Death penalty, for or against

The point I was making was that execution does normally mean long-term incarceration, because there is usually several avenues of appeal or means of staying an execution, in some jurisdictions anyway.

Hence, the expense of all the shenanigans that surround death row.

But if I’ve read it right you don’t want the death penalty because you support the mental torture aspect of incarceration ?.
No one has to kill anyone if the convict willingly goes into a hypoxia chamber and only the convict has control of the decompression lever and can change their mind at any point and can walk back to their cell before they pull it if they wish.

The idea of torturing anyone, in whatever way, for whatever reason, is more or less what Winseer is calling for.
Ironically getting flamed by Zac ? for the suggestion when Zac himself seemed to be a proponent of the mental torture approach instead of physical.
So you’re saying that you prefer to pay for the mental torture of convicts rather than at least just giving them the option of a humane way out that also saves us the money of keeping them.
With the win win of not playing into the hands of phsycopathic torturers just looking for a pretext for their own gratification.The same applies to all the other inhumane execution methods that are clearly all about the same motivation.
What it does prove is that the motivations of the anti death penalty side can often be worse than those of the pro death penalty side.
Basically just applying their own warped ideas of a justice system based on torture.

read my post again. I said they had to pay if they wanted anything more than bread and water

you do realise a vacuum removes air out of everything not just the room. it will also remove the air out of the persons lungs as they slowly struggle to breath it wont be particularly quick and it certainly wont be painless. Also if they do manage to get down to a true vacuum their bodies will explode

To add you also said ‘‘why should anyone be spared the mental torture’’ ( of incarceration ).
So why shouldn’t they ?.

Did you actually watch the video I posted ?.
No one chokes or can’t breathe let alone explodes.It’s no where even close to a vacuum.It just means low/thin enough air pressure to reduce the Oxygen content to a level where the brain gradually shuts down.
Chatacterised by euphoria and a feeling of couldn’t care less just as stated by the TV doc presenter subjected to it.
To the point where WW2 bomber crews were known to fight against those trying to save them in the event of Oxygen supply failure.

i betting nasa will be in touch shortly as you can save them a fortune in pressure suits

First post back after a long (self imposed because of the way the sites been buggered up) absence and there’s bloody carryfast waffling on. Death penalty by hanging for murder of kids; or adults who’ve been killed for no reason or pre meditated. Why should the tax payer fork out to keep these ■■■■■■■■ for the rest of their lives?

You do know that airliners have emergency oxygen masks to protect against hypoxia but no one needs a space suit.
While B17’s flew at almost pressurised aircraft heights totally reliant on oxygen masks for their crews but no space suits.
U2 and SR71 crews yes.Because depressurisation in that case exceeds the Armstrong Limit which ain’t the same thing.
Concorde was a very dodgy grey area in that regard but still not not an Armstrong limit risk.

ok why did they have oxygen masks… follow your own logic im sure you can get to the answer. what does a engine need to work or even more simply what is the fire triangle elements. could it possibly be bloody oxygen.

airliners have emergency oxygen masks that is at a higher pressure then the vacuum effect of the depressurization of the aircraft so that you can breath as the air is being sucked out of your lungs. However they dont say oh bother we are loosing pressure here oh well they have masks they drop the plane like a stone to get down to normal pressure.

and just for the record fighter pilots even in the days of the b52 etc wore flight suits that mitigated the pressure on their bodies they didnt go up in shorts and a t-shirt to work on their tans

I wouldn’t call it “mental torture”, I’d call it “justice”. Yes, I would want killers to stay alive and be reminded every day of what they had done. Ian Brady was desperate to be allowed to die, I was quite content that the system prevented him from doing so.

Typical CF weirdness; Capital Punishment via voluntary participation of the offender :joy:

Why are you arguing about oxygen.
When I’m actually saying that a death penalty by hypoxia is more humane than any other method and dependent on choice also better than incarceration.
Decompression in that case just means an equivalent altitude where the level of oxygen in the air being breathed is insufficient for the brain to function that’s all not siffocation.Which in this case means euphoria followed by unconsciousness.Just as shown in the video I posted.
Air crew flight suits of all types aren’t pressurised at all except for specialised operations above the Armstrong limit.
Maybe you’re confusing pressure suits with g suits for high g ops used by fighter pilots.
While we’ve already got an admission that many proponents of incarceration v death penalty are motivated by inflicting the mental torture which goes with it.
Bearing in mind that hypoxia based only on convicts’ own choice and delivered by the convicts’ own hand arguably isn’t a death penalty at all.Its just a humane option for criminals to avoid the mental torture of incarceration if they choose it.
Anyone who disagrees with that, on the basis of wanting to inflict torture in whatever form, needs to question their own motivation and sanity.

For the record, if CF found himself charged with murder, I dare say I could be persuaded to change my stance on the death penalty , I’d hate to be accused of inflicting “mental torture of incarceration” on someone so willing to consign other people to die, simply because in their la-la land being killed is the humane option :laughing:

Only kidding CF, I’d still opt for the “mental torture” option

Imagine if they take him as their leader and follow his command, though.


If it’s their choice and actions from walking into the chamber or walking away at any point, including pulling the lever, that’s not consigning anyone to die.Its not even a death penalty per se.
Obviously some people are more able to resign themselves to being locked up inside than others that’s their choice.But at the end of the day it’s just a type of living death and worse than death for some.
It was the end scene of the BBC TV series Law and Order A Prisoners Tale episode when he plants the sapling in the prison ‘garden’ space that did it for me.One of the most crushing scenes ever put on film.Made the Green Mile electric chair scene looks positively humane.

Oh, the irony. Ever thought of taking your own advice?

I’m not advocating the mental torture of incarceration or physical torture of inhumane punishments as a form of retribution.Sounds sane to me.

FFS… Stop saying that, it makes you sound like one of the alphabet-mafia-snowflake-wokees-brigade.

Most of us here are happy for criminals to be punished by removing their liberty, we call it JUSTICE.

You couldn’t write it as fiction :rofl:
Sounds like CF is chowing down on some Dunning-Kruger gateaux

I’ve mentioned that effect previously, in context of Carryfast.