
What was he ACTUALLY put on pre-mod for? I know why I was…Justified too!

I cant understand why if there is a valid point here you don’t state it in your own thread rather than derailing this one.

Complaining for the sake of complaining however does seem like a common past time for most truck drivers, i’m yet to meet a 100% happy one yet!

What was he ACTUALLY put on pre-mod for? I know why I was…Justified too!

As far as I’m aware it was for derailing threads which he wasn’t taking part in, but insisted on posting what he thought was funny remarks regardless of their relevance to the thread.

Mr B:


And there we have a couple of replies from Mike C that seem to sum up the problem. Everytime someone criticises the forum an admin or a mod will come back with a comment that is dripping in disdain for the normal members.

Don’t make me laugh. Who are the ‘abnormal’ members then?

Kind of proves switchlogics point better than he ever could himself.

Does it? To you maybe, not to me. ‘normal posters’ just post by the rules and get on with it and don’t really have to much to say in here. Others…well, just look at the crap posted in this feedback forum…lets see…when am i off pre mod? Why isn’t so and so banned, how come this one can do that and i can’t, blah blah, blah…
Still it all makes me laugh.



And there we have a couple of replies from Mike C that seem to sum up the problem. Everytime someone criticises the forum an admin or a mod will come back with a comment that is dripping in disdain for the normal members.

Don’t make me laugh. Who are the ‘abnormal’ members then?

Don’t be pedantic, I’d expect more of you of all people

I’m not pedantic, i expect more from you too than mumbo jumbo…normal members, points of view, critiscise admin, dictatorship…all without any brief of whats up !! Mind you, what do i know. And, what do you know…you talk to yourself in front of a camera all day .

25000 visitors to the forum today…
less than 100 viewed this topic

guess where the the priority of most people is

Hint its not here :unamused:

the majority of users of this site use it as intended,
Now do we bow down to the vocal few or carry on providing the service that the majority are happy with?

let me think about that for a nano second…

Whats keeping you?

I pop in every now and again just to “create work for the mods”. That is all.

Mike-C, you seem to have some serious anger issues. What’s up, didn’t daddy love you? Get some help dude.

And, what do you know…you talk to yourself in front of a camera all day .

Ok, and so my point is proved. Thanks


And, what do you know…you talk to yourself in front of a camera all day .

Ok, and so my point is proved. Thanks

I wonder if anyone else knows what your point is?

Mike-C, you seem to have some serious anger issues. What’s up, didn’t daddy love you? Get some help dude.

Hmmm. I’m cool dude. When i bang out posts at the rate of 5 a minute in anger and frustration then i’ll consider that i need help. :smiley:

Do you have to be in switch offs fan club to be a “normal member” :confused: :unamused: :sunglasses:



And, what do you know…you talk to yourself in front of a camera all day .

Ok, and so my point is proved. Thanks

I wonder if anyone else knows what your point is?

Well it was fairly clear. That no one listens and when they do lower themselves to respond its with disdain.

Anyhow come back and talk about dead rock stars, it was fun

25000 visitors to the forum today…
less than 100 viewed this topic

guess where the the priority of most people is

Hint its not here :unamused:

the majority of users of this site use it as intended,
Now do we bow down to the vocal few or carry on providing the service that the majority are happy with?

let me think about that for a nano second…

Maybe no-one bothers because it’s pointless. 25,000 Could pop into a shop.But if no-one buys anything. It’s useless.




And, what do you know…you talk to yourself in front of a camera all day .

Ok, and so my point is proved. Thanks

I wonder if anyone else knows what your point is?

Well it was fairly clear. That no one listens and when they do lower themselves to respond its with disdain.

Anyhow come back and talk about dead rock stars, it was fun

We can do if you wish or you could fix the dead links in your website? Then complaining about this one might stand you in better stead. But no your point is not clear at least two people have asked you to explain it.

Thank you for the heads up on the links, I have now deleted them. As for having to explain my point I couldn’t have made it much clearer, it’s not my fault the simple minded can’t read properly. See what I did there? I wrote a condescending post in the style of a mod. :wink:

Happy Easter to you.

There doesn’t seem to be any great interest from a large proportion of members in getting a troll taken off pre-mod just because he occasionally comes out with a funny line or two, any-more than a large proportion of members want another member put on pre-mod just because you can’t resist arguing with him.

YES,eurika…carryfast barred…crabface reinstated,and if i cant get my own way ill scream and scream and scream till i`m sick

We’re here again. :unamused: Multi user names talking to themselves.People forgetting which of their identities they’ve logged in as.If a person who isn’t a moderator can recognise more than one username on the same IP address,why can’t the ‘powers that be’ do the same,or at least liaise with this person to get the info?

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again and again until I’m blue in the face -

One member, one username

The administrators of this website seem to have a big problem with this concept - I’ll be damned if I can see what that problem is!


100% +1^

Stanley Knife:
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again and again until I’m blue in the face -

One member, one username

Keep saying it until you’re blue in the face if you want, it won’t change anything.

My advise would be to calm down instead and stop getting excited by something that doesn’t really matter.