
Now that made me laugh :laughing:

Really? I thought wishing AIDS on the TruckNet elite was much funnier.

Seriously Spacemonkey, get out more, go take some drugs and stuff. It’ll do you good.



Stanley Knife:
One member, one username - simples!

It’s not against the rules - simples!

Coffeeholic is also Carryfast and Pink Lady Trucker amongst others, this is a well known fact.

You’re a [zb]ing idiot. I have not used another user name on this board for about a year. I have other names but I can’t be arsed with it these days and to be honest there are others doing a far better job of it than I could ever hope to do.

I hope this helps.

Prime example of why TNUK needs SCF and more like him.Too many ejits on here can dole out the BS on a one way street.

I hope this helps.

And when you’ve let SCF out on parole,FFS do something about that "immigrant"■■■■■■ tool,what a prick of the first order.You’re making fools of yourselves for every time you let the person post on this forum.

flat to the mat:
Prime example of why TNUK needs SCF and more like him.Too many ejits on here can dole out the BS on a one way street.

I hope this helps.

And when you’ve let SCF out on parole,FFS do something about that “immigrant”[zb] tool,what a prick of the first order.You’re making fools of yourselves for every time you let the person post on this forum.

I’ll put your constructive suggestions forward to the rest of the team just in case some miss them. Its an interesting concept doing something about everyone that we think is a ‘tool’ , you mightn’t be able to see if your suggestions have come to fruition though, although you might work it out !!

Indeed, because we all know full well Trucknet while it should be an online community is anything but and is just a dictatorship where nobody listens. It’s all good and well having a ‘feedback forum’ but I’d put that on a par with Russia’s ‘free and fair elections’, you can say and protest as much as you like but the result will always be the same.

It’s a shame really because it could be so good if you actually asked used people’s suggestions now and again. Even I do that on my tiny little website which is a fraction of the size and I find it works well.

You may feel in an insurmountable position at the top of the trucking forums world but no one stays at the top forever. And you won’t be up there that long if you don’t start changing sometimes, fiddling with the colours isn’t enough. Listen to your members sometimes.


Now that made me laugh :laughing:

Really? I thought wishing AIDS on the TruckNet elite was much funnier.

Seriously Spacemonkey, get out more, go take some drugs and stuff. It’ll do you good.

Yes really, maturity stops me from finding the rest funny

Indeed, because we all know full well Trucknet while it should be an online community is anything but and is just a dictatorship where nobody listens. It’s all good and well having a ‘feedback forum’ but I’d put that on a par with Russia’s ‘free and fair elections’, you can say and protest as much as you like but the result will always be the same.

It’s a shame really because it could be so good if you actually asked used people’s suggestions now and again. Even I do that on my tiny little website which is a fraction of the size and I find it works well.

You may feel in an insurmountable position at the top of the trucking forums world but no one stays at the top forever. And you won’t be up there that long if you don’t start changing sometimes, fiddling with the colours isn’t enough. Listen to your members sometimes.

Is it not a case of eating a lemon and complaining about the taste? If you don’t like the forum, which lets face it has been around for a long time now, don’t come here.

As I said, dictatorship. I’m sorry but that’s no way to run anything and a website that operates like that will soon see its numbers disappear. Cue someone saying ‘oh but it’s busier than ever’, yeah well how long for? MySpace was busier than ever and at the top of the tree once. But they didn’t change too.

As I said, dictatorship. I’m sorry but that’s no way to run anything and a website that operates like that will soon see its numbers disappear. Cue someone saying ‘oh but it’s busier than ever’, yeah well how long for? MySpace was busier than ever and at the top of the tree once. But they didn’t change too.

9 years proves otherwise tbh


As I said, dictatorship. I’m sorry but that’s no way to run anything and a website that operates like that will soon see its numbers disappear. Cue someone saying ‘oh but it’s busier than ever’, yeah well how long for? MySpace was busier than ever and at the top of the tree once. But they didn’t change too.

9 years proves otherwise tbh

That’s a very spurious argument considering it was probably a very different less dictatorial place when they were building an audience. All I’m saying the numbers have made them complacent, it’s becoming a staid, stuck in its ways site that says go away if you don’t like it. Carry on like that and in a few years they may have found everyone has gone away.

Is it not a case of eating a lemon and complaining about the taste? If you don’t like the forum, which lets face it has been around for a long time now, don’t come here.

I understand what you’re saying and up to a point you’re right but surely the site has to move forward and evolve or else it will stagnate and die.

There does seem to be more and more disgruntled users here lately although having said that some do seem to take this VERY seriously… :unamused: More humour is needed IMO and definitely less trolling although I haven’t a clue how the mods could go about controlling that.

A lot of the time all it needs is for some users to take a breath, step back for a moment and not take some of the comments so personally. I guess that very few of us know each other in the real world so what does it matter if A.N.Other driver from Scotland calls me a ■■■. The chances of us meeting are very remote and neither of us would know the other anyway…

More tolerance of others opinions is the answer, I guess…

BUT that is only my opinion… :wink: :smiley:

Too many grudges being held by and against people with daft made up names writing in a wee box, I remember about five names on here because they have helped me out at some point and thats it.

I didn`t even know there was a being called smashedcrabface till this thread and I hope nobody remembers me.

If Admin know who has multiple names for trolling then why dont they add these names to their profile in an also known type of way.

Indeed, because we all know full well Trucknet while it should be an online community is anything but and is just a dictatorship where nobody listens. It’s all good and well having a ‘feedback forum’ but I’d put that on a par with Russia’s ‘free and fair elections’, you can say and protest as much as you like but the result will always be the same.

It’s a shame really because it could be so good if you actually asked used people’s suggestions now and again. Even I do that on my tiny little website which is a fraction of the size and I find it works well.

You may feel in an insurmountable position at the top of the trucking forums world but no one stays at the top forever. And you won’t be up there that long if you don’t start changing sometimes, fiddling with the colours isn’t enough. Listen to your members sometimes.

As far as i know its not easy to leave anywhere that is run by a dictatorship, having said that its a forum with rules you’re grossly exaggerating . Its not a democracy for every idiot to argue his corner and waste peoples time. And its the same people with a whinge most of the time. Thats my own personal opinion anyway :wink:

What feedback did you give that you thought was not listened to?

Denis F:
Some of Crabby’s posts were funny, but when “it” started replying to almost every thread with a “funny” one liner it became a pita :imp:

■■■■ I thought I had slipped under the net! :stuck_out_tongue:

Switchlogic, what you say is absolutely true; empires always fall.
I used to like this place but it’s being ruined by the very people that are responsible for preserving it. How ironic.

Switchlogic, what you say is absolutely true; empires always fall.
I used to like this place but it’s being ruined by the very people that are responsible for preserving it. How ironic.

Whats keeping you? Bye !! You’ll have a ball on some of the other choices available,i can see them waiting for you as we speak :smiley:

And there we have a couple of replies from Mike C that seem to sum up the problem. Everytime someone criticises the forum an admin or a mod will come back with a comment that is dripping in disdain for the normal members. You just don’t like us and that’s clear. All I’m asking is you actually listen sometimes. I understand you can’t listen to everyone all the time but you’ve gone totally the other way and you listen to no one ever. But it’s clear your never going to listen, and if that turns out to be true then this particular empire will inevitably fall.

And there we have a couple of replies from Mike C that seem to sum up the problem. Everytime someone criticises the forum an admin or a mod will come back with a comment that is dripping in disdain for the normal members.

Don’t make me laugh. Who are the ‘abnormal’ members then?


And there we have a couple of replies from Mike C that seem to sum up the problem. Everytime someone criticises the forum an admin or a mod will come back with a comment that is dripping in disdain for the normal members.

Don’t make me laugh. Who are the ‘abnormal’ members then?

Don’t be pedantic, I’d expect more of you of all people


And there we have a couple of replies from Mike C that seem to sum up the problem. Everytime someone criticises the forum an admin or a mod will come back with a comment that is dripping in disdain for the normal members.

Don’t make me laugh. Who are the ‘abnormal’ members then?

Kind of proves switchlogics point better than he ever could himself.

All I’m asking is you actually listen sometimes. I understand you can’t listen to everyone all the time but you’ve gone totally the other way and you listen to no one ever. But it’s clear your never going to listen, and if that turns out to be true then this particular empire will inevitably fall.

Perhaps you would have more joy if you actually said what it is that you want them to listen to that a substantial proportion of other members would agree with you about :confused:

There doesn’t seem to be any great interest from a large proportion of members in getting a troll taken off pre-mod just because he occasionally comes out with a funny line or two, any-more than a large proportion of members want another member put on pre-mod just because you can’t resist arguing with him.