Debate time again boys and girls

Trampers with families should think about getting them onto

It stands for Loved Ones And Driver Support, and is run by Kathy Harders who is a great friend of ours and who did a lot when TNUK first started - she’s still listed as one of the Mods on the Family Room on here.

It’s a US site for partners who are at home whilst their drivers are out working, and it’s great. It’s been a godsend to me whilst I’ve been off as there are other female drivers on “enforced holidays” through medical issues on there too. :wink:

jessicas dad:
what other forums does everyone use.

Far too many to list. Four are truck related, although on one of those I am not me, :wink: and the rest are on a wide variety of subjects.

On the 60 tonne subject, the company I once worked for used to pull potato bulkers occasionally as a favour to another local haulier. One day I went into the fctory at Easton,Grantham (AES or something like that), and they asked me to pull a bulker up from the bottom yard . Anyhow, they had been pulling potato’s out of the bulker for about 8 hours, but when I got it down to the weighbridge at the other end (so they knew how many had been used), it still weighed in at 45500Kgs !! :open_mouth: :

PAS that would be, and i bet the bulker number started JA— :wink: Once loaded some boxed spuds on a tuatliner, local job farm to local proccesor, rocked the scales at 49960kg :open_mouth: , the weighbridge guy had a dicky fit my boss just rubbed his hands, i slagged of the farmer next time i saw him for over loading the boxes, and thanked my lucky stars it had been a short jurney :wink:
I once heard a stat, that even if railfreight increased buy 20% per anum for 10 years, road freight would still have to increase by 5-10% per anum just to keep up with demand. These put it back on rail muppets dont seem to realise that most of the local branch lines are either bypasses or pleasant foot paths through are beutiful country side, which they let there mangey muts [zb] all over. The main line net work is full to capacity with passenger traffic during the day , and at night there is allready a large amount of rail freight using the net work, where NIMBY’s dont prevent it anyway by complaining about having their sleep disturbed. There is allso the fact that it has taken nearly 20 yrs to build the chunnel rail link, most of which has been taken up with NIMBY complaints, so how they expect any new rail lines to get built to cope with the increasing demand for freight movements is beyond me. But dont waste your breath trying to explain “cos” they aint going to listen, those that would listen dont hold such blinkered views, and the others cant be wrong :unamused:

The best thing about banging your head against a brick wall is when you stop.I took a shortcut and didn’t start they know nothing and will be told nothing :smiley:

jessicas dad:
what other forums does everyone use.

Onlinetruckers, Truckersworld, fueltaxprotest and a new H + S site that i found a link to in one of the forums i mentioned. all work/truck related. im one of the sad individuals who works, lives and breaths trucks. still, im relatively happy and that suits me :smiley:

read their other ‘non-truck related’ posts if you want a real laugh.

Shows how little comprehension some of them have of the highway code.

THREAD LOCKED :astonished:

Rob K:
THREAD LOCKED :astonished:

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:


Rob K:
THREAD LOCKED :astonished:

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Hello Lindsay, ltns :slight_smile: .

Rob K:
Hello Lindsay, ltns :slight_smile: .


Rob K:
THREAD LOCKED :astonished:

Their moderator has this to say about the 60-tonne thread…

Dynamic Dave:
This thread is boring me so I’ve locked it. It’s gone full circle anyway and several people haven’t been able to post here without churlish and childish remarks thrown in, which have subsequently been removed.

Aaah, so when the moderator is board of it, it’s OK to lock a thread! Good job it doesn’t work that way here.

You want to read the crap they write about motorbikes too, dont get paranoid everyone. they are stupid about every thing that is posted :smiley:

If we had our threads locked when we spoke out of turn this site would soon be dead

I think we’ve had this before with the honestjohn site haven’t we.

If they don’t like what they hear, or we “gang up” on them or we just point out the error of their ways and introduce the daylight into their thinking they just cut it off.

The moderator in this instance shows he is not as fair minded or “honest” but more of a closed mind and “do it my way or [zb] off and leave us alone”.

Having read that PDF file about HGVs stopping etc, link posted above, I didn’t realise it would only take a week to effectively bring the country to it’s knees.

I have passed that document to a friend who works for DHL, to leave it for “a laugh” in their work canteen :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

However, in addition to that considering that most of the UK are 90 percent in debt (ie £25k CC up to hilt), it is a very chilling thing to see how dependant we are on transport, and likewise how it is treated in the real world… and how the drivers are treated who are litterally the backbone of the economy…

I’ll go now… Now I’ve depressed you all…

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :confused: :blush:


Rob K:
Aaah, so when the moderator is board of it, it’s OK to lock a thread! Good job it doesn’t work that way here.

I don’t pass comment on how you drive trucks or what you do with your Yorkie bars in laybys, so how’s about keeping your opinions of how I moderate a forum to yourself.

As a side note, the originator of this thread, Quinny, had to come here telling stories of what nasty things they’re saying about truckies over on the HJ site. Not the first time that he’s told tales here I might add. Shame he couldn’t manage to contribute himself rather than getting several people here to do the talking for him instead.

Dynamic Dave:
I don’t pass comment on how you drive trucks or what you do with your Yorkie bars in laybys, so how’s about keeping your opinions of how I moderate a forum to yourself.

As a side note, the originator of this thread, Quinny, had to come here telling stories of what nasty things they’re saying about truckies over on the HJ site. Not the first time that he’s told tales here I might add. Shame he couldn’t manage to contribute himself rather than getting several people here to do the talking for him instead.

Well, thanks for joining in the discussion. Do you feel like giving another reason for locking that thread on HJ apart from the excuse of you were bored?

Old threads on this board do not get locked, they remain open for others to contribute, whatever the date.

Well, thanks for joining in the discussion. Do you feel like giving another reason for locking that thread on HJ apart from the excuse of you were bored?

I thought I already had. ::goes off to check::

Yes I did.

The thread had gone full circle with nothing but churlish and childish remarks being thrown in;

but just to add to that comment, nothing constructive was being said anymore and AFAIWC I locked it to save me the bother of having to waste any further time unecessarily moderating it.

Although you’ll have to excuse Dave’s spelling :unamused: you can’t deny his logic.


For what its worth i have replied to a couple and invited them over here for alook at trucknet.

Oh God… :cry: :cry: :cry: …Mods and Admins, we are now on Security CODE RED!!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: …you know what that means…

…Time to [zb] off to the pub and deny all knowledge of this website’s existence. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :sunglasses:

But bombing our site is ok. Nice. Really nice. :confused:

No Do$h:


For what its worth i have replied to a couple and invited them over here for alook at trucknet.

Oh God… :cry: :cry: :cry: …Mods and Admins, we are now on Security CODE RED!!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: …you know what that means…

…Time to [zb] off to the pub and deny all knowledge of this website’s existence. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :sunglasses:

But bombing our site is ok. Nice. Really nice. :confused:

I have been a registered member of that site for at least 8 years through the Daily Telegraph, I stopped posting because of the crap that was written by some people. No one on it can hold a reasoned discussion or argument. It is just them and us. Well I drive a lorry, a car and a motorcycle and try to share the roads with everyone.

Post Removed after hindsight :laughing: :laughing: