Hidden by your frilly curtains!


No curtains, Coffee, but I do have 2 blue lights in my screen :question: :question: but they’re only very small so I don’t suppose I can hide behind them :unamused: :unamused: :wink:

Dave Penn;

We’ve just put a couple of blue light in our racing car so we can reconise it when it comes into the pit lane at night. So if you read about a pit crew getting run over by a truck at Le Mans it will be us.

Only just seen this ‘muckles’ :blush: Well if some wayward IVECO truck comes barrelling down the pit lane in the middle of the night :open_mouth: :open_mouth: It could be me but if it is I will have got well lost coz I never get out of the UK :laughing: :laughing: Guess Poole and Pompey are the nearest place’s to the ferry’s I get these days.

Dave Penn;



No curtains, Coffee, but I do have 2 blue lights in my screen :question: :question: but they’re only very small so I don’t suppose I can hide behind them :unamused: :unamused: :wink:

Dave Penn;

We’ve just put a couple of blue light in our racing car so we can reconise it when it comes into the pit lane at night. So if you read about a pit crew getting run over by a truck at Le Mans it will be us.

Only just seen this ‘muckles’ :blush: Well if some wayward IVECO truck comes barrelling down the pit lane in the middle of the night :open_mouth: :open_mouth: It could be me but if it is I will have got well lost coz I never get out of the UK :laughing: :laughing: Guess Poole and Pompey are the nearest place’s to the ferry’s I get these days.

Dave Penn;

muckles i have just been asked to go le mans myself




No curtains, Coffee, but I do have 2 blue lights in my screen :question: :question: but they’re only very small so I don’t suppose I can hide behind them :unamused: :unamused: :wink:

Dave Penn;

We’ve just put a couple of blue light in our racing car so we can reconise it when it comes into the pit lane at night. So if you read about a pit crew getting run over by a truck at Le Mans it will be us.

Only just seen this ‘muckles’ :blush: Well if some wayward IVECO truck comes barrelling down the pit lane in the middle of the night :open_mouth: :open_mouth: It could be me but if it is I will have got well lost coz I never get out of the UK :laughing: :laughing: Guess Poole and Pompey are the nearest place’s to the ferry’s I get these days.

Dave Penn;

muckles i have just been asked to go le mans myself

What are you taking down there? :smiley:

Wheel Nut:
What this thread has brought to the fore is ■■■■■■■■■.

Why does anyone announce they are gay. I cannot remember ever having to say “I am heterosexual.” The only reason anyone knows someone is a lesbian, cross-dresser or homosexual is because they were told by that person.

I mean apart from the blue cab lights and the CD in the dash, why does the subject even come up?

Because I’m afraid people are still fascinated by it. And because it’s always assumed people are straight. I think the fascination is multiplied because of the job we do and the fact many can go an entire driving career without ever knowingly meeting a gay driver. To be honest I don’t see a problem with it, people are interested in and talk about the unusual, hence the women drivers posts that pop up from time to time. But then they don’t have to ‘come out’, well most of them!

You think what curtains drivers decide to put in their truck is important? You truley are sad… :unamused:

It’s not the type of curtains that is the issue but the fact that for some insane idea they think it is a good idea to cover part of the already limited glass in a truck with them.

People can come up with a variety of good reasons for having a particular type of curtain, frilly, lace, standard, velvet or whatever, and that is their choice but there is no good argument that can be put forward for pulling them partway across the side windows while driving. That is just stupidity of the highest order and none of the obvious offenders in this thread have come up with a good reason for doing so, because there isn’t one. Anyone who does think it is a good idea really shouldn’t have a licence and if they have a serious accident in which the lack of sideways vision was a contributing factor they could be facing a jail term. I wonder if you get curtains on the cell window or can you pull the bars partway across? :wink:

I’m completely with Mr Holic on this one. Each to their own but this pulling them halfway across the window I just don’t get. Personally I want all the visibility I can get and my curtains are pushed right back. I fact it annoys me that the window by the bunk on have fallen so far out of fashion. I’d love one on passenger side.

It’s not the type of curtains that is the issue but the fact that for some insane idea they think it is a good idea to cover part of the already limited glass in a truck with them.

