Hidden by your frilly curtains!


FFS its the 21st century, you don’t have to give subtle hints that you are gay, just get rid of the frilly curtains and be proud of your ■■■■■■■■■ :wink:

May I refer you to an earlier comment. :laughing:


I asked my wife! What do you think of those tassles on the truck curtains? She replied " it’s a bit Gay" isn’t it! Curtains pulled anywhere along the door glass is just being a Poseur! :laughing:

I think you’ll find the gays have more taste than to have ‘Indian restaurant’ curtains as I call them.

Hmm… anybody know someone who can re-calibrate my gaydar?



FFS its the 21st century, you don’t have to give subtle hints that you are gay, just get rid of the frilly curtains and be proud of your ■■■■■■■■■ :wink:

May I refer you to an earlier comment. :laughing:


I asked my wife! What do you think of those tassles on the truck curtains? She replied " it’s a bit Gay" isn’t it! Curtains pulled anywhere along the door glass is just being a Poseur! :laughing:

I think you’ll find the gays have more taste than to have ‘Indian restaurant’ curtains as I call them.

Hmm… anybody know someone who can re-calibrate my gaydar?

:laughing: :laughing:
It’s a worry that considering Switchlogics comments, maybe frilly curtains are the height of hetro-■■■■■■ masculinity. :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing:
It’s a worry that considering Switchlogics comments, maybe frilly curtains are the height of hetro-■■■■■■ masculinity. :laughing: :laughing:

So your saying that I could be gay cos I dont have the old frilly’s? :open_mouth:


:laughing: :laughing:
It’s a worry that considering Switchlogics comments, maybe frilly curtains are the height of hetro-■■■■■■ masculinity. :laughing: :laughing:

So your saying that I could be gay cos I dont have the old frilly’s? :open_mouth:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


:laughing: :laughing:
It’s a worry that considering Switchlogics comments, maybe frilly curtains are the height of hetro-■■■■■■ masculinity. :laughing: :laughing:

So your saying that I could be gay cos I dont have the old frilly’s? :open_mouth:

Well I hope it’s not the conclusive test, as I don’t have frilly cutains either. :open_mouth: :laughing:

Off topic a bit but when I see a truck coming towards me with the large neon sign in the back of the cab I often think the reflection must be detrimental to the drivers vision ■■ Or is it not ■■

Off topic a bit but when I see a truck coming towards me with the large neon sign in the back of the cab I often think the reflection must be detrimental to the drivers vision ■■ Or is it not ■■

I find my sat nav when set to night view gets on my ■■■■, dunno how people can have those neon kebab house signs lit up an be able to see :question: I see some cars with the sat nav right in front of there face and they have it on day view which is bright as foook :unamused:

I do love an original posting. :unamused:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Hence why alot of people dont bother coming on here much now Rob?.. :wink: :wink:

just fitted my new curtains (gaffer paid for them) they look pretty good i think,also just had fitted top light bar with six spots,long amber light roof bar two amber leds in the grill and two air horns,next thing to put on will be the visior bar and a dutch headboard i think that might just about do it hang on nearly forgot right thru flooring mats then that should just about set it of right. :laughing: :laughing:


I do love an original posting. :unamused:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Hence why alot of people dont bother coming on here much now Rob?.. :wink: :wink:

If you read most of the OP posts you will find he does talk a bit of bollo, probably a wannabee lorryist.

There is one thing I cant stand is anything blocking my view, I hate flappy curtains and will either fasten them behind the seats or push them right back.

fancy frilly curtains are the same as blacked out windows on a Saxo :stuck_out_tongue:

The Sarge:



Too TRUE… Same people moaning about the same rubbish… They must be the ones chatting crap in every truckstop in the country… Better off without the moaning idiots…

could be worse ,moaning about moaning really is sad :laughing: let alone making two posts about it near enough one after the other :unamused:
simple don’t read it

even better grow up and stop moaning like a kid… childish behaviour stops in school (or so I thought) :unamused:

Even better, stop pretending you are ‘oh so much better’ than others because you couldn’t resist getting involved in a thread that you think is pointless. If we only chatted about what YOU think is important, there would probably be no posts on the forum to read, would there? :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

You think what curtains drivers decide to put in their truck is important? You truley are sad… :unamused:

Hands up who can spot the curtain offenders in this thread!

My curtaindar so far has picked up :

Mr Vain

Any more? :laughing:

Its funny watching some people get so upset over the smallest thing.

Hands up who can spot the curtain offenders in this thread!

My curtaindar so far has picked up :

Mr Vain

Any more? :laughing:

me :laughing:


Hands up who can spot the curtain offenders in this thread!

My curtaindar so far has picked up :

Mr Vain

Any more? :laughing:

me :laughing:

me :smiley: and dad a bit lol

I have frilly curtains so according to boris I am a complete ■■■■■■ :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
I’d prefer to be called a complete ■■■■■■ by somebody who’s met me rather than be prejudged though :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


having a blinged up truck is one thing ,curtains pulled across blocking your veiw while driving is another

That, good people is the pertinent point. I was passed yesterday evening on the A14 going down to Ipswich by a Scania Topline and I never saw the driver either when he passed me or, when I caught up with him when we both came off at the A12 interchange and went our separate ways, him into Ipswich and me to Colchester. At the end of the day, as professional drivers we owe it to ourselves and the Great British Motoring Public to maintain and USE the maximum visability available to us. God knows, there are blind spots a plenty without putting blinkers on into the bargain.

dam good point my freind and well put across :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Wheel Nut:


I do love an original posting. :unamused:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Hence why alot of people dont bother coming on here much now Rob?.. :wink: :wink:

If you read most of the OP posts you will find he does talk a bit of bollo, probably a wannabee lorryist.

There is one thing I cant stand is anything blocking my view, I hate flappy curtains and will either fasten them behind the seats or push them right back.

fancy frilly curtains are the same as blacked out windows on a Saxo :stuck_out_tongue:

well said wheelnut mrv is a nice bloke does a lot for charity.but as it has been said before they block your vision and cover half of your kurb mirror some of our lads had them half way across the windows till they were told to keep them pushed back and take there name plates and such like out :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

What this thread has brought to the fore is ■■■■■■■■■.

Why does anyone announce they are gay. I cannot remember ever having to say “I am heterosexual.” The only reason anyone knows someone is a lesbian, cross-dresser or homosexual is because they were told by that person.

I mean apart from the blue cab lights and the CD in the dash, why does the subject even come up?