them. There can be no point other than to mislead at best.

That’s mostly it, probably had more to add but I’ve interrupted this post three times to do some actual work and I’ve lost what I was going to say. :blush:

Now there’s a ray of sunshine for all of you, a moderator that will not post in the robust" style that I’ve used here, that shows that the mod team have very different views and are therefore balanced.

Albion is new, so that shows that the admin team are taking steps to address their role in the recent shenanigans, another good thing.

The whole thread has been an open and frank discussion and nothing has had to be removed, nobody has been told off and as far as I know, all the members on premod have had all their posts approved and been allowed to express their views.

That in itself is a breakthrough, it proves that if you remain on topic and post within the trucknetuk rules, you can say what you want without fear of “punishment”.

Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk

it was unbelievable how the usual suspects and troll hunter types went into a frenzy.

I always found that bizarre as well.
The mere sight of your name seemed to cause some members to have a meltdown
It always appeared to me you got pre-modded just to keep the peace.

Same with eagerbeaver. I personally (for what its worth) think he got pre-modded just for being too critical of the sites management. That and his strong views on the thread by the essex copper
(Im not looking for a debate on it before any mods jump in. Its merely my opinion and im sure your reasons were explained to EB and UKT at the time. Its just I personally didnt see posting styles that deserved premod)

Freight Dog:

Freight Dog think twice…

Hi Tramp. That’s so, buried in text somewhere . Have a good eve

New you would pick it out, chin up buddy and best foot forward.


it was unbelievable how the usual suspects and troll hunter types went into a frenzy.

I always found that bizarre as well.
The mere sight of your name seemed to cause some members to have a meltdown
It always appeared to me you got pre-modded just to keep the peace.

Same with eagerbeaver. I personally (for what its worth) think he got pre-modded just for being too critical of the sites management. That and his strong views on the thread by the essex copper
(Im not looking for a debate on it before any mods jump in. Its merely my opinion and im sure your reasons were explained to EB and UKT at the time. Its just I personally didnt see posting styles that deserved premod)

Nothing got explained to me Frozen chap. Didn’t collect my £200 for passing go either! :wink:

Straight to jail :laughing: That’s what you get for upsetting the management on here :grimacing: Good things have come out of this discussion though, some true colours have been shown…

That was like wading through treacle and if I started to answer every post I’d have a couple of pages of my own. So here’s my tuppeneth…

  1. Cliques. No I don’t think it’s cliquey. There isn’t a forum I’ve been on when someone hasn’t wailed, ‘it’s cliquey on here’. No, people ‘know’ each other on here, possibly in real life, so they are friendly. Hang around, join in, then you’ll be in the imaginary clique.

  2. Trolls, undoubtedly there are some, nothing wrong with pointing them out, don’t encourage them and then whine about it. From my very limited mod experience, it’s not always obvious who they are and I don’t want to take action against someone that isn’t trolling, just having a dizzy moment.

  3. Mods - I suspect that we won’t all sing from the same hymn sheet all the time. NMM’s style of posting and character is different to mine, his words on here are more robust than I would use and I don’t particularly agree with his thoughts on this thread. But that is me talking as a poster as opposed to a mod - being a mod doesn’t mean you stop being a poster.

If there needs to be a consistent approach from moderators on a specific issue and it’s been discussed between us and a general consensus agreed, then I’d support the consensus.

No those two paragraphs are not paradoxical.

  1. Multiple IDs, I hate them. There can be no point other than to mislead at best.

That’s mostly it, probably had more to add but I’ve interrupted this post three times to do some actual work and I’ve lost what I was going to say. :blush:

Thumbs up …

Internet forums are no different to any other type of club, there will be opposing and supporting views, friends will be made with some members, with others not so much and that’s fine.

The trouble starts when you take it too seriously, or try to upset the flow by steering things in a different direction to suit your own agenda.

That’s what’s happened here, things got a little out of hand and action had to be taken to prevent it getting any worse.

Those that got caught in the net may feel that it was unjust, it may well have been, but prevention is better than cure. You have to remember that this kind of thing has occurred many times during the time this site has been running and hindsight gives an indication of where things are likely to go once things start getting a little boisterous, a pattern begins to emerge and that’s what happened here, add a few alpha males that are articulate into the mix and trouble is on the horizon.

In this case proactive action is necessary, waiting until fan and poop collide is the wrong way to go about it, that makes a bad situation worse.

Eagerbeaver you believe that Rikki has it in for you, let me tell you that you’re mistaken on that count, it doesn’t work like that. Many years ago a thread got one of the forums taken down for a while, the forum was removed from the boards, a bunch of members got put on premod and some left never to return, during this Rikki and I got into it a bit, to the point that he was going to come down the A1 and punch me in the throat, we were going to meet halfway as it happens as I wanted to throw the first punch, compared to that episode, this current situation is a slight ripple in a teacup.

Now the point of that is that once everyone involved stopped believing they were bigger and better than the rest of the membership, it all settled down and normality was restored. The members involved could still have their say, even being outspoken and robust (I like that description) and as long as they did it within the rules it was all good, the rules haven’t changed since then, nor have their implementation.

You can sail very close to the wind and still post without fear of punishment, as long as you stick to the rules, as has been proven here in this thread.

Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk

Internet forums are no different to any other type of club, there will be opposing and supporting views, friends will be made with some members, with others not so much and that’s fine.

The trouble starts when you take it too seriously, or try to upset the flow by steering things in a different direction to suit your own agenda.

That’s what’s happened here, things got a little out of hand and action had to be taken to prevent it getting any worse.

Those that got caught in the net may feel that it was unjust, it may well have been, but prevention is better than cure. You have to remember that this kind of thing has occurred many times during the time this site has been running and hindsight gives an indication of where things are likely to go once things start getting a little boisterous, a pattern begins to emerge and that’s what happened here, add a few alpha males that are articulate into the mix and trouble is on the horizon.

In this case proactive action is necessary, waiting until fan and poop collide is the wrong way to go about it, that makes a bad situation worse.

Eagerbeaver you believe that Rikki has it in for you, let me tell you that you’re mistaken on that count, it doesn’t work like that. Many years ago a thread got one of the forums taken down for a while, the forum was removed from the boards, a bunch of members got put on premod and some left never to return, during this Rikki and I got into it a bit, to the point that he was going to come down the A1 and punch me in the throat, we were going to meet halfway as it happens as I wanted to throw the first punch, compared to that episode, this current situation is a slight ripple in a teacup.

Now the point of that is that once everyone involved stopped believing they were bigger and better than the rest of the membership, it all settled down and normality was restored. The members involved could still have their say, even being outspoken and robust (I like that description) and as long as they did it within the rules it was all good, the rules haven’t changed since then, nor have their implementation.

You can sail very close to the wind and still post without fear of punishment, as long as you stick to the rules, as has been proven here in this thread.

Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk

NMM, where I live a spade is not referred to as an excavation device, a shovel or indeed a soil extraction machine.

A spade is a spade. So do me a favour and remove your diplomats badge from your lapel. I took the ■■■■ out of Rikki’s " times up " notice/post and within MINUTES I was on pre-mod. So either Rikki did it or one of his unpaid helpers did.

Ironically the post was SUPPORTIVE of his post :open_mouth: :unamused: If you don’t believe me, check it out yourself (Clint Eastwood meme).
Tell you what, why don’t you post it on here for all to see? How about we let the members decide? Or can they not be trusted and need beating down with a stick again?

Best keep me on pre-mod permanently tbh. People have tried to silence me before (including our good friends the coppers :wink: )
It didn’t go too well for them :grimacing: So carry on flexing pal by all means, but don’t bother doing it in my direction please, I find it boring and embarrassing.



multi forum i.d.s are as big a problem as blatant trolling, if not a catalyst for the same thing. :bulb:

I’ve no idea why people get so worked up about multiple account holders, it’s often hard to see who has multiple accounts and just as hard to deal with them even if it was against the forum rules, which it isn’t.

I’ve never seen any reason to have more than one account myself but frankly couldn’t care less how many accounts other people have if they’re used responsibly.

Well mostly tacho, because of the reasons I pointed out.
What other motive for multi usernames could anybody have other than to cause mischief…for want of a better word.

There’s a few genuine reasons why people would want more than one account.

  • I believe some mods used to have more than one account so they could post freely without their posts being seen as coming from part of the admin team.
  • I’m pretty sure I know of at-least one regular poster who has had more than one account because he wanted to change his user name, to be fair I’m equally sure he doesn’t use his old account/accounts any-more.

There are genuine reasons why people sometimes want more than one account, as far as I can see it only becomes a problem when the accounts are used for trolling purposes.

I suppose it depends on how you define trolling but there seems to be a tendency for some people to think that any newish member posting anything they don’t like must be a multiple account holder who’s trolling, I don’t see it that way at-all.

That aside, in other cases we also often get what looks like one bloke talking to himself,.answering his own questions, then another comes on (presumably the same bloke) disagreeing with the other ‘‘two’’.
So how is that a constructive contribution to the forum?..and then you say you can’t see anything wrong with that? :open_mouth:

I don’t think I’ve ever said I don’t see anything wrong with people having multiple accounts so they talk to themselves on public forums, but I think in most cases that would be more of a psychological problem for the person concerned than anything else :frowning:

Then again does this actually happen or happen to the extent that some people make out or is it just what some people want to believe, although there has on occasions been what looks like that neither I nor you can say it’s happened for certain, and frankly some of the people I’ve seen suggested as one and the same person just makes no sense to me, for instance, not talking to themselves but one of UKtramps aliases I’ve seem mentioned loads of times is dozy, how does anyone even come to that conclusion :smiley:

At the very least tachograph it’s insulting the intelligence of other members, so then the ones on the ball are ‘outing’ these guys to let them see that they are not as gullible as that o/p thinks, but now even they are condemned for doing that by some !! :open_mouth:

You said yourself (above) “presumably the same bloke”, lots of people make presumptions often when there’s absolutely no evidence to back up the “presumptions”, just because a few people don’t like what someone else has posted and that someone else happens to be a newish member doesn’t mean it’s right to presume they’re trolling or that it’s the same person talking to themselves.

Everyone or most on this thread have different opinions on the source and causes of the present problems on this site.
Mods are getting condemned for the cause of the problems, certain members are getting condemned for the cause of the problems, as are certain perceived ‘cliques’ and of course the famous trolls.

There’s no arguing with that.

I don’t envy Dave and his mates trying to sort it, but I just hope they get the balance right between sorting the forum and spoiling it. :bulb:

I don’t mean any disrespect to Rikki-UK or dieseldave or the rest of the admin team but short of closing part of the forums it will be very hard to stop the crap on their own, regardless of who is or isn’t trolling and regardless of who does or does not have multiple accounts, regardless of who puts other members off wanting to post and regardless of what cliques they do or don’t belong to the best people to stop the somewhat poisonous attitude/atmosphere that’s built up on this site is the members ourselves, especially the small number of members who seem to feel that for them anything goes.

Personally I have no doubt that the admin team will eventually get the balance right, though I’m equally sure that not everyone will agree what the right balance is, just like I’m sure there will be a few lost posters in the process, how painful it is (for want of a better phrase) will eventually be up to the active members of this board.

I suppose it depends on how you define trolling but there seems to be a tendency for some people to think that any newish member posting anything they don’t like must be a multiple account holder who’s trolling, I don’t see it that way at-all.

