Hidden by your frilly curtains!

i took over someone else`s truck for the day on friday.it had all the cheap tat(wind deflectors,spears,swirls,wheel trims)etc,but then on my walkround check i noticed ns front tyre was down to the wire banding.somebody got their priorities wrong me thinks

I have seen the same thing, the shiniest DAF in the subcontract fleet, but it did look nice on the hard shoulder with the propshaft laid next to it :open_mouth:

| hate driving someones motor with all that stuff fitted to it :smiling_imp: You feel like a right [zb] :blush: :blush: delivering somewhere , most of them aren’t even clean inside the drivers just spray over the dirt with silicon spray everywhere , & velvet curtains with tassles■■? Whats that all about :confused: …Sad [zb]'s :unamused:

Not another “this is why I don’t come here anymore” post. If you don’t want to come here then don’t come, simples. There are other truck driver sites out there… :bulb:




I do love an original posting. :unamused:

Yep, but if you looked at the Official trucknet subject timetable it was due to turn up again.

The Eddie Stobart thread. Once a day, twice on Weekends and bank Holidays.

Polish (East European Drivers) Porbably being called the Taliban (due to the fact the poster really doesn’t
have any grip on international politics.) Once a month.

Curtains pulled across side windows. Once every six months.

The I hate Scanias and thier drivers. Every year.

And the two other recurring favourite, both of which has put in another appearance recently.

The boss/My TM/VOSA/ My Mate/A random bloke teaching the DCPC said you will get nicked and fined and points and, and, and, for overspeeds coz it’s against Construction and Use regs/The Law.

My mate told me it will be illegal to do a night out unless you have a SuperGlobeToplineSpace Cab coz there is a new law that you have to be able to stand up to put your trousers on.*

*When the only reason for the people saying this to stand up is so their voice will be less muffled. :wink:

you forgot the other 3 alltime classics

i was due to get the herald of free enterprise but had a breakdown on the way to the dock
i used to be in the sas
i had to get the old bill out to cone off my wagon at tosscos as i had run out of time on a bay

as for hiding behind curtains, one of the drivers at our place does it the side curtains around the doors, hes got the tassley pelmet round the windscreen the curtains behind the bunk arranged like the chute the coffin at the crem goes down and enough blue lights around the windscreen to light up the gay village in manchester, countless other tat in the windows, wheeltrims that hes brought himself and yet the inside of the cab is a pigsty

the only curtains youll find me behind during the day are my bedroom ones :smiley: seeing as im on permanant night shift

i was due to get the herald of free enterprise but had a breakdown on the way to the dock
i used to be in the sas
i had to get the old bill out to cone off my wagon at tosscos as i had run out of time on a bay

I hadn’t forgotten them, they just hadn’t been mentioned on here recently. Well, until now. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

frilly curtains are so last year :laughing:
get with the times


truckstuff.co.uk/products/a1 … urtain-set
What a rip off!

What a rip off!

Isn’t most of the crap these truckshops sell? Still plenty of dicks obviously buy it :unamused:

this sort of tat often makes me wonder how can a driver go into one of these tat shops and feel the need to purchase a set of bull fighting arrows or even a pelmet for the windscreen or the worst of all a forktruck knob for the steering wheel which is usually a good indicator of the type of pilot sat in the seat
i wont even have a pelmet inthe house!