so if you haven’t done your cpc by next September and your laid off due to not been qualified, then surely the dole will pay for your training just to get you back to work if you have to pay for your own cpc training but cant afford it because some ops have families and genuinely cant afford the fee,s then surely the government will help them out because ive looked in to this and ive read that if your doing training to improve your job skills then your entitled to a free training grant.
I wish you luck with that, as although there has been some funding for the DCPC previously available to the unemployed it is/was extremely limited, and as far as i’m aware not funded by government directly,
Aparently because it isn’t seen in the same light as pratical training to gain your lgv/psv ticket they wont fund it, (dcpc doesnt provide any qualification ) maybe because it’s an ongoing rip off repeated every 5 yrs