Do you want to be called drive?

I doubt the waiter (how do you address him by the way?) in a posh restaurant on a saturday night will call you “drive”.

In the “National Hotel” in Belgrade,I call all the waiters "George"and all the waiters call the drivers “George”,so everyone knows where they stand!


David H:
The forum has been a good sounding board but I find the fortitude among the more accepting members less than encouraging. I maintain that ‘drive’ is only tollerated because there is little or nothing that drivers can do about it.

I reckon this must be a wind up :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I would recommend that David H avoids Glasgow lest he take offense at being referred to as Jimmy or Wee Man, as is traditional in these parts :laughing:

I prefer ‘sir’, However Driver is better than some of the things you get called when you’re out and about tho. Mind you, when a customer is wanting something particularly awkward doing with their delivery, it’s amazing how friendly they become, then it’s all mate, pal, star etc… just cross my palms with silver old chum!

the first time someonecalled me “drive” i was chuffed to bits,it gave me a status that i had worked hard and spent a lot of money to acheive
i still like it now gives me a nice warm glow :unamused:

David H:
the overall trend here is that we are discussing an identity crisis.

You’ll get over it :smiley:

no probs being called drive,similar to mate,pal etc
at goods in your called by your company or what youre delivering,so drive is
an improvement on that!
i only had an issue with being called mr stobart(ex employer) as im not a stammering,chinless,beard wearer :wink:
as for youre problems with being called "drive"dave,why not go into the ■■■■ industry,you can be called “studmuffin” or “kingcock” or something more befitting you? :laughing: :unamused:

just watching the bbc1 prog ‘traffic cops’ and they all call us drive or driver - ahhh :slight_smile:

Well that about wraps it up. Good luck to those with self respect, and how sad to those who welcome ‘drive’ as a compliment to their, no doubt, ‘do you want chips with that’ mentality!

David H:
Well that about wraps it up. Good luck to those with self respect, and how sad to those who welcome ‘drive’ as a compliment to their, no doubt, ‘do you want chips with that’ mentality!

No Dave its much more complex than that. I was sat in my cab yesterday playing a John Wiliams tune on my guitar when a guy from the warehouse came up and said “hey !! Elvis, bay 24 you want…” I tried to tell him they where a million miles apart (John Williams and Elvis), but it was wasted on him.Some of us are just not getting the recognition we deserve !!!

Mike, the time to pack up is when he takes the guitar off you and plays you your tune back accompanied by a lilting chorus of stack truck drivers. Then he gives you the guitar back and they all carry on as if nothing has happened. Happened to me so it did at Bracknell Waitrose.

Know my name!No excuse!

Whilst on the brewery i was mostly called “Inbev”. I wouldn’t mind but i dont even know a Beverley let alone had the fortune to be in her … :stuck_out_tongue:

Just thought…My next regular delivery is gonna be “Dawn pack” :open_mouth:

Pack it in Reef.

David H:
Pack it in Reef.

What’s wrong drive, do you think humour is beneath a professional driver ?

No. I’m completely humourless. Now then, where’s my Moto meal voucher, little TV set and rigger boots polish…

David H:
I’ve just returned to driving part-time after an eight year break. I mainly deliver to various Tesco and Morrisons distribution depots. The booking staff tend to be female, sniffy and call me ‘drive’. Personally I don’t like being called ‘drive’ but there seems to be no stopping them calling me ‘drive’. Does anyone else have a problem with being called ‘drive’ with it or is it just me drive?

No problem at all drive :slight_smile:

Know my name!No excuse!

bestbooties,im guessin you came from a tranport background,when your parents named you volvo? :wink:


Know my name!No excuse!

bestbooties,im guessin you came from a tranport background,when your parents named you volvo? :wink:

They might as well have done mate,if you cut off my head you’ll see Volvo running right through me.
I always say the same thing about cars and trucks,there are only TWO makes,Volvo and others.

so the 2 makes arent daf/merc as in your signature pics then? :wink: :laughing: