Death penalty, for or against

Wowsers. !
The sideline expertise of UK truck drivers is amazing.
Politicians, economists, now Chemists and scientists.
Why need we worry about the world when we have common ‘lorry drivers’ to fall back on as a stand by.:joy::joy:

Did you really expect anything other, from that particular source?
I’m disappointed he didn’t manage to include “Deep State”.

O-level* stuff, plus lots of warnings not to mix cleaners in the kitchen etc
Good teachers used to show us bangs and flashes.

Although there were a few burns etc and I can understand why it isn’t the same today.
One girl had a very nasty burn from lithium and another lad was convinced that the sulphuric in metalwork wasn’t at all harmful and used bare hands to extract copper from the cleaning bath…

*failed it first time and had to re-sit…no expertise claimed here.
But I have the correct number of limbs so not a total fool.

I know…I know…

More fool me.

Deep State interfering with the Big Sleep? He missed that one.

Best leave chemistry to the chemically trained I think:
Chlorine is toxic (primary hazard), oxidising & corrosive (subsidiary hazards). It is most definitely not classified as an asphyxiant.

If you want to asphyxiate youself, dry ice (frozen carbon dioxide) does the job effectively
If you want to end it all via chlorine, take your Domestos (other hypochlorite-containing products are available from all supermarkets) and mix it with any type of acidic product (vinegar would work, as would acidic disinfectants, such as Toilet Duck), chlorine gas will be liberated by any reactants fitting the bill.

I think there are probably better ways to make suicide painless, nitrogen narcosis via deep scuba diving on air would be just like going to sleep

Ledwidge, people spend years on death row, going through all the various appeal proceedings, so it isn’t all done in 5 minutes.

Some people then get out after decades on death row, like Kenny Richey, although I think he ended up back inside for threatening the original judge.

(Profile - robroy - Trucknet UK)
when we have common ‘lorry drivers’ to fall back on as a stand by.:joy::joy:

Come on Rob-nothing common about Carryfast and Winseer-more uncommon :rofl:

We’re actually talking about execution v long term incarceration and giving judges jurors and convicts the choice.

Chemistry is one thing, Hazchem traning - quite another.

I’m up with the former, but never done the latter.

Chlorine as a toxic gas has the effects of being corrosive to lung tissue, and is also much heavier than air like CO2 (by your reckoning, a PROPER “Asyphiating” gas…)
Unlike CO2 however, Chlorine will feed a fire rather than put one out.
We were not talking about CO2’s property “Does not support combustion”.

This thread is about “How to humanely extinguish life with gas”.

I’m qualified in both, so I can say with great confidence you haven’t got a clue what you’re talking about, but I should have known better than to expect a sensible response from you :roll_eyes:

Even if we had capital punishment, we would not be doing it via a World War One trench gas, the effects of which on the human body are horrendous by anyone’s standards: If you think chlorine poisoning is “humane”, you’re even nuttier than I already believed you to be.

More likely it would be long-term incarceration then either a commuted sentence, plea bargain, death from natural causes or some sort of other get out such as being too mentally ill to face the death penalty.

As an example of the way it has worked in the US state of Ohio, where the death sentence was reintroduced in 1981, it took 18 years for the first execution to actually be performed. Only one in six has actually been carried out. The total number of executions is less than half of the total number currently on death row in the state.

What it does create is a lot of expense.

Oh ffs. Didn’t your parents say if you can’t say something good, don’t talk?
Ok I’m a complete thicko, know fa about everything, wipe my arse every day on the diplomas and other qualifications I do have, and no one takes me seriously anyway, unless I’m in trouble.

I’m not interested in “humane” punishment. Capital Crimes deserve cruel and unusual punishment imo as befits my right-wingness on law and order matters.

If that makes me a nutter, than I’ll just stick with other nutters, rather than try and argue the toss with people who still think Brexit is a mistake, agencies don’t work, Labour are a good thing, or killing someone with CO2 is more humane (taking longer) than with Cl2 which’ll hurt, but it won’t bloody take very long!

I only hold a “Poor man’s degree” ONC in Physical Sciences.
No Science degree, no Hazchem qualifications.
I studied properties, took an interest in inorganic toxicology, and never got on with “Organic” Chemistry at all. Found it boring.
The action of Phosphorous on the human body interests me rather more than say, so-called Nerve Agents which are nearly all organic.
Likewse, the action of Halogens interests me more than the actions of CO and CO2.

Actually, no.

This is true

This is psychotic.

This is advisable

This is worthy of alerting the police local to your area, especially when taken with…


Where’s the expense or problem in giving the convicted the choice between humane execution in the form of hypoxia chamber not hanging or electrocution or gassing or lethal injection…
As opposed to the mental torture of long term confinement.
Everyone wins either way.If they choose confinement nothing lost if they choose to go out laughing and not even knowing or caring we save the money of keeping them.
I haven’t got a bleedin clue what Winseer is on about but we don’t have or need a justice system based on phsycopathic revenge motives.

why should someone be let off the “mental torture” when the victims family(s) wont be and to a smaller extent the perpetrators family.

However, the other side of the coin is the cost of keeping them for x number of years. If you bring back the olden times where they had to pay to get more than bread and water that alleviates the cost and once the money has run out the problem will sort its self

How many, arguing for the affirmative of reintroduction, are prepared to actually do the deed?
Before the big chest puffing and “I’d do it, no worries.” in a big macho voice, every official executioner has suffered mental health issues.

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Only if you sit there watching someone starving to death right up to their last breath; SDU addresses that point very well.

Even some of the Einsatzgruppen couldn’t handle what they were doing when it was up-close-and-personal, that’s one of the reasons they developed the death camps so it could be made impersonal.

make the killers do it. is the simple answer they have already shown they dont mind killing. another simple solution is having a firing squad with only one rifle loaded with a bullet the rest blanks

there have been lots of situations in history where life and death decisions have had to be made by people where one group of people will live and another will die. if the history of turin and the enigma machine is anything to go buy they had to decide.

No, you spoke about starving people to death when they ran out of money for food, now you want firing squads? Stick with one method of killing please.

You may as well say “Draft in the military, clearly they don’t mind killing because they voluntarily signed up to do it for a salary”.
Except the taking of a human life is no small thing, plenty of those who have had to do it are marked by their experiences.

Only those who are so cavalier towards execution on the basis that someone else does it, should be made to actually get the job of doing it. As SDU indicated, 99.9999% of the time, this is all BS macho bravado, which would evaporate when push comes to shove.

the military do kill as a consequence of war very few sign up to kill because they want to.

killers kill because they want to

anyways who cares about their mental health they didnt care about their victims or victims families.