Do you want to be called drive?

they can hardly call you doctor can they!! :unamused:…who gives a ■■■■ ?i dont as,afterall thats what I do DRIVE…its better than being called ■■■■ anyway :wink:

I got so used to being called DRIVE or DRIVER that I started doing it myself to other drivers :slight_smile:

Must be more careful when addressing FLT drivers cos FORKY can sound like something else :exclamation: :exclamation: :unamused: :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

a dnt really care am usually happy that someone has noticed am there :laughing:

Praise be, they can call me ■■■■ if they want to as long as they get me in and out.

Dont mind what Im called, although lots of places people call me “Bug” once theyve clocked me name plate!

Was just going to say the same thing. Can call me what they like, as long as they tip me in a flash and don’t keep me hanging about.

I couldn’t care less about being called “drive”, I can’t understand why anyone would get upset over it :unamused:

I don’t mind it at all. At least they acknowledge your existence. Like Hairygorilla, I’m sick to death of being treated like I’m invisible at Goods In.

One day I’m gonna curl one out on the floor in the Goods In office when I get ignored. Bet I’m not invisible then.

I don’t mind it at all. At least they acknowledge your existence. Like Hairygorilla, I’m sick to death of being treated like I’m invisible at Goods In.

One day I’m gonna curl one out on the floor in the Goods In office when I get ignored. Bet I’m not invisible then.

ill give you 20 quid if you do that and provide evidence? :smiley:

This has made interesting reading! After going through the posts I feel that I should explain that my objection to the use of ‘drive’ occurs when ‘drive’ is obviously being used because of the stigma it carries and when ‘drive’ has become a cultural norm for office staff to use. I’ll stick my neck out and say that some of the people who posted replies stating that they didn’t care what they were called may also have issues with low self esteem while the people who posted that they didn’t like being called ‘drive’ backed up their statement by explaining that it was, in their opinion, a rude and unessasary moniker (I will probably pay dearly for the above comment). Never the less my next move will be to write to Tesco (not Wincanton) to see what their public relations people think the use of ‘drive’ being applied to a driver who is also a Tesco’s customer.

I couldn’t care less about being called “drive”, I can’t understand why anyone would get upset over it :unamused:


I don’t mind being called “drive” or “Driver” because that’s what i am when at work. I would however object to being called anything which i considered rude or demeaning and i would definately make a stand if that were to happen.

I would not expect to be called “sir” & i consider it wouldn’t be befitting to the normal circumstances found in a work environment.

I certainly don’t have low esteem.

I am reminded of the title of that famous play “much ado about nothing.”

Whats the problem :unamused: :unamused:
What do you want , a formal introduction perhaps :question:
Been driving a few yr usualy get called drive or Mr whatever company Ive drove for & do the same myself. How would you like to be addresed David :question: You have been very lucky Tesco its normal to call you by the door No you are on & Morrisons By the Product you are carrying

I would not expect to be called “sir” & i consider it wouldn’t be befitting to the normal circumstances found in a work environment."

I had no problem with being called Drive, but I suppose it depends on the attitude of those saying it. and if they have a bad attitude towards you then it really deosn’t matter what you are called.
I’ve been to several places were the coversation started with “Hello Drive, want a cup of tea?” No problem with that.
The only place I ever got called “Sir” was working at RAF Mildenhall and the security lads on the gate there could call me what they liked as they had loaded M16’s :laughing:

i dont like being called a brit

Drive, Driver, Mate, Son (often from ppl younger 'n me) Who cares so so long as it’s good humoured.

I havn’t got a clue what i am delivering most of the time, so when they ask “What you got drive?”. I reply “Brown boxes mate.”

I used to call truck/van drivers “drive” when i did roadside tyre repairs/punctures they called me…all right me chap/tyre man/spanners/mad man(I can see why i got called mad man a lot) there are more but cant remember them :smiley:

Some strong opinions here. A number of points. Firstly, ok its trivial but there again you could say that about most of the posts on this forum. Second, ‘drive’ is a default setting at many locations and in my opinion they could do better by, for example, asking for your name as well as reference number on arrival. Third, to me, ‘drive’ compliments entirely the traditional lay bye dossing burger bar scoffing fat gut image attributed to a wagon driver but It would appear that some people are happy to labeled as such.

David H:
This has made interesting reading! After going through the posts I feel that I should explain that my objection to the use of ‘drive’ occurs when ‘drive’ is obviously being used because of the stigma it carries and when ‘drive’ has become a cultural norm for office staff to use. I’ll stick my neck out and say that some of the people who posted replies stating that they didn’t care what they were called may also have issues with low self esteem while the people who posted that they didn’t like being called ‘drive’ backed up their statement by explaining that it was, in their opinion, a rude and unessasary moniker (I will probably pay dearly for the above comment). Never the less my next move will be to write to Tesco (not Wincanton) to see what their public relations people think the use of ‘drive’ being applied to a driver who is also a Tesco’s customer.

Hi Dave…there’s nowt low about my self esteem me old china! I’d like you to explain your assumption, you could include some of the sources of your information to support that sweeping generalisation. :unamused:

Seriously though mate, have you nowt better to do than write silly political correctness letters to big companies? :open_mouth: Maybe it’s just me but I’m not anally retentive enough to give a flying ■■■■ about what I’m called by other folks.

Personally, my self esteem, self image, confidence in my inter-personal and driving skills are running generally very highly. I know that most people are inferior to me in every way, I just don’t mind if the proletariat wish to call me “Drive” or “Driver”. Simple really.

Doesn’t bother me.

Couldn’t care less,its better than some names i’ve been called in my working life!
Till i started my apprenticeship i didn’t know half the swear words existed,but i do now!

God,isn’t there more to be worried about in life than being called “drive”?