
To be honest i agree.

You have Rob K who troll’s for effect.

You have routier who has a hang up that i live in the land of the job shy.

You have Immigrant/Fred/lovely something posting for mentally challenged.

Then you have Carryfast our regular dads army, who will post in anything possible to derail threads onto miners, bankers, unions, 1920’s and other such rubbish

It’s just annoying. I often see a topic I’d like to contribute too then see that nutjob has commented and think what’s the point.

Discuss what you want on the topic, just don’t respond to his posts. He has a right to say stuff, same as we do. We may not agree, but that’s life.


Luke…Get over this obsession with your nemesis. Just like I did! :sunglasses:

Did you…

On here yes! :wink:


It’s just annoying. I often see a topic I’d like to contribute too then see that nutjob has commented and think what’s the point.

Discuss what you want on the topic, just don’t respond to his posts. He has a right to say stuff, same as we do. We may not agree, but that’s life.

Yeah but not everyone on here has a right to say stuff. That’s my point. He does a lot more damage to the forum than CrabFace ever did.

What did you tell me this morning? CHILL!!!

What did you tell me this morning? CHILL!!!

And another prime example of trying to derail a post with pointless comments. Premod for Bigvern, oh, wait…


What did you tell me this morning? CHILL!!!

And another prime example of trying to derail a post with pointless comments. Premod for Bigvern, oh, wait…

Been there, done that. And no…Don’t know where you think I’m trying to derail anything.
Think you are a bit tetchy that’s all. Relax young man! :sunglasses:

the difference in crabface and carryfast is that carryfast is actually giving his opinion on subjects,whereas crabface is just messing about



What did you tell me this morning? CHILL!!!

And another prime example of trying to derail a post with pointless comments. Premod for Bigvern, oh, wait…

Been there, done that. And no…Don’t know where you think I’m trying to derail anything.
Think you are a bit tetchy that’s all. Relax young man! :sunglasses:

Give it a rest ya big div :wink:


I think BigVern and Dinostinkypants should get a room. They are obviously rather enamoured with one another. Remember chaps, rubber up…

the difference in crabface and carryfast is that carryfast is actually giving his opinion on subjects,whereas crabface is just messing about

That’s completely untrue and unfair. Most of the time I am actually giving my opinion on subjects, I just try to do it in a way that makes what I write interesting and/or funny whilst still mantaining relevance to the thread. A lot of people agree that the forums are, for the most part, pretty banal and uninteresting. I just try to brighten the place up a bit. What a nuisance I must be.

I will admit that on a few occasions I’ve gone off the rails and sometimes I’ve gone too far. Only sometimes though, not “most of the time” as you say.

I’m just a young bloke who’s trying to make a living in this industry just like the rest of us. Unlike most of us though, I’m extremely happy and content with my life at the moment and I like to have a laugh rather than moan and groan. Please don’t confuse me for a fool or some kind of deranged idiot because of that.

I think BigVern and Dinostinkypants should get a room. They are obviously rather enamoured with one another. Remember chaps, rubber up…

No…I’m not his type.He likes you more! :wink:

One member, one username - simples!


Stanley Knife:
One member, one username - simples!

It’s not against the rules - simples!

Coffeeholic is also Carryfast and Pink Lady Trucker amongst others, this is a well known fact.

Coffeeholic is also Carryfast and Pink Lady Trucker amongst others, this is a well known fact.

now you’re just making things up !


Stanley Knife:
One member, one username - simples!

It’s not against the rules - simples!

Coffeeholic is also Carryfast and Pink Lady Trucker amongst others, this is a well known fact.

You’re a [zb]ing idiot. I have not used another user name on this board for about a year. I have other names but I can’t be arsed with it these days and to be honest there are others doing a far better job of it than I could ever hope to do.

I hope this helps.

It was a joke. Take a deep breath and relax.

I hope this helps.

It was a joke. Take a deep breath and relax.

I hope this helps.


When you’re funny, you are bloody funny :smiley:

Its a shame you were/are such a PITA to the mods cos this site needs some more of your humour… :smiley:

but not the bullshine! :wink:


Stanley Knife:
One member, one username - simples!

It’s not against the rules - simples!

Coffeeholic is also Carryfast and Pink Lady Trucker amongst others, this is a well known fact.

Now that made me laugh :laughing: