How much DCPC have you completed ? (Poll )

I work mostly on the buses so my card is in force now.A lady driver was going to hand in her keys and do something else but changed her mind.She found a course that was fairly local it was about roping and what zb good is that to a bus driver.Its anomalies such as this that takes any credance away from the DCPC .

My reason has always been the same, it’s attendance only so not worth the effort, training without testing is pointless. It’s not as if it’s not needed, just look at some of the questions asked on here, but in its present form it’s only a further waste of time and money, two things I don’t like to give up easily.

I’ve got sympathy with that viewpoint. I bet plenty of us have sat through a session where there’s one “trainee” who’s slept through 90% of it, either deliberately because he felt it was beneath his dignity or because it was so mind-numbingly boring that he couldn’t help nodding off. Having a decent instructor who can make it feel vaguely interesting is a bonus, but as I said above it can seem like you’ve done the same modules over and again even if you haven’t.

With all this extra training needed how do they expect to attract new drivers and all for the same wage as a shelf stacker

At least you have it, unlike some of those 20% who live in la la land and think it is just going to go away.

I don’t think it will go away, It would have done if drivers that opposed it said NO. They didn’t have to say no forever, Just a couple of years into its introduction would have done for those that had grandfather rights. It would have been enough to ruffle a few feathers.
There’s just no more backbone in the haulage industry anymore.
I was offered it for free last year, I refused on principal.

I don’t think it will go away, …I was offered it for free last year, I refused on principal.

So, out of interest, what job are you looking to go into this time next year?


At least you have it, unlike some of those 20% who live in la la land and think it is just going to go away.

I was offered it for free last year, I refused on principal.

Oh ah, does that mean you’ll be on the dole next year or driving a van??

done 3 so far. should of done another course today but some muppet at head office put me and my relief driver on it.
so i missed it again :laughing:

ment to be on one in 3 weeks but away with she that wants to go see her parents!
got 12 months left. just 2 to do!

None, and I won’t be doing any either?? After 32 years of driving, I’ve had enough of the ■■■■■■■■ there throwing at us drivers just trying to earn an honest crust. This rule, that law, can’t park here etc. Shelf stacking 4 me or along them lines, licence will b returned to DVLA next September :slight_smile:

Tipper Tom:


At least you have it, unlike some of those 20% who live in la la land and think it is just going to go away.

I was offered it for free last year, I refused on principal.

Oh ah, does that mean you’ll be on the dole next year or driving a van??

No, There is more to life than driving lorries. I love the job but its gone to the dogs.
I’m very busy with other business interests at the moment. Lorries can take a back seat for the next few years.

So how does johnny foreigner get around not having one, because he can’t read the exam questions?

Don’t tell me there’s no written exam part to all this!

if they get stopped and they haven’t got a cpc card with them it will be a £30 fine on the spot because the uk has no way of checking if they have done their cpc or not so if you work out ive spent £275 on my cpc so if I was a foreign driver I could get stopped 9 times without it and it would still be cheaper than doing the cpc ? …

I thought some EU countries do not need dcpc until 2016 so will the UK authorities know which country has what deadline?

No DQC card for foreign licence holders from EU as they will have a code on the driving licence next to the categories

so if you haven’t done your cpc by next September and your laid off due to not been qualified, then surely the dole will pay for your training just to get you back to work if you have to pay for your own cpc training but cant afford it because some ops have families and genuinely cant afford the fee,s then surely the government will help them out because ive looked in to this and ive read that if your doing training to improve your job skills then your entitled to a free training grant.

I thought some EU countries do not need dcpc until 2016 so will the UK authorities know which country has what deadline?

No DQC card for foreign licence holders from EU as they will have a code on the driving licence next to the categories

don’t know I thought it was same start time for all eu countries…


I thought some EU countries do not need dcpc until 2016 so will the UK authorities know which country has what deadline?

No DQC card for foreign licence holders from EU as they will have a code on the driving licence next to the categories

don’t know I thought it was same start time for all eu countries…

there are others saying the same thing - easily found by googling - driver cpc 2016

so if you haven’t done your cpc by next September and your laid off due to not been qualified, then surely the dole will pay for your training just to get you back to work if you have to pay for your own cpc training but cant afford it because some ops have families and genuinely cant afford the fee,s then surely the government will help them out because ive looked in to this and ive read that if your doing training to improve your job skills then your entitled to a free training grant.

This is what I have been thinking, more for agency drivers because they don’t get paid when doing it so lose out both ways

so if you haven’t done your cpc by next September and your laid off due to not been qualified, then surely the dole will pay for your training just to get you back to work if you have to pay for your own cpc training but cant afford it because some ops have families and genuinely cant afford the fee,s then surely the government will help them out because ive looked in to this and ive read that if your doing training to improve your job skills then your entitled to a free training grant.

The jobcentre are likely to deem that you made yourself unemployed and not give you anything for a number of weeks or months

No DQC card for foreign licence holders from EU as they will have a code on the driving licence next to the categories

The majority of countries issue a card.

Page 5 and 6 give details of all the european countries, those who issue a card and those who put the code 95 on the driving licence (despite appearances, the link is in english).

Ive done all mine, paid for by my company.
I can honestly say 99% of it was pc mombo jumbo.

I’m a bus driver, and when you consider how many people I deal with everyday, I would of thought basic 1st aid training would of been a good idea.

just one very interesting :wink: session left to do for me.

I have done three days of training so far but did Mods 2 and 4 a couple of years ago so I am not worried for another couple of years. Im thinking First Aid At Work would be a good one to do instead of two days talking about using mobiles at the wheel.