Very poor rob, I expected better from you!
My thoughts as well Rob,
What you like you pesky hair pulling rascal! Tsssschhhh you can do better than that with a controversial post and only 5 pages long, come on this needs to be double numbers by now, hence my post to help it along! 
Rob K:
I already do/am but I’ve had to go back driving to pay for health care. Strangely enough, despite me also needing to dig my licence out of the drawer and “blow the dust” off it I have had no issues finding good paying work without needing to work for free like your good self.
Epic fail Rob, I wonder if the people, in the new game you are trying, should take your exact attitude towards you? Perhaps you are undercutting them, it wouldn’t be the first time an older person has done that to younger people in my personal experience.
We have a new guy at work start this week, took 2 grand less than my start wage in the middle of the recession to get the same role type job! Paid off the mortgage and has no kids at home, great for him. But that don’t help our younger guys who are trying to buy houses and having children to pay for does it. As he has effectively destroyed our chances of pay rises in one hit, as its proved to the boss there are people who are willing to do our work for less. Our pay rises like everyone on here have been below inflation and now with the new encouragement for the boss, long may the tradition continue 
And don’t get me started on what we have to do to maintain our employment that makes the DCPC look like a free pick a crayola crayon colour drawing test!
Rob K:
now [zb] right off and go back to whatever mundane job you came from please
Perhaps the people in your new venture should tell you to GTFO and you should follow your own advice even?! 
You and some of the drivers (not all of them though, but I am going to include my own father in this statement) of the previous generation need to look in the mirror at yourselves and lay blame at your own doorstep first and foremost before we start on the Newbies.
Weren’t you the ones who threw away the full time jobs to go on the agency to rip the ■■■ end of companies on the rates you got in the nineties etc (and still boast about■■?). And most of you didn’t want full time work as the agency was paying too much or only wanted to work certain hours, it’s called greed I think the word you are looking for to describe yourselves.
So the companies changed their stance in a simplistic way, can’t find full timers willing to work for us, may as well change the workforce to agency only and alas we have the situation today where there are not many full timer positions abound are there. As the demand wasn’t really filled, so it had to be supplemented by something else. Unfortuately we have played straight into the big companies hands through CHOICE!
This attitude has worked to the companies advantage and now you moan about it…WTF give me a break, you raped and then killed the golden goose and have now paid the price, but also included all of us future generations in it too, brilliant!
You was the generation who started this ■■■■ and so you must suffer it with us. That’s only fair isn’t it, Big Dave Camoron would say we’re all in it together you know!!! 
Alas now the wind has changed, the companies have wised up to those old rates and conditions, have the power to dictate the terms and that doesn’t include the current economic circumstances we are creating for ourselves as a country, so we now have the situation that we call life in 2013.
I’ll say this Rob, I have been a little hard on you above.
Fair enough you want a change away from driving and you’ve been a clever enough to do it.
So why can’t we do the same and leave our current careers for driving and make that change to make ourselves better. Now some would say your above quotes are starting too look hypocritical and contradictory on what you have posted from originally and thereafter above.
However, to do well in this world you have to adapt and change to what you have got to do.
You know my bankground, as you called me a Troll about me describing my true rates as a professional engineer once. Yep they are still less than £100 a shift and my shift ain’t 8 hours I can tell you, it’s usually a lot longer, some jobs last longer than a 15 hour duty time that’s for sure! 
However down my way I’d be doing less hours and potentially earning way more as a lorry driver, or about the same as I am on now, but definitely for less hours.
I know some lorry drivers find that hard to believe (as a lot are self pitying). But trust me haulage is not the only industry to do long hours by a long shot, I can reel about 4 off in one hit, as most of us can, who have come from other industries before driving.
I’d be stupid to not make that change to lorry driving wouldn’t I? A real idiot to not get a less stressful job paying more/the same for less hours wouldn’t I in all honesty 
So I will take do that and if I have to go back to engineering then I will. But I doubt it, as like every other industry its all changing, you have to embrace it or you are going to severely struggle.
And like that old guy I described above with our wage examples, if I can comfortably live on £10/hr driving for what I do and you can’t…Then I am sorry I have to be selfish now and do what’s best for me. ■■■■ I know but hey the previous generations have brought up this attitude, so I can’t break it can I, as my elder have brought me up so well, ■■■■ the collective only worry about the individual. You reap what you sow, coud never be a better saying at this moment 
In 35 years time it will most probably happen to me, as it is happening to you, where I get worried by the new generation coming behind me and “stealing my precious job attitude”.
However that is the circle of life, you are coming to the end of your career and there will always be plenty of humans behind us that will fall into our shoes and do whatever role is asked of them. Unfortunately we are not htat important as we think we are…(even the Great Rob K “Tnet funny handshake clique”) we are all replaceable and you have to come to terms with that, it’s a bit like death, it’s enevitable. 
When I get to the point of how you are feeling today. I sincerely hope by then my savings come in and maybe some of my pensions, if they survive the test of time and I quit before it all gets on top of me! 
Best of luck with your changes, but please accept that rebounder and newbies are coming into to pick up the pieces and natural selection jobs that are left behind (be it those that have died, retrained, retired) and there ain’t jot you can do about it or say to change it.
Best of luck Rob. I sincerely hope the new role does go well for you in all seriousness and you don’t have someone tell you to GTFO.
Take care out there bud.