Coffee to Go - The Book

bet you had forgot all about the book until this got bumped neil :wink:


Book? What book?

Book? What book?

The one you signed for me :wink: :smiley: :smiley: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Opps :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

WOW that must be worth 50p now :laughing: :laughing:

ive just had a moment of madness on amazon and order a copy… well it was only £7.87.

Good for you, JD :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Oh, blast, now look what you made me do!!! This is back at the top now!!!

Ordered mine of Amazon and it arrived no probs, I got about half way through (excellent read by the way :smiley: ) and another arrived through the letter box. Apparently Amazon cocked up and sent multiple orders out to a few customers. :unamused:

I thought i better not put you out of pocket Neil so i sent it back :wink: :slight_smile:

Finally managed to order 1 myself…according to amazon it only got shipped this afternoon, but it arrived this morning :confused: :laughing: :laughing:
Only just started reading it, defo enjoying it :sunglasses:

Dave K:
Ordered mine of Amazon and it arrived no probs, I got about half way through (excellent read by the way :smiley: ) and another arrived through the letter box. Apparently Amazon cocked up and sent multiple orders out to a few customers. :unamused:

I thought i better not put you out of pocket Neil so i sent it back :wink: :slight_smile:

It shows you are honest but it doesn’t put me out of pocket, if Amazon order it from the printers I get my royalty. There is no sale or return on print on demand books. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


How many have you sold now and when is Vol 2 coming out with pictures.

interesting book in the CM Book reviews this week :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

My dad will be reading his copy purchased for him by his hardworking handsome generous son for xmas…(thats me dad :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: ).
(Hurry up cos i want a look eh :wink: :laughing: )

Did your Dad enjoy it, JB??

Ooooooops, there this thread is back up at the top again :laughing:

Neill,Got my xmas present from my daughter “Coffee to Go” first two chapters and it’s a great read,thanks very much,although i suppose we could get lots of tales of the M1 and M6 now you’re sort of grounded,when are you back over the water.
regards derek

No idea yet Derek, might be later this week or maybe next. I am enjoying the change at the moment so no rush.

They are four short videos I made and posted on here over the last few weeks.

You can watch them by clicking the links below, they should streem to your media player or you could right click the links and download them. Be warned though if you are on dial up they vary in size form about 15 Mb to 27 Mb

Mont Blanc
Six days on the Road
A Day in the Life
Cat’s Back


can you post the videos back up ? Just tried to download and they are not there. Or if you prefer can you email me and I will give you my email address ?

Cheers and Happy New Year, in fact Happy New year to ALL. Hope you all have a good’un.

Sorry, I can’t as I no longer have them. I binned them a couple of months ago as I wasn’t happy with them…

Just ordered your book from Amazon, £8.73 + P&P. Looking forward to receiving it :smiley:

Finished reading it over the holidays, good read, enjoyed it. Still trying to get coffee ring off back ! don’t remember putting it there :confused: :smiley: :smiley:

Still trying to get coffee ring off back ! don’t remember putting it there :confused: :smiley: :smiley:

Same problem here. :laughing: