Debate time again boys and girls

I’ve spent the last 30 minutes locking various trucker’s accounts. Who’s next? [/size]
Even though the thread is locked this is what the mods have decided now

Posted by No Do$h

60 Tonne Double Artics - Dynamic Dave Sat 13 Aug 05 15:10

Dynamic Dave:
I don’t pass comment on how you drive trucks or what you do with your Yorkie bars in laybys, so how’s about keeping your opinions of how I moderate a forum to yourself.

Don’t think so, buddy. I thought a ‘moderator’ was there to ‘moderate’ threads, not just lock them when he doesn’t like what is being said?

It seems you’re a hypocrite as well, Davey boy… what was it you said about “churlish remarks”, then you add this to your little dummy-spitting exercise?!

Dynamic Dave:
As a side note, the originator of this thread, Quinny, had to come here telling stories of what nasty things they’re saying about truckies over on the HJ site. Not the first time that he’s told tales here I might add. Shame he couldn’t manage to contribute himself rather than getting several people here to do the talking for him instead.

Grow up man!

Wheel Nut:

I’ve spent the last 30 minutes locking various trucker’s accounts. Who’s next? [/size]
Even though the thread is locked this is what the mods have decided now

Posted by No Do$h

60 Tonne Double Artics - Dynamic Dave Sat 13 Aug 05 15:10


So, not only do you not like truckers coming in and “spoiling the party” you’d lock out their accounts as well?

Well, thanks to places like Gmail, Hotmail and the like, email accounts are unlimited so you can’t ban them all can you…


Wheel Nut:

I’ve spent the last 30 minutes locking various trucker’s accounts. Who’s next? [/size]
Even though the thread is locked this is what the mods have decided now

Posted by No Do$h

60 Tonne Double Artics - Dynamic Dave Sat 13 Aug 05 15:10

So, not only do you not like truckers coming in and “spoiling the party” you’d lock out their accounts as well?

Well, thanks to places like Gmail, Hotmail and the like, email accounts are unlimited so you can’t ban them all can you…

No he can’t, But they do block your IP adress, However, you could always hide behind a Proxy server. Also, you could always e-mail Honest John to get your account re-instated, I had to do that a while ago after a different Mod spat his dummy and started trying to be the playground bully.

No he can’t, But they do block your IP address. However, you could always hide behind a Proxy server.

Also, you could always e-mail Honest John to get your account re-instated, I had to do that a while ago after a different Mod spat his dummy and started trying to be the playground bully.

The latter option is always the better option. I do know of one board that banned the entire AOL address range from posting!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing:

Options options eh?!

My account over there is still active… I’ve just got to remember what the login details are!! :smiley:

Don’t think so, buddy. I thought a ‘moderator’ was there to ‘moderate’ threads, not just lock them when he doesn’t like what is being said?

On the HJ site a moderator locks a thread when it starts becoming a handful or the thread becomes monotonous where no one can agree on the subject being discussed. This was the case in this instance. Everyone had there say; the car drivers aired their views, several truckies from this forum aired their views. The thread was going nowhere in a hurry except for silly remarks. From experience that’s when it’s time to end it there and then.

Each and every forum is moderated in a different style. If we all did the same then we might as well become sheep.

It seems you’re a hypocrite as well, Davey boy… what was it you said about “churlish remarks”, then you add this to your little dummy-spitting exercise?

Whatever :wink:

At least we have gained a new member :stuck_out_tongue:

welcome to trucknet dynamic dave :wink:


welcome to trucknet dynamic dave :wink:


PMSL :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Well timed, Jon :smiley: .

Right everyone, that’s ENOUGH! This thread in going nowhere now so it must be locked ! ! !


As a side note, the originator of this thread, Quinny, had to come here telling stories of what nasty things they’re saying about truckies over on the HJ site. Not the first time that he’s told tales here I might add. Shame he couldn’t manage to contribute himself rather than getting several people here to do the talking for him instead.

Wrong Dave. :angry:

If you read the opener on this page,you’ll see that all I posted was a link,no comment was added.So may I suggest that you check your facts first,before accusing.


No Do$h:
Although you’ll have to excuse Dave’s spelling :unamused: you can’t deny his logic.