Nor do I automatically see that but theres a new member posting just now whos settled in awfully quickly to insulting people (albeit very mildly and not in your face). About 70-80% of his posts since hes joined have been having a pop at the op or someone who replied. The fact he hasnt been called out may be classed as a good thing as things certainly seem a lot calmer these days.
Its all to do with the distrust of the chaos from last year. Any new member gets treated suspiciously. Its not fair as many will probably be genuine and some probably think “■■■■ this. Bunch of ■■■■■■■■” and leave after they get falsely accused but this is the effect the minority always end up having on everyone else

Make your mind up eagerbeaver, I’m accused of being a disgrace and a diplomat, which is it?

All this no coppers going to take me alive nonsense, what’s that all about? Are we supposed to be impressed?

The way you’re dealing with this proves that whoever put you on premod clearly made the correct decision.

You mention mentioned puppet strings and pulling me into whatever it is you desire at will, do you really believe that? You see what you’ve actually achieved is to state that you refuse to play by the rules and hung yourself with those very words. So who played who here…

You played yourself mate, you painted yourself into premod corner and gave it a second coat.

Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk


it was unbelievable how the usual suspects and troll hunter types went into a frenzy.

I always found that bizarre as well.
The mere sight of your name seemed to cause some members to have a meltdown
It always appeared to me you got pre-modded just to keep the peace.

Same with eagerbeaver. I personally (for what its worth) think he got pre-modded just for being too critical of the sites management. That and his strong views on the thread by the essex copper
(Im not looking for a debate on it before any mods jump in. Its merely my opinion and im sure your reasons were explained to EB and UKT at the time. Its just I personally didnt see posting styles that deserved premod)

Cheers snowman, your pretty much nail on the head. In my case I was accused of multiple accounts and causing mayhem with them. Truth of the matter is that I never had any multiple accounts. All speculation and accusations from the trolls themselves and causing the problems. Then the rest then followed and listened to these posters and mud sticks. Diesel Dave in fairness warned me to stop or there would a chance of pre mod, I did stop riling people up but then in the height of the trolling by others, I was suddenly on pre mod. Not by multiple accounts but merely accusations, I feel the same way, it was easier to pre mod me and see if that cured the problem, as we know it didn’t stop and continued even though I was on pre mod and rarely posted. I was still accused of being every idiot that reared their head. The mods got it wrong, plain and simple. I didn’t ever post as any one other than myself. I accept some of my posts may have offended the trolls but I know who all the trolls are, I have had pm’s off them, emails etc. My style is not to tell tales and report them, perhaps if I did, the mods would have ignored it so what was the point. It is good to see the mods have allowed these posts and I consider that as a positive move.

Make your mind up eagerbeaver, I’m accused of being a disgrace and a diplomat, which is it?

All this no coppers going to take me alive nonsense, what’s that all about? Are we supposed to be impressed?

The way you’re dealing with this proves that whoever put you on premod clearly made the correct decision.

You mention mentioned puppet strings and pulling me into whatever it is you desire at will, do you really believe that? You see what you’ve actually achieved is to state that you refuse to play by the rules and hung yourself with those very words. So who played who here…

You played yourself mate, you painted yourself into premod corner and gave it a second coat.

Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk

Stick to the point mate. You said Rikki didn’t have it in for me. Yet within minutes of me responding to his post, I was put on pre-mod :grimacing: Hasn’t had the desired effect though has it? :laughing: Telling the truth is very liberating, you should try it mate.

You slip around like a ball bearing on a plate. I played you 48 hours ago and you don’t even realise it… :wink:
(PS. Is it mention or mentioned? Mention mentioned doesn’t really make sense)

do you know what…

We have been around the houses with this… viewpoints have been made, its now come down to trying to score points … enough is enough

This thread is locked as from now. any attempts to reopen the discussion publicly will be deleted.
if you want to continue the discussion PM or e-mail the people you want to talk to