
The administrators of this website seem to have a big problem with this concept - I’ll be damned if I can see what that problem is!

One tiny problem - how do you police it? IP addresses help but not fool proof, Normally only the drunk or idiot forgets which ISP they are using for each username.

Dynamic IP addresses such as AOL assign a new IP address every time you log in, So it is possible and happens to have multiple genuine one account users showing as all using the same IP.

Using a Mobile and home PC and one at work would give at least 3 IP address, not to mention using free Wi Fi in the pub. Macdonalds, round your mums etc. and we havent even started on proxy servers , although we do have some of the more dodgy ones blocked from accessing the site

So there is a problem with the concept. It is easy to say, almost impossible to enforce :unamused: :wink:

Keep saying it until you’re blue in the face if you want, it won’t change anything.

It’s not usual for you SCF to spout common sense but in this case you’re probably right. Especially when you take into consideration the reply from the administration above, of which any politician would be proud of.

My advise would be to calm down instead and stop getting excited by something that doesn’t really matter.

Actually it does matter, but when you consider how this forum is abused by the multi-usernames and how the administration couldn’t give a toss, it’s probably not worth being interested in, never mind getting excited about.


Especially when you take into consideration the reply from the administration above, of which any politician would be proud of.

So please tell me exactly how you would stop multiple usernames being registered from varying IP addresses. I dont see a politicians answer, but one that shows how difficult it is to do… and those are only the obvious to everyone ways around things, for the more techy folks there are many more ways around it that are far more harder to detect.

Simple fact is most trolls will register more than one account, and most will get caught out in time on all of them as they cant resist trolling - but it is not an instant process we have to wait until they slip up, and 90% do in time