Debate time again boys and girls

Stick to the 40 limit like glue, naturally

Stick to the 40 limit like glue, naturally

Did u say that without smiling :laughing: :laughing:

Here’s a radical idea.

Quite clearly, we “car drivers” are too ignorant so you have four options;

  1. Do nothing (this is my favourite)

Replying would seem to suggest that is not an option.

2) Act like you don’t care but really moan about how ignorant we are on here

Since you cannot possibly be watching any thing other than what we write how would you determine that we are acting like we don’t care? If we didn’t care would we bother replying?

3) Act like you don’t care but really moan about how ignorant we are on here and on the HJ forum

  1. Get worked up and post on the HJ forum.

Ultimately, 3 and 4 will result in you more than likely being banned. If you feel that 2 is a good way to spend your time, then great!

So an admission that as soon as a point of view contrary to that of the HonestJohn moderation team is expressed the posters will be banned.

Quinny. What did you expect to happen after last time? Us all to agree and sip cognacs laughing at how ignorant we all were?

I think it’s probably best to put an end to all this.

Wouldn’t you say?

Why would you think that? Nothing will be changed by cyber warriors gobbing off certain that thiers is the ONLY opinion of merit.

I know only too well what a thankless job Moderation is

You can say that again.

I suppose I couldn’t use the late night excuse for the number of holes in that thread? No I thought not :smiley:

Much as it’s tempting to dissect your (inaccurate in parts) post wirewool or whowever, I’m not going to. Simply because, I won’t be able to change your minds. If you think that you’ve all been done an injustice by being banned for innocent views then there’s no way I’d be able to convince you otherwise.

If you want to “act like you don’t care” be it saying “I don’t care” or something a little more implicit then I can’t change that.

Here’s the thing though - crazy as it is, no-one cares. I don’t care, I’m pretty sure you don’t care now or if you do, you won’t in a week, the moderators don’t care as it’s nothing to block an account.

This is an end to it. You can take that as literally as you want to provide hours of fun but it seems pointless wasting time on an argument which neither of us is going to come out of winning. No-one’s going to say “Those poor truckies. What’s happened to them is really…bad”. And I’m damned sure you’re not going to say “you know lads…and lasses, we were wrong about those over at HJ. Maybe they know best after all”. Not going to happen.

Anyway - I’m off for a coffee and to cut up some HGV drivers. (not literally). :stuck_out_tongue:

P.S. - Great to be a member :smiley:

Had my account at HJ locked and told I can ■■■■ off back to the truck forum.My crime?I complained to the mods saying I thought one of the messages was abusive towards another poster! Never said anything else! :stuck_out_tongue:

Is this some kind of Cyber Road Rage? :stuck_out_tongue:

At least no one will get killed by the stupidity of car drivers :smiley:

I have read a lot of the posts on HJ and there is so many people who do not realise about trucks or the job we do.

How about someone taking a HJ passenger for a week to show him what life is really about.

Unfortunately many companies will not allow this, my own included.

Much as it’s tempting to dissect your (inaccurate in parts)

Please point out the inacuracies as you see them…

post wirewool

seems that reading basic English is a problem…

or whowever, I’m not going to. Simply because, I won’t be able to change your minds.

Because you haven’t yet found a point of logic or reason on which we can agree and differing opinions are difficult to accept?

If you think that you’ve all been done an injustice by being banned for innocent views then there’s no way I’d be able to convince you otherwise.

So you will not try.

If you want to “act like you don’t care” be it saying “I don’t care” or something a little more implicit then I can’t change that.

Actually I do care about the dreadfull standard of driving apparent every day on the roads of this country. How to resolve that? Well…

Here’s the thing though - crazy as it is…snip… I don’t care,

That reads to me as though you don’t see any need to change and even less inclination to change. HJ, as is TruckNet UK, is a public forum open for anyone to view and when there is open discussion and direction for actions which, IMHO, are attempting to pervert the course of justice people can make their own minds up.

I’m pretty sure you don’t care now or if you do, you won’t in a week, the moderators don’t care as it’s nothing to block an account.

See above.

Anyway - I’m off for a coffee and to cut up some HGV drivers. (not literally). :stuck_out_tongue:

And we have your word on that?? How reassuring.!

You tell 'em, Wirewool :exclamation: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

PMSL :laughing: .

Look. This isn’t getting us anywhere. I have no desire to argue, I have no desire to offend anyone nor do I want to pick posts apart or anything like that. I really do think we should forget about it.

Simple as.

Look. This isn’t getting us anywhere. I have no desire to argue, I have no desire to offend anyone nor do I want to pick posts apart or anything like that. I really do think we should forget about it.

Simple as.

Why do you keep coming back then :question:

I did think about not replying but then I knew you’d all say

“Aha - the snot nosed little brat hasn’t got an answer for that. Has he?”



I did think about not replying but then I knew you’d all say

“Aha - the snot nosed little brat hasn’t got an answer for that. Has he?”


Actually, no…because they all know it’d be edited out as a Personal Attack as soon as one of the Mod Team spotted it. :wink:

so what if he sufferes from hayfever and is little and badly behaved?


Aaah, so when the moderator is board of it, it’s OK to lock a thread! Good job it doesn’t work that way here.

WOW! That was almost a complement!!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :wink:

Only almost?! It was meant as one! :laughing:

if people were banned for having an opinion, i think Rob K and myself would soon be banned from every public forum on the net :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

if people were banned for having an opinion, i think Rob K and myself would soon be banned from every public forum on the net :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


[zb] :wink:

Edited for tongue-in-cheek but nevertheless rule-breaking personal attack. L :wink: