Although I wasn’t quite hinting at a “Monetary Free Society” as you put it.
With some effort and a lot of public support it can and should be done again so the worlds population can prosper. Not just the “Filthy Rich” and governments who do their bidding by ensuring that the worlds population are forever in “Debt Slavery” to these odious people through the “Free Market Economy” and “Globalisation” agreements.
Thanks Solly, it was the only drastically opposite example of what we have in the world as we speak that I could think off and that wasn’t a great example really as its pure fiction. 
Also slightly off topic, the same thing started to happen to the UK during the French Revolutionary Wars and Napoleonic War with regards to banker’s drafts. They were underwritten by the banks to pay for the government’s involvement in the British and Allies battles to overthrow Napoleon’s stance against us and then later on the grip over the various Empires both countries had built/wanted.
And that was mainly to pay for supplies and the very low wages that the soldiers got back then to try and keep them in the lines and therefore fighting on.
Debts were usually only paid back by allowing battle bounty to be “given back to the banks to sell” to pay off the debts or even give the bankers preferred contracts to supplies items to the Navy and Army accordingly.
However as the fighting esculated from the start in 1793 (French Revolutionary Wars) to the first Peace Treaty…we had the creation of…yep you’ve guessed it Income Tax in 1799.
Supposedly created to pay for the previous battles and try to clear the massive debts the country had run up during the fighting, after peace had started!
It was then used to contribute to the main effort during the Peninsular War. For all the famous battles histroy remembers for commanders like Nelson, Wellington and even Bonaparte. As the banks were starting to be less interested in the fighting and paying for it all.
Unknown at the time we still had at least another 16 years to go before that all finished at Waterloo.
Interestingly the country did overthrow and repeal the Income Tax a year after the Battle of Waterloo.
Perhaps one day we might challenge the powers that be again about certain issues to make every human life better. As its looks like we never cleared the National Debt for a very long time after that, nor really improved human civilization as a whole.
As it seems we are still making the same mistakes fighting the world nearly 220 years on and people complaining about getting less wages compared to so and so etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc. So I’m very sure it won’t be solved in my lifetime then!