Do you want to be called drive?

I’ve just returned to driving part-time after an eight year break. I mainly deliver to various Tesco and Morrisons distribution depots. The booking staff tend to be female, sniffy and call me ‘drive’. Personally I don’t like being called ‘drive’ but there seems to be no stopping them calling me ‘drive’. Does anyone else have a problem with being called ‘drive’ with it or is it just me drive?

Same as you mate, if they call me drive, I ignore them.

When they get the hump, I just say, “The names Jerry - Not drive / drives / driver”

It really gets on my ■■■■ but like you say, what can you do.

No, it’s just you! :stuck_out_tongue:

They can call me whatever they want…as long as I get paid every week, I don’t give a monkeys!

P.S. you must have a hell of a commute from Munich to deliver at Morrison’s every day! :open_mouth: (or do they call you Fahrer?).

I hate it with a passion. But, if anyone refers to me as ‘drive’ or ‘driver’ I will usually refer to them as their post i.e " thanks security " or " ok admin " and wander off cheerfully.

I hate it with a passion. But, if anyone refers to me as ‘drive’ or ‘driver’ I will usually refer to them as their post i.e " thanks security " or " ok admin " and wander off cheerfully.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

it used to get on me ■■■■ when I was on the container job, or agency and it was used ‘sniffy’. But I don’t mind it so much now, as I’ve been doing this job for a few years and see the same people at all the shops its almost a term of endearment lol

Must call the next warehouse guy ‘warehouse’ though, last time it got a good laugh

I don’t like ‘drive’ much either, but I guess it’s been instilled.

I don’t mind ‘driver’, as that’s what I am.

I’ll always introduce myself by name if the opportunity arises. I can then correct
them if they use something else.

WOW !! There’s really lorry drivers who don;t like being refered to as ‘driver/drives/driver’? I suggest you all get a BIG badge with your name on it. And get a cap too, saying MY NAME IS… …take your nameplates out the window too and chain it round your necks and they’ll know what to call you.

a dnt really care am usually happy that someone has noticed am there :laughing:

That’s all very well about the name badge, but when I used to be a mechanic customers didn’t call me ‘mechanic’. Try immediately starting the conversation “Got a delivery for you warehouse operative” and see how quickly you get tipped tomorrow.

following a thread the other week, the next day I got to a store, parked on the bay (well reversed up to it b4 anyone says owt smartarse), went into the warehouse and who did I see but all the store’s management. So a nice and cheery ‘HELLO LADIES’ sprung thenceforth, then I thought ‘why did I say that?!’. The jumped up trying to impress hey look at me I’m training to be a manager just looked at me agog, but when the store manager cracked up laughing then everyone joined in. It was just that ‘pin drop’ moment that seemed to last forever.

WOW !! There’s really lorry drivers who don;t like being refered to as ‘driver/drives/driver’? I suggest you all get a BIG badge with your name on it. And get a cap too, saying MY NAME IS… …take your nameplates out the window too and chain it round your necks and they’ll know what to call you.


That’s all very well about the name badge, but when I used to be a mechanic customers didn’t call me ‘mechanic’.

When i was a mechanic i was usually called …“hey!”

Try immediately starting the conversation “Got a delivery for you warehouse operative” and see how quickly you get tipped tomorrow.

I do boxes like you and i don;t address anyone. I usually just say…“i have a container for you”…as i look them in the eye.

Doctors get called Doc, nurses, nurse, taxi drivers, cabbie, postmen, postie, and on and on.

what’s the difference?

Drive is short for driver. What are you when at work?

I doubt the waiter (how do you address him by the way?) in a posh restaurant on a saturday night will call you “drive”.

Sometimes, when I turn up, people look at my car transporter and say “what have you got for me driver?”… I usually reply " today, it’s cars"

are they mad?

drive doesnt bother me what gets my back up is been ignored
when we get reloads to tescos at the booking in desk i usually say heres your delivery of one million ping pong balls in different colours and by the way its handball oh we thought you was the delivery from heinz :smiley: :smiley:

Doesn’t bother me in the slightest.
Done a bit of flying in my time and when I was doing that people would call me “Pilot” I see it as no different, and I certainly take no offense at either of the titles.

Its what I do for a living, and I’ve certainly never had it said to me in a malicious or snooty way.

Sometimes, when I turn up, people look at my car transporter and say “what have you got for me driver?”… I usually reply " today, it’s cars"

are they mad?

Equally dry, try telling the Ford dealer you’ve got Skodas for him today…
and start telling him…3 Superbs…4 Fabias…etc…etc

WOW !! There’s really lorry drivers who don;t like being refered to as ‘driver/drives/driver’? I suggest you all get a BIG badge with your name on it. And get a cap too, saying MY NAME IS… …take your nameplates out the window too and chain it round your necks and they’ll know what to call you.

presumably you dont suffer this problem as they would just call you ‘scouse’ ? I dont like drive. That job is my right foots, im the driveR!!!

in the abscence of knowing your preferred name
i would say drive is an acceptable monicker

unless you want to be called chef which is what the Kerms would do