So with it being a year away how are we getting on…
I’d done 14 hours but then started at tesco and they put me through another 28 hrs, glad it’s out of the way for another while.
Im on 4, company gives you 7hrs each year. They dont do it all in the oner in case you scaper.
35h done over a year ago now via company.
Im on 4, company gives you 7hrs each year. They dont do it all in the oner in case you scaper.
“Edited” to remove my comment
Read the above wrongly
I did module 2 and 4, does that count as none or all?
20% so far.
selby newcomer:
I’d done 14 hours but then started at tesco and they put me through another 28 hrs, glad it’s out of the way for another while.
That was 7 hours wasted for dcpc purposes !
I did module 2 and 4, does that count as none or all?
None for this poll because this refers to periodic dcpc hours for aquired rights drivers - Thats how I see it
selby newcomer:
I’d done 14 hours but then started at tesco and they put me through another 28 hrs, glad it’s out of the way for another while.That was 7 hours wasted for dcpc purposes !
yeah, but tesco have incoroparated their induction into cpc modules, I’d have had to listen to what they had to say anyway, so the fact it filled my cpc hours was a bonus
Done it ALL , DON’T agree with it at ALL
will be retired before it ALL GETS SCRAPPED
Done last 7 hours today, so all sorted. Lucky that company do it. However the module I did today was the same as I did 2 months ago, but hey ho, not really bothered. Don’t have to worry about it now for a few years.
I did module 2 and 4, does that count as none or all?None for this poll because this refers to periodic dcpc hours for aquired rights drivers - Thats how I see it
Oh right just it never mentioned it being periodic training, as far as I’m concerned I’ve done all of it as I have the card, but towards my next 5 years I have 0hrs
As I do buses I have mine all done,this is the first day of it being a legal requirement for the passenger industry.I wonder if VOSA will be busy this week and leaving you hairy assed truckers alone.
I’ve done a day a week every week since it first started. The reason I do this is because I think it’s a smashing idea, and personally long for the day that we’re all singing from the same hymnsheet and accidents, bridgestrikes, shed loads and tacho offences are all consigned to the dustbin of history. Plus MMTM that if I carry on attending at the rate I am then come Sept 2014 I’ll have enough “banked” hours to see me clean through to 2198!
I’ve done 21hrs so far, because I once went on an ADR course.
Finding 14hrs of something else relevant, useful to me and lacking in BS is quite tough though.
I’ve done 21hrs so far, because I once went on an ADR course.![]()
Finding 14hrs of something else relevant, useful to me and lacking in BS is quite tough though.
Why not just do driver hours and first aid? Or driver hours and defensive driving or whatever they call it. Surely there’s something to learn in all of that
Did the last one on Saturday, got the card in the post today (Wednesday) so they are either very efficient or not very busy