How much DCPC have you completed ? (Poll )

Bale Bandit:

I’ve done 21hrs so far, because I once went on an ADR course. :sunglasses: :grimacing:

Finding 14hrs of something else relevant, useful to me and lacking in BS is quite tough though. :open_mouth:

Why not just do driver hours and first aid? Or driver hours and defensive driving or whatever they call it. Surely there’s something to learn in all of that

As Dave is an ADR instructor what else can he do :question: :question: :question:

Me so far 21 hrs company are sorting rest out

None as of yet.

28 hours so far 7 to go aint to bad company pay me and for the course I agree it all rubbish but it aint going nowhere

I have endured hundreds of hours of the drivers cpc, every night over dinner my O/H NAG NAG NAG.She is a self employed trainer :confused:

completed my 35th hour today.

Done over a year ago , have a shiny cqrd , still can’t see why all these things can’t be incorporated onto one card , I have 5 I must keep on me …

Zero. Company I’m at having been promising it for years.
Well, only one year to wait then !

None, I’m skint :laughing:

I,m having a week off next May and have decided on doing it all in one hit, trouble is the wife thinks were going on a cruise !

None. May as well wait til its quiet in january

None, company won’t pay/do so I’m waiting to hand in my keys & uniform come next sept…

None but doing all 5 days in a row next month :smiley:

I’ve done 3 lots so far through my company all on overtime. I’m surprised how high the percentage is for drivers not doing anything it’s 1 out of 5 quite high i think.

All done in June 2010, I used to be a Depot Based Trainer & while they trained me to be a trainer- it all counted towards my Driver CPC.

Im on 4, company gives you 7hrs each year. They dont do it all in the oner in case you scaper.

Same here. Only done 1 mod (loading and vehicle checks). I’ve been told we will play catch up when things quieten down a bit over the winter. Oh, and we have to do it on our day off (either monday or saturday) because they are doing us a favour :unamused:

Got my DQC in August 2012, did 3 days as part of ADR, followed by two stand alone 7 hour modules. DQC + full ADR licence. This has to be the best way of achieving DQC if it’s in anyway relevant to your job-role or job-hunting prospects!!!

I’ve done 4, got my last one next month, its a pain in the perverbial!!

Got my DQC in August 2012, did 3 days as part of ADR, followed by two stand alone 7 hour modules. DQC + full ADR licence. This has to be the best way of achieving DQC if it’s in anyway relevant to your job-role or job-hunting prospects!!!

Exactly how i did mine in Feb 2012.

28 hours so far I’m doing the last 7 hours in the new year. Hopefully after the next one ill be a proper driver because I don’t feel the last 28 has made me any better.

None, company won’t pay/do so I’m waiting to hand in my keys & uniform come next sept…

Tesco will sort it for you :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: