Coffee to Go - The Book

You all must be so careless. :wink: :smiley: :smiley:

Just finished the book, throughly enjoyed it. Certainly eased the boredoom while laid up in bed with the flu. :frowning: :frowning:

book? what book…o coffee’s one :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

good read neil, started it on the boat friday and finished it in bordeaux saturday. i can give it back to the wife now.

oh ■■■■ is it back at the top again :laughing: :laughing:


Still trying to get coffee ring off back ! don’t remember putting it there :confused: :smiley: :smiley:

Same problem here. :laughing:

hmm, I just found a copy in a box that arrived from amazon - thats got the the same mark on the back - somebody in packing must be reading them first :wink:

oh [zb] I just bumped this up again :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

well ive just lent mine to mal :laughing: after reading it twice.oooops its there again

Did you enjoy it, Carl? PMSL

yes very much thanks bear :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I got my copy for Christmas from Borders- they ordered it in for me.
Very very good book- enjoyed every bit of it. However ( I have to critisize ) it doesn’t have the photos in like on this site- and also there are 2 extra diary entries on this site, but still enjoyed the book very much and I will be buying the next book.
Well done Neil :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

Due to the process used in publishing this book, including the photos would have priced the thing out of the market. If it wasn’t for that I would have included them. Yes, there are diaries I have written that are not in the book, and there are diaries on this PC that have not been in the book or on TruckNet, but they were all written after the book was published.

I received my copy last week from Amazon (delivered 2 days after ordering even though I paid by cheque) & I thoroughly enjoyed it. I hadn’t read any of the online diaries so it was all new to me.

Well done, I’m definately looking forward to the next instalment :wink:

Have just finished reading my copy. It was great Neil - thanks for that


Good question - one I was interesting in asking myself.
Please advise Coffee.
I have heard of Lulu but never taken it any further. I know its free to pulish with them - somehow - but what are the costs like for buying bulk copies?
Would be very interested to know as printing is the most expensive bit for me.

I’ve put the information in a PM to you Mothertrucker.