How fast do you go on single carriageways?

Between 50 and 56 generally, but I’m quite happy to sit behind someone who’s doing 40, what does ■■■■ me off is people doing 45, WHY, you’ll still get a ticket at 45 so why just do 45, if your going to break the law do it properly!

Exactly the same as above, you get less suicide car drivers trying to get past in the smallest of gaps. The A420 Swindon to Oxford is a prime example of a road that if you stick to 40 they will try and squeeze past but if you are doing 50 ish up there the speedo in a car will read over 50mph and they will quite happily sit behind you.

It never ceases to amaze me that most of the 40mph brigade will not do the dual carriageway speed and think its funny to hit the limiter on dual carriageways. If you’re doing the 40’s you should stick to the rest.

40 - I’m paid by the hour, work nights a lot, and it’s a whole lot less stressful than buggering about on all this job and knock crap. :sunglasses:

On the limiter paid by the day the quicker the job is done then more time in the pub or bed :smiley:

seth 70:
One of my m8s at asda got pulled on the a17 ,he was doin 40 ,they said you are ok as long as you dont go over 50 for the traffic flow etc,surely the drivers on produce are the best people to ask ,no matter what speed you go theres allways someone up your crack, :frowning: :frowning:

your mate was doing well,most asda drivers only do 40 on the bleeding motorways, they must be on hourly pay :imp: :smiley: :smiling_imp: :smiley:


Route I’m doing this week limit on the single carriageway is 60-65 mph so that’s what I’ll be doing

Think of the Children, you rabbit murderer!!!

Paid per mile thinking of my pay packet lol. Try and get just over 600 miles a day if I can



Route I’m doing this week limit on the single carriageway is 60-65 mph so that’s what I’ll be doing

Think of the Children, you rabbit murderer!!!

Paid per mile thinking of my pay packet lol. Try and get just over 600 miles a day if I can

SS look at where he is :unamused: Yes Taffy lives in the land of the free and heavy feet Crack on Welsh cuz :wink: :wink:




Route I’m doing this week limit on the single carriageway is 60-65 mph so that’s what I’ll be doing

Think of the Children, you rabbit murderer!!!

Paid per mile thinking of my pay packet lol. Try and get just over 600 miles a day if I can

SS look at where he is :unamused: Yes Taffy lives in the land of the free and heavy feet Crack on Welsh cuz :wink: :wink:

Truck limited to 71/72mph I’ll be heading down at 65mph and still get some trucks over taking me lol I got bout a 2700 mile trip leaving this morning should be back Friday evening.

In an industry where most laws and regulations are geared up against you, and where the rates of pay are penny pinched to where you are paid a minimal rate as the job is cut to ribbons, It amazes me that you still get these superstars playing into their employer’s hands by going like [zb] to meet a tight as arse holes schedule, when they could use maybe the one rule that works in our favour, that says BY LAW that you should not be doing this as the speed limit is 40MPH.
I was accused on another thread of hanging the job out as I agree with this law, and because I was paid by the hour :unamused:
I would ask you guys if it is raised to 50+ are you that naive to think that your bosses will say “Oh well at least they will get around the job easier now” do you not think that it will be seen rather as a good reason to increase your workload (for no extra :bulb: ) surely drivers cannot be all that thick :unamused:
So to answer the question 40, while pulling in lay bys to let the superstars through (unless they get agressive :smiling_imp: ) …and still completing my work load by using my experience. Hare and tortoise situation :bulb:


Better to get there on time for an extra hour’s pay, than an hour early, and find the firm then want to cut the minimum hours pay for the job, 'cos it’s been systemically carved up. :bulb:
I, for one, am sick of being passed in roadworks like I’m standing still by all the idiots who think “Job and knock” rules the world. :angry: Firms fuel it too by saying “Speeding points on licences - we don’t give a ■■■■ about - come on in.” :imp:

Friday will be a good day be able to go for 13 hrs rest of the week can only drive for 11 hrs of the day

don’t no what the problem is most drivers are on around £500 to £750 a week now anyway :smiley: :smiley: I know keedwell drivers are :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: just get on with it, hammer down wooosh :smiley:

I like to give my employers the impression I dash around everywhere (even been known to run around the yard), but as soon as I’m out of sight, its relax. I’m built for comfort not speed as the wife tells me :wink:

seth 70:
One of my m8s at asda got pulled on the a17 ,he was doin 40 ,they said you are ok as long as you dont go over 50 for the traffic flow etc,surely the drivers on produce are the best people to ask ,no matter what speed you go theres allways someone up your crack, :frowning: :frowning:

And yet all the fixed cameras in Lincolnshire have weight detectors built into them…funny that.

I keep it at 40 nowadays, not worth playing roulette with the licence…points certainly do NOT make prizes nowadays. :slight_smile:

The giddy heights of 42mph…just to annoy the speed merchants.

What’s with this 10% ■■■■■■■■? That figure has absolutely no basis in law whatsoever, it is merely an ACPO guideline and as such can be ignored or adhered to at the whim of the police. It also exists ONLY as a guide when dealing with cars, vans, motorcycles etc, whereas a HGV has a calibrated and accurate speed measuring device fitted thus falls foul of the guidelines.

As Newlad earlier said, don’t ponce about at 41, 42, 43 mph either speed or don’t. Speeding is an absolute offence, you can’t be speeding “a little bit” anymore than you can be “a little bit pregnant”! The only thing 41 to 45mph will gain you is a blind eye turned by a benevolent cop, it will NOT save you from a scamera van, which to be honest is the thing most likely to catch any of us in the act.

Glad to see nowts changed since I packed it in. Drivers still their own worst enemies. And they will be the ones doing the most moaning.


I normally do around 40 to 45 on single roads anyway as it’s the law

Since when was 40 to 45 law :open_mouth:
I think you’ll find its 40 :unamused:
You cant say its law if it aint can you or we’ll say its a 15 hour day give or take 30 mins

I’m sure you know what I meant, A copper told me if you are keeping up with traffic within reason of course 40 to 45, it would have to be a really ■■■■■■ off copper to pull you for speeding! :astonished:

the maoster:
The only thing 41 to 45mph will gain you is a blind eye turned by a benevolent cop, it will NOT save you from a scamera van, which to be honest is the thing most likely to catch any of us in the act.

I thought that was the other way around and the vans/gatso’s etc had to give 10% (although some forces I think allow 2mph more as well) but a copper could nick you for been over the limit but less than the ACPO threshold?


the maoster:
The only thing 41 to 45mph will gain you is a blind eye turned by a benevolent cop, it will NOT save you from a scamera van, which to be honest is the thing most likely to catch any of us in the act.

I thought that was the other way around and the vans/gatso’s etc had to give 10% (although some forces I think allow 2mph more as well) but a copper could nick you for been over the limit but less than the ACPO threshold?

nope :laughing: all BS :sunglasses:

On the limiter paid by the day the quicker the job is done then more time in the pub or bed :smiley:

Amazes me how some people don’t get this, want to be stuck behind the wheel for as long as possible:shock:

40-45 on majority of S.C’s some times faster at night. On the A9…45-50 or at night on the A9 flat out, only slowing for the speed cameras or if any cars come up behind me, get them past then crack on with it. Sitting at 40 from Perth to Inverness would no doubt result in nodding off at the wheel for me :unamused:

See: Higher HGV speed limit trial and cameras for A9 - BBC News