Hidden by your frilly curtains!

It appears we are going backwards these days. Seem to remember Commercial Motor mag when reviewing new motors used to give a diagram showing the amount and angles of vision out of the windows. I think they lead a campaign to improve the amount of vision available and the introduction of full screens instead of split ones. I bet they wonder, was it worth it when you see the amount of trash hanging in front of the glass these days. Saw a motor today with curtains pulled across and the only thing he could see out the nearside was his mirrors, how he saw anything at junctions, especially junctions angled back, is beyond me. Its the same when you see them driving with cab lights on, are they trying to hide something, like laptops playing films or tv shows, maybe. A night trunk driver I worked with told me hed once been stopped by the police when driving with an interior cab light on. His tr mate had dropped something on the floor and had put the light on to see. Policeman gave them a 1/2hr lecture on the dangers of the reflections on the inside of the screen spoiling their night vision, can`t see that happening these days, I do wonder when VOSA will start picking up on it for new revenue source.

I will guarantee the same Poseurs are also the ones who drive around day or night with Fog lamps burning bright!!

My own personal thought on this is that the curtain is pulled forward so they can’t be seen whilst they are on their mobile phone. On quite a few occasions I’ve had people with curtains pulled forward pass me and the driver was on his mobile!!! :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

I do love an original posting. :unamused:


having a blinged up truck is one thing ,curtains pulled across blocking your veiw while driving is another


There is no good reason to block some of the already limited amount of glass on a truck. Do whatever floats your boat with shiny stuff, lights and so forth, that’s your business and you shouldn’t give a flying [zb] what anyone thinks of that. But pulling curtains partway across the side windows while driving is just stupid and is bugger all to do with taking pride in the vehicle or the job.

Seconded :wink:

I do love an original posting. :unamused:


I’m sure this bandwagon has been jumped on before (and I’ve only been on TNUK a few months).

For what is worth, our local VOSA at Cuerdon near Preston hate obstructions in the windscreen or side windows. They have told local hauliers that the worst offenders will be pulled in.


I asked my wife! What do you think of those tassles on the truck curtains? She replied " it’s a bit Gay" isn’t it! Curtains pulled anywhere along the door glass is just being a Poseur! :laughing:

I think you’ll find the gays have more taste than to have ‘Indian restaurant’ curtains as I call them.

As though vision was not restricted enough,even without the curtains,most Skoda drivers I pass seem to be sitting on the bunk anyway!


I asked my wife! What do you think of those tassles on the truck curtains? She replied " it’s a bit Gay" isn’t it! Curtains pulled anywhere along the door glass is just being a Poseur! :laughing:

I think you’ll find the gays have more taste than to have ‘Indian restaurant’ curtains as I call them.

No offence intended Luke! Indian restaurant curtains is a classic! :laughing:


Dont care about frilly curtains each to there own but its pretty stupid to say the least having your curtains pulled half way across the window.

Don’t you think it’s more stupid to drive with the sun blinding you,as happens westbound on the A14 in the afternoon? I love my curtains. :stuck_out_tongue:

:sunglasses: < why not wear what hes wearing?

Silly me :unamused: I thought it was all about overgrown richardheads with very small winkles posing- didn’t realise it was all about blocking sunlight :unamused: & we wonder why the general public have such a low opion of lorry drivers … Tin hat on to the ‘pride in ones job’ brigade or ‘sad gits’ to most of us :wink:


Dont care about frilly curtains each to there own but its pretty stupid to say the least having your curtains pulled half way across the window.

Don’t you think it’s more stupid to drive with the sun blinding you,as happens westbound on the A14 in the afternoon? I love my curtains. :stuck_out_tongue:

going westbound in the afternoon, the sun will be thro the passenger window, unless your reversing along… :unamused: its def not the drivers side… unless your going east

Used to get guys at my old firm doing this… except they were dayshift drivers on double-shifted wagons, not trampers (!)

its stupid ■■■■ the other day battersd fm bull fighter spears curtains foot on the engine cover the knob :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

It gives me a smile when you see these possers bending there heads round em to look out. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Dont care about frilly curtains each to there own but its pretty stupid to say the least having your curtains pulled half way across the window.

Don’t you think it’s more stupid to drive with the sun blinding you,as happens westbound on the A14 in the afternoon? I love my curtains. :stuck_out_tongue:

+1 i pull mine to block the sun but i must admit in built up areas i pull them back.

see stobarts no1 driver has his frilly ones pulled up a bit ,along with the nice ones dangling from above the windscreen
perhaps india is calling :laughing:

another pointless thread :confused: got nothing better to do? Its people like you that do my nut in just keep moaning about ■■■■■■■■. Grow up get a life you tard!

Well thats another 5 minutes of my life i won’t get back after reading another moany pointless thread :smiley: