Debate time again boys and girls … =2&t=33831


just give my opinion to honest john

I noticed…nice one.


will give my opinion later, pologirl duck .

Well …

Reading that thread has done absolutely nothing for my blood temp. I’m not even going to bother replying on it.

Not one of them has spoken a work of sense. Idiots.

For what its worth i have replied to a couple and invited them over here for alook at trucknet.

For what its worth i have replied to a couple and invited them over here for alook at trucknet.

Oh God… :cry: :cry: :cry: …Mods and Admins, we are now on Security CODE RED!!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: …you know what that means…

…Time to [zb] off to the pub and deny all knowledge of this website’s existence. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :sunglasses:


For what its worth i have replied to a couple and invited them over here for alook at trucknet.

Oh God… :cry: :cry: :cry: …Mods and Admins, we are now on Security CODE RED!!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: …you know what that means…

…Time to [zb] off to the pub and deny all knowledge of this website’s existence. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :sunglasses:

Sounds like you’ve got that down to the essentials then :slight_smile: :smiley: :smiley: :8 :8

Had to have my say

Had to have my say

it wont let me log in :imp:

Sorry, but I don`t consider such ill-informed people worthy of a reply

how else do we enlighten them though Trev? they take zero interest in us when they are not argueing with us :unamused:

how else do we enlighten them though Trev? they take zero interest in us when they are not argueing with us :unamused:

Look at what they teach chimps.
But that doesn’t means they understand what they have been taught, merely that they have learnt how to respond appropriately,
it’s called learnt behaviour not understanding.
Me if I go there it simply be for a bit of fun :wink: :wink: :smiling_imp: .

I’ve just added my response or six to their board… It is for real, isn’t it? I thought it was a ■■■■-take at first… When your average car driver has the kind of understanding demonstrated over there is it any wonder there are so many accidents?

Daxi summed up my feelings exactly, Richie. It doesnt matter how much you try to enlighten some people, they just have blinkered vision and refuse to accept the opinion of someone who spends most of their working life driving on Britains roads. They just see us as something that is totally unnecessary, even though it has been pointed out to them that road transport is the most viable and practical way of moving all goods from A to B

could somebody who is registered on that site please post this link … orries.pdf

I don’t think they would read it all but the table on page 21 might change a few minds but I wouldn’t hold my breath.
as for running at 60 tonne an Irish refer company I once had the misfortune to work for had a Scania 580 6x2 weigh in on the ferry at 59 tonne!!!

that sounds about right but its fun to argue with them. we know we are right in what we say so they are fighting a losing battle before they begin. especially the 4X4 drivers who have never used a diff lock. they always end up giving up when they run out of arguement. you can always tell the difference between someone who knows what they are talking about and someone who THINKS they know! besides, it always gives me satisfaction to get one over on one of the stuck up, ‘im better than you’ brigade. they need bringing down a peg or 2 :smiling_imp:

On the 60 tonne subject, the company I once worked for used to pull potato bulkers occasionally as a favour to another local haulier. One day I went into the fctory at Easton,Grantham (AES or something like that), and they asked me to pull a bulker up from the bottom yard that they had sent down there as the other end of the factory desperately needed some potato’s (even though they were the wrong type). Anyhow, they had been pulling potato’s out of the bulker for about 8 hours, but when I got it down to the weighbridge at the other end (so they knew how many had been used), it still weighed in at 45500Kgs !! :open_mouth:

And I hadn’t even bothered putting the yellow airline on, as I was only shunting a half empty trailer around their yard :blush: :blush:

At least it explained why is was such a nightmare to slow down for the speed bumps !!! :laughing: :laughing:

i only use this chat forum ive looked at honestjohn before but i dont like it cos you see what people actully think and sometimes peoples ignorance is frightning.

what other forums does everyone use.