I take it your the bright one of the 2 of u :question: If that’s the case why lock trucker’s account’s :question: Are you scared of discussion :question: It is banter between car/truck driver’s nothing else,it ain’t gonna cause all out war is it :question: Even if we could educate some car driver’s then it would be a start,especially the young one’s who think about nothing else but speed and let’s see if we can get past truck’s on blind bend’s etc.No Do$h i think u and HJ need to open your eye’s m8,if you can’t handle a bit of constuctive criticism and that goes for us trucker’s too,then it’s a very sad day.The more we talk the better understanding we will get of how each vehicle is handled,and if your on the road as much as we are then by god some car driver’s need educated,that apply’s to some truck driver’s to.We ain’t perfect far from it,all we would like is for certain car driver’s to think twice b4 making a certain manoeuvre on how it will affect the truck in front of them,and how it could affect his/her life if it all goes pear shaped because they lacked the knowleadge of how a 44ton truck operate’s.I show respect to every driver on the road,all i ask is the same respect is given back. :wink:

Dynamic Dave:

Don’t think so, buddy. I thought a ‘moderator’ was there to ‘moderate’ threads, not just lock them when he doesn’t like what is being said?

On the HJ site a moderator locks a thread when it starts becoming a handful or the thread becomes monotonous where no one can agree on the subject being discussed. This was the case in this instance. Everyone had there say; the car drivers aired their views, several truckies from this forum aired their views. The thread was going nowhere in a hurry except for silly remarks. From experience that’s when it’s time to end it there and then.

Each and every forum is moderated in a different style. If we all did the same then we might as well become sheep.

first of all, a disagreement within a discussion is called a debate which is actually encouraged on the website that i moderate.
secondly, can someone tell me what a ‘truckie’ is? it sounds to me like an infants word for truck but not being a parent, i can only guess :stuck_out_tongue:

first of all, a disagreement within a discussion is called a debate which is actually encouraged on the website that i moderate.

Debate is encouraged, arguments aren’t. As already said, everyone moderates differently. Sheep we are not.

secondly, can someone tell me what a ‘truckie’ is? it sounds to me like an infants word for truck but not being a parent, i can only guess :stuck_out_tongue:

One of the members here previously used the term ‘truckie’ on HJ, and it stuck in people’s minds.


Wrong Dave. :angry:

If you read the opener on this page,you’ll see that all I posted was a link,no comment was added.So may I suggest that you check your facts first,before accusing.

The link was enough to get others to do your dirty work for you.

Here’s a radical idea.

Quite clearly, we “car drivers” are too ignorant so you have four options;

  1. Do nothing (this is my favourite)

  2. Act like you don’t care but really moan about how ignorant we are on here

  3. Act like you don’t care but really moan about how ignorant we are on here and on the HJ forum

  4. Get worked up and post on the HJ forum.

Ultimately, 3 and 4 will result in you more than likely being banned. If you feel that 2 is a good way to spend your time, then great!

Quinny. What did you expect to happen after last time? Us all to agree and sip cognacs laughing at how ignorant we all were?

I think it’s probably best to put an end to all this.

Wouldn’t you say?

No Do$h:


For what its worth i have replied to a couple and invited them over here for alook at trucknet.

Oh God… :cry: :cry: :cry: …Mods and Admins, we are now on Security CODE RED!!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: …you know what that means…

…Time to [zb] off to the pub and deny all knowledge of this website’s existence. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :sunglasses:

But bombing our site is ok. Nice. Really nice. :confused:

You misunderstand. Just as I am sure that the Mods and Admins on your site have an ongoing joking relationship with their members, the same is true here. The comment was merely a humourous expression of trepidation at members here inviting people over for a “barney”, and the work that that was likely to create for the staff here if it got out of hand.
It goes without saying that I would no more encourage our members to give your Moderators extra work than I would encourage them to kick off here. I know only too well what a thankless job Moderation is…however, they are adults and I cannot stop them from doing that if that’s what they want to do. It’s outside my jurisdiction, and rightly so.

Aaah, so when the moderator is board of it, it’s OK to lock a thread! Good job it doesn’t work that way here.

WOW! That was almost a complement!!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :wink:

OK Lads time to get militant

From tomorrow I suggest that we all stick to 40 mph on all A roads

That 'll show these car drivers we mean business !!!

Good to see another 2 new member’s on TNUK,Welcome to TN Adski&No Do$hWe welcome open discussion here on TN,some will agree and some will disagree.I’m affraid that is life and no one will stop that.It is healthy to have open discussion and if any mod lock’s a thread because they don’t like it cause ppl don’t agree with their view’s is a sad state of affair’s.For your mod’s to block member’s e-mail addy and stop them posting on a site is very childish is it not. :question: If the owner’s of this site blocked everyone’s addy from posting on here just because we did not agree with their view’s then they would not have a site to run.There are way’s to warn ppl from breaking your site rule’s and i think it would be better you used them rather than block them from posting on your site.How do you know that everyone that posted on your site to the thread in question where/are truck driver’s :question: You don’t,they could have been someone that can see both side’s of the discussion.After all we are all adult’s are we not :confused:

OK Lads time to get militant

From tomorrow I suggest that we all stick to 40 mph on all A roads

That 'll show these car drivers we mean business !!!

What you mean you don’t already :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: