Do you want to be called drive?

David H:
Its been emotional. There is a definate polarization of values among people posting, and I must say their opinions have further peeled the scales from my eyes. I’m out and about this weekend so I did a straw pole and asked the guy (who I know) loading next to me about being called ‘drive’ and he replied that in his opinion it was condesending. But many people here think otherwise and I respect there feelings. What does suprise me is that so many posts appear to defend a ‘drive’ image that I have never felt compelled to relate to regardless of when and where I’ve worked.

As I know see it the problem, if I have one in this area, seems to be that I placed the (popular) topic on the forum and offered an explaination as to why I thought it offensive. In reply, for my pains, I get what is basically an invitation to accept being called ‘drive’ or be labelled a snob with issues if I don’t. It leaves me all empty and welled up with tears as so many post speak of strong gutsy opinions placed by drivers who firmly know there place and are proud to lie in it while being buffeted to sleep by passing wagins outside a potholed industrial estate.


alfa man:


alfa man:
“Drive” or “Driver” does’nt really bother me at all as long as i’m treated with respect they can call me what they like,apart from “Jock”.
Just a pet hate of mine, although i dont here it so much around Yorkshire where i spend a lot of time, the further south I go the more I here it. :imp: :imp:

AH NO WORRIES PADDY!!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
A guess geography’s not your strong point then :wink: :wink:
could be a problem with you doing a bit of driving every now and again. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Nothing wrong with my geo, just knew you wouldn’t take to being called paddy either :laughing: :laughing:

Fair point :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


David H:
Its been emotional. There is a definate polarization of values among people posting, and I must say their opinions have further peeled the scales from my eyes. I’m out and about this weekend so I did a straw pole and asked the guy (who I know) loading next to me about being called ‘drive’ and he replied that in his opinion it was condesending. But many people here think otherwise and I respect there feelings. What does suprise me is that so many posts appear to defend a ‘drive’ image that I have never felt compelled to relate to regardless of when and where I’ve worked.

As I know see it the problem, if I have one in this area, seems to be that I placed the (popular) topic on the forum and offered an explaination as to why I thought it offensive. In reply, for my pains, I get what is basically an invitation to accept being called ‘drive’ or be labelled a snob with issues if I don’t. It leaves me all empty and welled up with tears as so many post speak of strong gutsy opinions placed by drivers who firmly know there place and are proud to lie in it while being buffeted to sleep by passing wagins outside a potholed industrial estate.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Dave why don’t you have a name badge made, problem solved.

alfa man:


alfa man:
“Drive” or “Driver” does’nt really bother me at all as long as i’m treated with respect they can call me what they like,apart from “Jock”.
Just a pet hate of mine, although i dont here it so much around Yorkshire where i spend a lot of time, the further south I go the more I here it. :imp: :imp:

AH NO WORRIES PADDY!!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
A guess geography’s not your strong point then :wink: :wink:
could be a problem with you doing a bit of driving every now and again. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

aww why did you not just claim to be called paddy just to confuse the whole thing and make mr vain come across as clairvoyant.

Never the less my next move will be to write to Tesco (not Wincanton) to see what their public relations people think the use of ‘drive’ being applied to a driver who is also a Tesco’s customer.

What a huge fuss over nothing.

i have been called drive countless times and could not care less. Why would I be so conceited as to think that everyone remembers my name - if I ever bothered to give my name in the first place that is.


alfa man:


alfa man:
“Drive” or “Driver” does’nt really bother me at all as long as i’m treated with respect they can call me what they like,apart from “Jock”.
Just a pet hate of mine, although i dont here it so much around Yorkshire where i spend a lot of time, the further south I go the more I here it. :imp: :imp:

AH NO WORRIES PADDY!!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
A guess geography’s not your strong point then :wink: :wink:
could be a problem with you doing a bit of driving every now and again. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

aww why did you not just claim to be called paddy just to confuse the whole thing and make mr vain come across as clairvoyant.

As i said in another post , too late and too much beer to be that smart. :laughing: :laughing:

you need to be quicker if you are going to be confused with an irishman :sunglasses:

you need to be quicker if you are going to be confused with an irishman :sunglasses:

You dont need to tell me mate, I’ve spent enough time in your country to know
never to take on an Irishman in a war of “put downs” and “one liners” cos I’ll lose every time. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:smiley: fair play to you,you didnt even bite and mention the speeding :smiley:

No, it’s just you! :stuck_out_tongue:

They can call me whatever they want…as long as I get paid every week, I don’t give a monkeys!

We must have both developed thick skins somewhere else Shrek as I never worried about what I was called, and I KNOW we have both been called worse!! :wink:

I would hazard a guess that David H sees returning to driving as a downhill step :unamused:

I would also hazard a guess from his observation about Goods In staff being ‘mainly female’, that he may well feel shocked and threatened by the amount of female drivers on the road these days :wink: :wink:

Sunday morning psychology at it’s best :smiley: :smiley:



No, it’s just you! :stuck_out_tongue:

They can call me whatever they want…as long as I get paid every week, I don’t give a monkeys!

We must have both developed thick skins somewhere else Shrek as I never worried about what I was called, and I KNOW we have both been called worse!! :wink:

That we have brother :wink:

If as you say you don,t like being called “Drive” or “Driver” how do you suggest they address you when they don,t know your name or have never seen you before?

How do you address someone you have probably never met before or are likely to never meet again do you say what is your name or do you have some other way of adressing them and how would you address a nurse or doctor in hospital for instance?

If you want to be called by your first name then you should wear a name badge simple isn,t it or as one post says a hat with your name on it !

Just think of the office staff they will see probably a couple of hundred or more drivers amongst others every week and the majority they will never see again so what do they do ask for your name before they deal with your enquiries / booking in procedures ?

As a ‘newbie/wannabe’, would I like to be called ‘Drive’?

Oh God YES!! Please!


Just my tuppence worth…

Will now go back where I belong…

OK spd0121we will call you “DRIVER” :wink: :wink: :wink:

Happy Now :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I don’t care what they call me as long as I get loaded/unloaded… it’s a lot better than some of the things I’ve been called :slight_smile:

Dont care what they call me, if they want to be rude thats up to them. Though I did suggest to a female jobsworth once that it’s probably not the right time of the month and being a ‘man of the world’ I understood these things, this just made things worse :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


isnt it great to have a discussion about what u r called at work, maybe it should run alongside wheres everybody going on monday, or is that really lucy in that cab, we could even have, who was the sexiest / best looking bird / bloke youve been out with, even mention their real names, and what they used to call u while u were at it , i usually find when i stop at security or goods inwards, good morning / afternoon works, then tell them my name, if they ignore me i call them foreign ignorant r soles, if i get a reaction i know they really do speak english, i dont bother with any of that in newcastle because they dont speak english anyway

And quite right too. The posts are very interesting but the overall trend here is that we are discussing an identity crisis. I admit that I’ve generalised in my posts but not suprisingly I’ve come in for some personal flack as a result. The forum has been a good sounding board but I find the fortitude among the more accepting members less than encouraging. I maintain that ‘drive’ is only tollerated because there is little or nothing that drivers can do about it.

David H:
The forum has been a good sounding board but I find the fortitude among the more accepting members less than encouraging. I maintain that ‘drive’ is only tollerated because there is little or nothing that drivers can do about it.

I reckon this must be a wind up :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: