Hidden by your frilly curtains!

I do love an original posting. :unamused:

Yep, but if you looked at the Official trucknet subject timetable it was due to turn up again.

The Eddie Stobart thread. Once a day, twice on Weekends and bank Holidays.

Polish (East European Drivers) Porbably being called the Taliban (due to the fact the poster really doesn’t
have any grip on international politics.) Once a month.

Curtains pulled across side windows. Once every six months.

The I hate Scanias and thier drivers. Every year.


I do love an original posting. :unamused:

Yep, but if you looked at the Official trucknet subject timetable it was due to turn up again.

The Eddie Stobart thread. Once a day, twice on Weekends and bank Holidays.

Polish (East European Drivers) Porbably being called the Taliban (due to the fact the poster really doesn’t
have any grip on international politics.) Once a month.

Curtains pulled across side windows. Once every six months.

The I hate Scanias and thier drivers. Every year.

Too TRUE… Same people moaning about the same rubbish… They must be the ones chatting crap in every truckstop in the country… Better off without the moaning idiots…



I do love an original posting. :unamused:

Yep, but if you looked at the Official trucknet subject timetable it was due to turn up again.

The Eddie Stobart thread. Once a day, twice on Weekends and bank Holidays.

Polish (East European Drivers) Porbably being called the Taliban (due to the fact the poster really doesn’t
have any grip on international politics.) Once a month.

Curtains pulled across side windows. Once every six months.

The I hate Scanias and thier drivers. Every year.

And the two other recurring favourite, both of which has put in another appearance recently.

The boss/My TM/VOSA/ My Mate/A random bloke teaching the DCPC said you will get nicked and fined and points and, and, and, for overspeeds coz it’s against Construction and Use regs/The Law.

My mate told me it will be illegal to do a night out unless you have a SuperGlobeToplineSpace Cab coz there is a new law that you have to be able to stand up to put your trousers on.*

*When the only reason for the people saying this to stand up is so their voice will be less muffled. :wink:

And the two other recurring favourite, both of which has put in another appearance recently.

The boss/My TM/VOSA/ My Mate/A random bloke teaching the DCPC said you will get nicked and fined and points and, and, and, for overspeeds coz it’s against Construction and Use regs/The Law.

My mate told me it will be illegal to do a night out unless you have a SuperGlobeToplineSpace Cab coz there is a new law that you have to be able to stand up to put your trousers on.*

*When the only reason for the people saying this to stand up is so their voice will be less muffled. :wink:

don’t forget this weeks beauty neil, its the law if doing europe to have aircon :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


And the two other recurring favourite, both of which has put in another appearance recently.

The boss/My TM/VOSA/ My Mate/A random bloke teaching the DCPC said you will get nicked and fined and points and, and, and, for overspeeds coz it’s against Construction and Use regs/The Law.

My mate told me it will be illegal to do a night out unless you have a SuperGlobeToplineSpace Cab coz there is a new law that you have to be able to stand up to put your trousers on.*

*When the only reason for the people saying this to stand up is so their voice will be less muffled. :wink:

don’t forget this weeks beauty neil, its the law if doing europe to have aircon :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Oh yeah, I forgot that one. One of our drivers keeps insisting that is a fact. :unamused:

What a bunch of prissy ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■ you all are.

Who gives a flying ■■■■ what fashion accessories anyone else has in their cab. Let the VOSA ■■■■■ sort out what is safe and legal. We should just let the rest get on with their lives as they want to live them for ■■■■■ sake. :imp:

Too TRUE… Same people moaning about the same rubbish… They must be the ones chatting crap in every truckstop in the country… Better off without the moaning idiots…

could be worse ,moaning about moaning really is sad :laughing: let alone making two posts about it near enough one after the other :unamused:
simple don’t read it

having a blinged up truck is one thing ,curtains pulled across blocking your veiw while driving is another

That, good people is the pertinent point. I was passed yesterday evening on the A14 going down to Ipswich by a Scania Topline and I never saw the driver either when he passed me or, when I caught up with him when we both came off at the A12 interchange and went our separate ways, him into Ipswich and me to Colchester. At the end of the day, as professional drivers we owe it to ourselves and the Great British Motoring Public to maintain and USE the maximum visability available to us. God knows, there are blind spots a plenty without putting blinkers on into the bargain.

We haven’t had a fog lamp thread/moan for a while.


Too TRUE… Same people moaning about the same rubbish… They must be the ones chatting crap in every truckstop in the country… Better off without the moaning idiots…

could be worse ,moaning about moaning really is sad :laughing: let alone making two posts about it near enough one after the other :unamused:
simple don’t read it

even better grow up and stop moaning like a kid… childish behaviour stops in school (or so I thought) :unamused:



I do love an original posting. :unamused:

Yep, but if you looked at the Official trucknet subject timetable it was due to turn up again.

The Eddie Stobart thread. Once a day, twice on Weekends and bank Holidays.

Polish (East European Drivers) Porbably being called the Taliban (due to the fact the poster really doesn’t
have any grip on international politics.) Once a month.

Curtains pulled across side windows. Once every six months.

The I hate Scanias and thier drivers. Every year.

And the two other recurring favourite, both of which has put in another appearance recently.

The boss/My TM/VOSA/ My Mate/A random bloke teaching the DCPC said you will get nicked and fined and points and, and, and, for overspeeds coz it’s against Construction and Use regs/The Law.

My mate told me it will be illegal to do a night out unless you have a SuperGlobeToplineSpace Cab coz there is a new law that you have to be able to stand up to put your trousers on.*

*When the only reason for the people saying this to stand up is so their voice will be less muffled. :wink:

Sorry Coffee, The recent Spacecab thread was my bad…

Both drivers who brought the subject up at work have been properly put in thier place. So some good has come of it.




Too TRUE… Same people moaning about the same rubbish… They must be the ones chatting crap in every truckstop in the country… Better off without the moaning idiots…

could be worse ,moaning about moaning really is sad :laughing: let alone making two posts about it near enough one after the other :unamused:
simple don’t read it

even better grow up and stop moaning like a kid… childish behaviour stops in school (or so I thought) :unamused:

Even better, stop pretending you are ‘oh so much better’ than others because you couldn’t resist getting involved in a thread that you think is pointless. If we only chatted about what YOU think is important, there would probably be no posts on the forum to read, would there? :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Just thought I’d stick my oar into this thread :imp: But i’ve got nowt to add to it :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

Dave Penn;

Just thought I’d stick my oar into this thread :imp: But i’ve got nowt to add to it :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

Dave Penn;

Just to keep it on topic does your oar have curtains? :wink:

No curtains, Coffee, but I do have 2 blue lights in my screen :question: :question: but they’re only very small so I don’t suppose I can hide behind them :unamused: :unamused: :wink:

Dave Penn;

No curtains, Coffee, but I do have 2 blue lights in my screen :question: :question: but they’re only very small so I don’t suppose I can hide behind them :unamused: :unamused: :wink:

Dave Penn;

We’ve just put a couple of blue light in our racing car so we can reconise it when it comes into the pit lane at night. So if you read about a pit crew getting run over by a truck at Le Mans it will be us.



Dont care about frilly curtains each to there own but its pretty stupid to say the least having your curtains pulled half way across the window.

Don’t you think it’s more stupid to drive with the sun blinding you,as happens westbound on the A14 in the afternoon? I love my curtains. :stuck_out_tongue:

going westbound in the afternoon, the sun will be thro the passenger window, unless your reversing along… :unamused: its def not the drivers side… unless your going east

. . or your in a LHD (but not in the passenger seat) :sunglasses:

FFS its the 21st century, you don’t have to give subtle hints that you are gay, just get rid of the frilly curtains and be proud of your ■■■■■■■■■ :wink:

FFS its the 21st century, you don’t have to give subtle hints that you are gay, just get rid of the frilly curtains and be proud of your ■■■■■■■■■ :wink:

May I refer you to an earlier comment. :laughing:


I asked my wife! What do you think of those tassles on the truck curtains? She replied " it’s a bit Gay" isn’t it! Curtains pulled anywhere along the door glass is just being a Poseur! :laughing:

I think you’ll find the gays have more taste than to have ‘Indian restaurant’ curtains as I call them.