To try and promote harmony on this website I’ve looked at this statement and tried to remove anything that might upset people or prove controversial. I hope it meets to everybody’s approval.
A ■■■■■■ up Latvian drove onto the A1 near Stuhr with a 40t truck in the wrong direction.
This statement could offend ■■■■■■ up people, Latvians, the people of Stuhr, truck drivers and in this liberal society there is no such thing as the wrong direction. It’s a life style choice.
Realizing his mistake he then tried to TURN THE TRUCK AROUND ON THE AUTOBAHN!!!
His can’t used as it identifies the culprit as a man. We have a no blame culture, so the word Mistake is out.
The word truck can’t be used in a negative story. We can’t annoy the road haulage industry. Can’t have turn and around, to much of a reminder or Mrs Thatcher “you turn if you want, but the Ladies not for turning” This might give some terrible flash backs and at worst cause Carryfast to start posting.
The word Autobahn is also not allowed as it identifies the Country as Germany and that is to closely linked with World War 2 and nobody’s allowed to mention the war.
Several cars rammed the trailer as it was straddling the road and 2 people were killed.
Can’t use several, as it’s to vague we need and accurate figure. Cars will upset the car driving public who can never do wrong. Rammed this will really annoy the French Sheep Farming lobby, so that’s out then.
Trailer might upset the Film Industry who will claim it could be thought that they are implicated. Straddling, sorry it has to many ■■■■■■ connotations and this is a family web-site. So that does also mean we can’t edit the statement as “Rammed straddling 2 people”
Can’t imply that people were involved, or that they might have been killed, as it could upset any dead people reading this.
He took off but was stopped by police a few clicks down the road.
Again identifies a man is involved. Can’t report Police activities without written permission, and few clicks could be considered to refer to a metric measurements, and we don’t want to upset middle England do we.
Video report: HERE
Video can’t be used as they may contain scenes upsetting to some people.
Please re-wite as “a up drove onto the near with a in the realising then tried to the on the. cars the as it was the road and 2 were. took off but was stopped by a few down the road.”