
There’s at least one poster who seems to have multiple user names/aliases or whatever.Could be more? :confused: It’s very confusing ,it may be all in jest or a windy uppy thingy .I thought the registration ‘process’ was meant to guard against stuff like this.Explanation anyone?

I thought there was a simple system to check IP addresses?

I thought there was a simple system to check IP addresses?

IP addresses are monitored but do not stop multiple signups

You can have as many user-names as you like here, so you’re quite likely to see people discussing things with themselves :open_mouth: :wink:

No rule against more than one user name, I have several.

The member I believe you are referring to starts a new name every so often, Fred Kanka, Lovlyperson, Immigrant and so on. Don’t know why as it’s obvious it’s the same person.

No rule against more than one user name, I have several.

The member I believe you are referring to starts a new name every so often, Fred Kanka, Lovlyperson, Immigrant and so on. Don’t know why as it’s obvious it’s the same person.

it is when Immigrant posted some pics earlier from a Lovlyperson photo account :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

it is when Immigrant posted some pics earlier from a Lovlyperson photo account :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Oh, I thought immigrant was whitevanman or something like that. So, he’s LP, that explains a lot. Saddo.


No rule against more than one user name, I have several.

The member I believe you are referring to starts a new name every so often, Fred Kanka, Lovlyperson, Immigrant and so on. Don’t know why as it’s obvious it’s the same person.

it is when Immigrant posted some pics earlier from a Lovlyperson photo account :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

that’s what’s know as a FAIL :wink:

i would hate to have that much time on my hands i had nothing to do but cause trouble with extra aliases :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

jessicas dad:
i would hate to have that much time on my hands i had nothing to do but cause trouble with extra aliases :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

you mean like you do on the other forum with three usernames? :unamused:


jessicas dad:
i would hate to have that much time on my hands i had nothing to do but cause trouble with extra aliases :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

you mean like you do on the other forum with three usernames? :unamused:

Have I :question: :question: are you sure.

:unamused: :unamused: oh right didn’t realise you were trying be clever rob.

As it happens I have one on Ldf which I rarely go on and the 3 on truckers world are all banned so I don’t see how I can go on there Pretending to be someone else and arguing with myself.

Very sad :unamused:

i dont see why anyone needs more than 1 username, or is it allowed to make the site look like it has more visitors than
the actual number?
it may not be a forum rule but imo it should be, the amount of ■■■■ posted would drop as soon as it was made a rule!
some folk must get a kick out of multiple names, i just find it sad!

i dont see why anyone needs more than 1 username, or is it allowed to make the site look like it has more visitors than
the actual number?
it may not be a forum rule but imo it should be, the amount of [zb] posted would drop as soon as it was made a rule!
some folk must get a kick out of multiple names, i just find it sad!

it’s allowed because it’s difficult to prove who is who :wink: ( except in this thread where one member is talking to himself with 4 usernames, viewtopic.php?f=2&t=82239 but I’m working on that ! )

to be fair to Immigrant/Lovlyperson/Fred Kanka, he has only ever used one account at a time !

Sir +:
There’s at least one poster who seems to have multiple user names/aliases or whatever.Could be more? :confused: It’s very confusing ,it may be all in jest or a windy uppy thingy .I thought the registration ‘process’ was meant to guard against stuff like this.Explanation anyone?

There are more which have different usernames.
One reason is when your Computer remembers your Username and Password,and when you re-install your OS or get another Computer and you dont remember your Password.
If your Email Address was on a free Yahoo you lost you cant reset the Password and need to register new.
The other Reason i dont know yet.


Sir +:
There’s at least one poster who seems to have multiple user names/aliases or whatever.Could be more? :confused: It’s very confusing ,it may be all in jest or a windy uppy thingy .I thought the registration ‘process’ was meant to guard against stuff like this.Explanation anyone?

There are more which have different usernames.
One reason is when your Computer remembers your Username and Password,and when you re-install your OS or get another Computer and you dont remember your Password.
If your Email Address was on a free Yahoo you lost you cant reset the Password and need to register new.
The other Reason i dont know yet.

Fred, I thought I’d let you into a secret…you’re the only one who finds your posts funny :unamused:

The bad English is getting a little old now and the random use of uppercase letters is not from any language found on this planet, surely after nearly 800 posts in your current identity you could’ve found a better way to troll :unamused:

I think it’s time Immigrant was thrown into Pre-Mod Prison with me. I can’t understand how you can let him freely post crap on an industrial scale while at the same time denying perfectly acceptable posts from me? I am currently wishing AIDS on the admin team and will continue to do so until you see sense and RELEASE ME. Enjoy your AIDS.

I think it’s time Immigrant was thrown into Pre-Mod Prison with me. I can’t understand how you can let him freely post crap on an industrial scale while at the same time denying perfectly acceptable posts from me? I am currently wishing AIDS on the admin team and will continue to do so until you see sense and RELEASE ME. Enjoy your AIDS.

Not all the team, just 1, maybe 2 at a push. LOL

Fred, I thought I’d let you into a secret…you’re the only one who finds your posts funny :unamused:

The bad English is getting a little old now and the random use of uppercase letters is not from any language found on this planet, surely after nearly 800 posts in your current identity you could’ve found a better way to troll :unamused:


Fred, I thought I’d let you into a secret…you’re the only one who finds your posts funny :unamused:

The bad English is getting a little old now and the random use of uppercase letters is not from any language found on this planet, surely after nearly 800 posts in your current identity you could’ve found a better way to troll :unamused:


The use of uppercase letters isn’t as random as you might think. :wink:

To a native speaker of German, it’s perfectly natural (and a requirement of written German) to capitalise all nouns, no matter where they appear in a sentence.

I got marked down a little in my German “A” level exams for forgetting to capitalise a few nouns, because that doesn’t come naturally to a native writer of English when they try to write German. :blush: :blush: