
I just think he’s fun and I’ve no idea why’s he’s on premod. As usual certain people are allowed to pollute the forum daily with their bile but as soon as someone funny comes along BOOM, premod. Humour people, this site along with T&D needs more humour and less misinformed tripe, both have plenty of that already.

1+ this really needs a ‘like’ button.

Some of Crabby’s posts were funny, but when “it” started replying to almost every thread with a “funny” one liner it became a pita :imp:

as for the multiple id idiots - We’re working on that :wink:

Denis F:
Some of Crabby’s posts were funny, but when “it” started replying to almost every thread with a “funny” one liner it became a pita :imp:

as for the multiple id idiots - We’re working on that :wink:

Buts it’s ok for Carryfast to reply to everything with endless misinformed and bigoted bile all the time ruining thread after thread? I’d take a few funny one liners cheers any day.


Denis F:
Some of Crabby’s posts were funny, but when “it” started replying to almost every thread with a “funny” one liner it became a pita :imp:

as for the multiple id idiots - We’re working on that :wink:

Buts it’s ok for Carryfast to reply to everything with endless misinformed and bigoted bile all the time ruining thread after thread? I’d take a few funny one liners cheers any day.

It’s the attention such attention seekers seek

I like him…Sometimes! :wink:

Reckon it’s about time SCF was released from his life in hell.He is/was funny as wotsit,much needed humour on a forum full of moaning drivers.

Agreed. :sunglasses:

Let those that get ‘the perks’ decide, whatever we say is going to be ignored cos we are JUST members.
I was threatened with pre-mod for ‘repeatedly avoiding the swear filter’ so my opinion is worth ■■■■ all.

Let those that get ‘the perks’ decide, whatever we say is going to be ignored cos we are JUST members.

Hi Steve,
Come off it mate, that’s completely untrue because many "JUST members’ " questions and suggestions are posted and answered in this feedback forum, but you have to understand that the site owners wishes also have to be complied with.

I was threatened with pre-mod for ‘repeatedly avoiding the swear filter’ so my opinion is worth [zb] all.

Sorry Steve, I’m not seeing the logic of the connection that you appear to have made here…
How does “… repeatedly avoiding the swear filter” (your words) affect the validity of your opinion(s) please?? :confused:

Let those that get ‘the perks’ decide, whatever we say is going to be ignored cos we are JUST members.
I was threatened with pre-mod for ‘repeatedly avoiding the swear filter’ so my opinion is worth [zb] all.

Steve…You’re doing it all wrong if you’re only “Threatened” with pre-mod.
Amateur !!! :laughing:


Let those that get ‘the perks’ decide, whatever we say is going to be ignored cos we are JUST members.

Hi Steve,
Come off it mate, that’s completely untrue because many "JUST members’ " questions and suggestions are posted and answered in this feedback forum, but you have to understand that the site owners wishes also have to be complied with.

I was threatened with pre-mod for ‘repeatedly avoiding the swear filter’ so my opinion is worth [zb] all.

Sorry Steve, I’m not seeing the logic of the connection that you appear to have made here…
How does “… repeatedly avoiding the swear filter” (your words) affect the validity of your opinion(s) please?? :confused:

Sorry for not replying sooner Dave. :blush:
First point, ‘we’ the Members don’t have any say in who’s put on ‘pre-mod’ or taken off said ‘pre-mod’ because our opinions don’t really count. More people on this thread have said they’d like this fool taken off pre-mod. Take the case of Rog, I know, blah blah, but loads of Members wanted his ‘pre-mod’ lifted. Hasn’t happened and the way you Mods are it’ll probably never happen.
Second point, Am I not right in thinking the ‘wishes’ or comments from Members like Me and Mr V who have been on pre-mod are less likely to be ‘listened’ to because ‘we’ are ‘trouble makers’? We don’t hang around in little arse licking groups and we say what we mean and mean what we say.
Do you understand what I’m trying to say?
BTW, there are loads of people who ‘avoid’ the swear filter to get their point across, do they also get threats of pre-mod? Nah, I bet they don’t, 1 mod with a problem, maybe■■? :unamused: simples. :laughing:

Some members do have more say on who is on any sort of sanction than others -they are called moderators and admins… :wink:

Any action against any members is always between the admin team and that member and not open for general discussion, to avoid witchunts and virtual lynchings. :unamused: :unamused:

Pre mod is used as a tool when any members posts need checking frequently due to consistently creating problems for the admin team,

Forum Guidelines:
members who breach the rules slightly or whose posts take up a disproportionate amount of the Moderators/Admin team’s time may have their forum permisssions set so any posts they make has to be approved by a Moderator/Admin before it is seen publicaly. This may be done for a short time (e.g. Overnight to allow a situation to cool down,) or for a longer period. The pre-moderation may be set for a single forum or board wide depending on the individual case. It may take a while for pre-moderated posts to appear depending on wether any of the moderating team are on-line and their workload

There are many reasons why the team feel they need to keep a closer eye on some members. including repeatedly and deliberatly trying to get round the word censor, personal attacks, or even simply posting one line (and sometimes) funny,but often totaly off topic comments on multiple threads while not actually taking part or contributing to the discussion causing other members to complain about many threads being deliberatly derailed.

All members under any sort of sanction are reviewed regualarly by the entire admin/moderator team so it is not possible for any to be under sanction because of a dislike by one particular moderator

Some members do have more say on who is on any sort of sanction than others -they are called moderators and admins… :wink:
All members under any sort of sanction are reviewed regualarly by the entire admin/moderator team so it is not possible for any to be under sanction because of a dislike by one particular moderator

What’s it say under our Names? MEMBER.
What’s it say under a Moderators name? MODERATOR.
What’s it say under a Admins name? Admin.
So, based on the information above a Moderator is more than ‘just’ a Member? Anyway, nuff said on it. :unamused:
Don’t agree one bit with your second point, but that’s fine, I don’t have to. :wink:

Thanks for your views on my behalf Steve! :open_mouth:
I did my stint in “Jail”. But now I think twice before hitting the enter button.(For the most part :wink:) Let it go. Nothing will change whilst going on about it.
You ain’t on pre-mod anymore. Enjoy free (ish) speech while you can . :wink:

Thanks for your views on my behalf Steve! :open_mouth:
I did my stint in “Jail”. But now I think twice before hitting the enter button.(For the most part :wink:) Let it go. Nothing will change whilst going on about it.
You ain’t on pre-mod anymore. Enjoy free (ish) speech while you can . :wink:

What you talking about? My views and opinions are mine, not yours, saddo, write your own Bollox I do. :laughing:

Bring back Alex as a mod, I say. :wink:
Anyway, nuff said, better things to do and it’s time for a beer. Anybody care to join me?! :laughing:

No chance…You’re a narky ■■■.

There are many reasons why the team feel they need to keep a closer eye on some members. including repeatedly and deliberatly trying to get round the word censor, personal attacks, or even simply posting one line (and sometimes) funny,but often totaly off topic comments on multiple threads while not actually taking part or contributing to the discussion causing other members to complain about many threads being deliberatly derailed.

But it’s perfectly fine to ruin topic after topic after topic if your Carryfast because you’ll do nothing about him. He derails every thread he comments on. What has Carryfast got over you? Is he a mods alter ego? There’s no consistency, that’s what people complain about.

Luke…Get over this obsession with your nemesis. Just like I did! :sunglasses:

Luke…Get over this obsession with your nemesis. Just like I did! :sunglasses:

Did you…

It’s just annoying. I often see a topic I’d like to contribute too then see that nutjob has commented and think what’s the point.