Do you want to be called drive?


I couldn’t care less about being called “drive”, I can’t understand why anyone would get upset over it :unamused:


same as

I don’t mind being called ‘DRIVE’ the only thing I can’t stand is being whistled at like a dog!!!
If they shouted Drive, Driver, Mate, Oi you. Darling, Hun, anything, I will answer. I refuse point blank to answer to a whistle. It really gets my back up :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

It cost me about £1200 for the privilege of being called drive :sunglasses: ,I don’t mind it at all.

I prefer God but thats reserved for when I get home :laughing:

I agree Valhalla,shunter whistled me at Baylis dist at Bristol one day,i ignored him,he came over in a strop and said he’d been whistleing me.
I told him i’d heard him but i just thought a dog had got loose in the yard so ignored him.

I’m called “oi mate” Then i say… wot!

I don’t mind being called ‘DRIVE’ the only thing I can’t stand is being whistled at like a dog!!!
If they shouted Drive, Driver, Mate, Oi you. Darling, Hun, anything, I will answer. I refuse point blank to answer to a whistle. It really gets my back up :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

Yeah i agree, if whistled at i will ignore. I don’t mind drive, i prefer SIR Tipped at Fradley park yesterday, when i booked in i was asked my name, when they wanted my attention they called “Driver Billman!” which i found to be very civil. Still think SIR is better! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

it makes me feel good to be called drive or driver because i’m a truck driver and its the best job in the world imo :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: i go to work happy on mondays how many people can say that i do a job i love :wink:

it makes me feel good to be called drive or driver because i’m a truck driver and its the best job in the world imo :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: i go to work happy on mondays how many people can say that i do a job i love :wink:

Yeah i can say i do a job i love, its just the shabby old motor i have to ride around in is a bit of a chore :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

i hope to see your shabby truck at brands mate :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

All these posts have really opened my eyes. However, I don’t agree that one man crusades and political correctness are wasted energy in this area. What I’m now getting after reading the posts is not so much the ‘drive’ bit but the sad fact that so many people here accept it. I don’t like ‘drive’ because I don’t call admin staff ‘luv’ ‘darlin’ duck’ ‘Doris’ or any other pet name.

The UK is the only place I’ve heard ‘drive’ being used, mainly by overweight chip eating menopausal women sporting bad haircuts who sit behind glass screens listening to ‘drive’ spell out there reg over a scratchy intercom. What does that say about all the senior drivers on here who lap it up. Don’t you long for professionalism in place of a broken Klix machine and a toilet with no paper? Roll on the drivers CPC.

Musts admit this seems to be a fuss over nothing. Maybe compared to German der die & das English can seem less formal, but frankly they can call me “Drive” anytime as long as they’re not being smartarsed. They most likely don’t know my name and I can’t really be bothered to learn all theirs from all delivery points. Any insults can be remedied with 30 tons of limestone blown into the office :laughing: :laughing: .

As for the driver CPC, I don’t quite see the connection. You already have a vocational licence, another unnecessary piece of paper will not change the opinion of the public towards you. If I tell someone outside the industry that I already have a CPC they probably will think you have a ■■■■■■ disease. Then again if you’re in a truck they do that anyway :wink: :wink: .

Relax, Tescos will only laugh at your complaint and you’ll achieve nothing.

About the limestone, no you wouldn’t.

“I’ll stick my neck out and say that some of the people who posted replies stating that they didn’t care what they were called may also have issues with low self esteem while the people who posted that they didn’t like being called ‘drive’ backed up their statement by explaining that it was, in their opinion, a rude and unessasary moniker.”

I don’t have low self esteem, I just don’t care what other people think of me. I run a million pound haulage company and drive one of the trucks myself because I enjoy it. I’m there to deliver goods with the least amount of hastle and problemtaic interaction possible. i.e. tell me where you want it asap and I don’t really want to small talk you any more than you do me so let’s get this done and be on our merry way with the rest of our days, everyone’s a winner. I think you feel “Drive” is an insult when it is not usually meant so (you can tell when people are being rude by the tone which i’ve never had when people call me drive). At least they bother to call you something rather than just say “you over there”.

Maybe you have Too Much self esteem that you feel everyone should treat you as Mr. Improtant the moment you walk in the door? Mybe you are ashamed of being a driver and dislike it when people call you drive as it highlights your profession. I’d also say you were a bit analy retentive and had too much time on your hands that you shall be writing to various companies about this issue. Dear oh dear. :unamused:

I couldn’t give a rats arse what they want to call me. Whistling will be ignored at all times. They can call me fat ■■■■■■■ if they feel the need as long as I am tipped and on my way sooner than somebody wanting to be called by their name! as I would probably never see any of them again I do not get offended by the fact they don’t know my name. do you know all their names? Get over it, its not the end of the world and there are a hell of a lot bigger things to worry about in this industry than what someone calls you.

Tipped at Fradley park yesterday, when i booked in i was asked my name, when they wanted my attention they called “Driver Billman!” which i found to be very civil.

Who the hell wants to drive a billman?
:open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink: apart from blind and mentally imbalanced women :laughing: :laughing:

I couldn’t give a rats arse what they want to call me. Whistling will be ignored at all times. They can call me fat [zb] if they feel the need as long as I am tipped and on my way sooner than somebody wanting to be called by their name! as I would probably never see any of them again I do not get offended by the fact they don’t know my name. do you know all their names? Get over it, its not the end of the world and there are a hell of a lot bigger things to worry about in this industry than what someone calls you.

Tipped at Fradley park yesterday, when i booked in i was asked my name, when they wanted my attention they called “Driver Billman!” which i found to be very civil.

Who the hell wants to drive a billman?
:open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink: apart from blind and mentally imbalanced women :laughing: :laughing:

You’d be amazed! I often am! There are more blind/mentally imbalenced women around than you realise! :laughing: :laughing:

There’s a guy at PolyPal Wakefied who used to call me “drive” and probably all the other drivers as well.

“Do you want a cup of tea? drive”

“Where do you want me to put the pallets? drive”

Now’t wrong with that is there?
As many as said it’s all down to the “tone” it is spoken in, just like e-mail and posts on here you can’t hear the set of the “tone” :confused:

The UK is the only place I’ve heard ‘drive’ being used, mainly by overweight chip eating menopausal women sporting bad haircuts

Have you looked at the state of who their addressing? :unamused: :unamused:

It was probably the proudest moment of my driving career the first time I was called ‘Drive’. I looked behind me to see who they were talking to but it was me :smiley:

In those days, as Lucy knows, for a woman to be called ‘Drive’ it meant we had
finally been accepted :smiley:


I dont care if they call me “Drive”. As i tend to call everyone “Ted”

The reason for this is it started as a joke at my old job a couple of years ago where the driver turnover started to get ludicrous and me and a mate decided that calling everyone Ted was a lot easier than trying to remember all the new names and then by the time you got it right they bloody left…

But then i found myself doing it all the time to security, goods in, burger bar operatives and fellow drivers alike.

And do you want to know the oddest thing is no one and i mean no one has ever batted an eyelid to it.

So if someone walks upto you and says “Alright Ted hows it going” it will probably be me (or maybe my mate if he still does it) :smiley:

A Rose by any other name would smell as sweet

my dad has never called my by my name he may call me by my sister name or sometimes my brother name so just got used to it

There are some many people that go into these places that they probably wouldnt remember all the "drivers " names

The last place I worked at we did have some regular customers I would often go into if the lads went in for a change they would ask where is the little female driver but none of them knew my name I dont have a problem with this

i dont really like being called drive but thats because i would be happier that the other person would just finish the word driver. i know that david h mentioned wagon driver in another post and that is no better than saying drive in my the way i seem to find it only used in england,might be wrong but it seems so. oh and whistling and shouting yo! or being beckoned by "the come here "finger dont get no response.