People can come up with a variety of good reasons for having a particular type of curtain, frilly, lace, standard, velvet or whatever, and that is their choice but there is no good argument that can be put forward for pulling them partway across the side windows while driving. That is just stupidity of the highest order and none of the obvious offenders in this thread have come up with a good reason for doing so, because there isn’t one. Anyone who does think it is a good idea really shouldn’t have a licence and if they have a serious accident in which the lack of sideways vision was a contributing factor they could be facing a jail term. I wonder if you get curtains on the cell window or can you pull the bars partway across? :wink:

now thats the best reply so far, it matters not that you have frilly curtains just don’t block the windows with them. i have seen people with “normal” cab curtains pulled across stupidly.
or maybe the OP just meant frilly curtains even pulled back out of the way signifies the driver is a ■■■■■■ :wink:

anybody thought about net curtains you could pull them across the full window if you like .ok ill get my coat :smiley:

Well it does seem that this practice of pulling the curtain across the driver/passenger window is not restricted to the guys who buy the non-standard fit stuff. I overtook a Calberson/Geodis DAF XF outfit heading up the M1 NB a while ago and the driver had his curtain pulled to about 1 inch from the quarter light window downpiece. :astonished: :astonished:
Now I really couldn’t understand why he had his driver’s side curtain pulled in this way, it definetly wasn’t to shield his eyes from the sun as we were travelling North and the sun sets in the West so any dazzle would have been on the passenger side and it was RHD.

I’m not really bothered about the stuff that people put into or add to their trucks but I do think it is crazy to reduce the already restricted sideways vision that is available from most truck cabs and I’m sure that it is something VOSA will start clamping down on sooner rather than later given the powers that I believe they now have in FPN’s and suchlike, maybe wrong though :wink: :wink:

Dave Penn:

sammy dog:
anybody thought about net curtains you could pull them across the full window if you like .ok ill get my coat :smiley:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: love it :wink:

sammy dog:
anybody thought about net curtains you could pull them across the full window if you like .ok ill get my coat :smiley:

You joke but bits of lace curtain in the windows were popular for a while a good few years ago, especially among Belgian drivers. I guess it was a patriotic thing and they used Belgian lace. :wink:


sammy dog:
anybody thought about net curtains you could pull them across the full window if you like .ok ill get my coat :smiley:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: love it :wink:

+1 ! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Too TRUE… Same people moaning about the same rubbish… They must be the ones chatting crap in every truckstop in the country… Better off without the moaning idiots…

could be worse ,moaning about moaning really is sad :laughing: let alone making two posts about it near enough one after the other :unamused:
simple don’t read it

Ahh, but now your moaning about somebody moaning about moaning!!! :laughing: :grimacing:



Too TRUE… Same people moaning about the same rubbish… They must be the ones chatting crap in every truckstop in the country… Better off without the moaning idiots…

could be worse ,moaning about moaning really is sad :laughing: let alone making two posts about it near enough one after the other :unamused:
simple don’t read it

Ahh, but now your moaning about somebody moaning about moaning!!! :laughing: :grimacing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: pmsl!!

Well guess its each to his own, but I work with cpl guys got theirs all blinged up and driving theirs during that bad patch back end of last year snow and all, couldn’t help feeling claustrophobic as ■■■■ driving it. It being an MAN TGX XXL same as mine !! Not to mention anticipating the coffin flying out from behind me if I braked to hard, the only way to describe the curtain draped behind covering the bunks likened to the entrance to a crematorium…

How about venetian blinds if you are pig ugly?

Hands up who can spot the curtain offenders in this thread!

My curtaindar so far has picked up :

Mr Vain

Any more? :laughing:

You are indeed very very wrong RobK, i appreicate a good looking truck, and i never judge people just because the have frilly curtains, my life is fulfuilled enough for me to not have to come on here and try and put people down just to get a bit of self worth.
This is half the reason i dont bother to come on the forum as much anymore cos to be honest it seems that the forum has become more of a slagging ground rather then a lorry forum, A prime example ,We had a Topic on here a couple of weeks ago slagging peolpe of for liking lorries in general and how sad they were for talking or thinking about lorries when they weren’t at work or something along them lines , and it was coming from MEMEBERS of a bloody LORRY FORUM!!! I mean how sad and contradicting is that■■? :confused:

Not another “this is why I don’t come here anymore” post. If you don’t want to come here then don’t come, simples. There are other truck driver sites out there… :bulb:

Why do some people think that to show pride in your job/enjoy it you have to buy stuff for your lorry?
I enjoy my lorry but not to the point where I buy expensive gear for it (except ordnance maps)

i took over someone else`s truck for the day on friday.it had all the cheap tat(wind deflectors,spears,swirls,wheel trims)etc,but then on my walkround check i noticed ns front tyre was down to the wire banding.somebody got their priorities wrong me thinks