Coffee to Go - The Book

Excellent read Neil - got it last week and read it cover to cover in a week much to the annoyance of the wife who was trying to talk to me about important other things.

Have finished reading it and thoroughly enjoyed it. I’ll look forward to the next book.

Well done Neil.

(I bought mine via “Amazon” and have left my little review on there for it)


Thanks for the review on Amazon Paul, I really appreciate it.

It’s certainly very clever of you Neil to time your replies just right so that the “advert” allus stays near the top …

Bet you thought no-one had noticed :sunglasses: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: .

Rob K:
It’s certainly very clever of you Neil to time your replies just right so that the “advert” allus stays near the top …

Bet you thought no-one had noticed :sunglasses: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: .

I hadn’t even noticed myself Rob but, now you have mentioned it I have to say thanks, I’ll add that to my marketing arsenal.

Nice one. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: I’ll just wait until it slips to the bottom of the page and post again. Thanks for the idea, and it least if I’m not around to bump it back up I can rely on you to post some sort of complaining or derogatory post to do the job for me. Unless you would rather I just ignored questions or didn’t thank people for their comments? :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

As it happens Rob this afternoon was the first time I have been online since I shipped out, wonder if that had anything to do with the timing of the post? :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Just finished the book today,excellent. Managed to read it over the past week whilst tipping on the bay at various Tesco RDC’S.

just read the half page review in trucking headed caffine cowboy and you get a good review neil .anyway my copy has been ordered but as i havent got a credit card i used the isbn number which is 1-4116-3734-8 take that number into any good book shop and they can order it mine will be here in a few weeks as they had none left in the warehouse so theyve gotta print somemore but i rekon after that review neil youll be selling a few more.oh and it was £9.60p :wink: :laughing:

just read the half page review in trucking headed caffine cowboy and you get a good review neil .anyway my copy has been ordered but as i havent got a credit card i used the isbn number which is 1-4116-3734-8 take that number into any good book shop and they can order it mine will be here in a few weeks as they had none left in the warehouse so theyve gotta print somemore but i rekon after that review neil youll be selling a few more.oh and it was £9.60p :wink: :laughing:

Which bookshop did you order from Carl, I think you may be the first person to have ordered through a bricks and mortar shop. :wink: :smiley:

I haven’t seen Trucking yet as I am still over the water, not sure I am too keen on being called a cowboy but I can see where they are coming from. :smiley: Still if they have given it a good review that is all I can ask.

Note to RobK. I know you like to keep a keen eye on this thread but note it once again wasn’t me that bumped it back up to near the top :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: One of your neighbours must have bought a copy Rob because someone from Dewsbury has left me a nice review on Amazon…unless of course it was you. :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: No, I didn’t think so. :wink: :smiley: :smiley:

it was ottakars neil there nationwide so folks shouldnt have a problem getting a copy :laughing: :wink:

Cheers Carl. We have an Ottakers in Luton so I might pop in and see if they would be interested in stocking a book by a ‘local author.’ :wink: :smiley: :smiley:

Unless someone beat you to it today, you are the first person to buy a copy through a real bookshop, so you might be able to get a bit more for your copy on ebay based on that. :wink: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Any cheap second-hand copies knocking about anywhere?
I’d be looking to pay no more than a few quid though… :smiley:


Book arrived yesterday morning.
I have finished it already. A good read.

You have some wife Neil who gets up early every Sunday morning to take you for the truck. If that was my missus I would be lucky to be on the road by Wednesday!!! :wink: :wink:

Note to RobK. One of your neighbours must have bought a copy Rob because someone from Dewsbury has left me a nice review on Amazon…unless of course it was you. :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: No, I didn’t think so. :wink: :smiley: :smiley:

I can assure you that the review was not left by me. I haven’t even seen the book yet, never mind read it. :unamused:

I shall leave a review for you when I have read it though, but someone needs to put one on Ebay for me to buy first :laughing: .

Has it not crossed your mind that it might have been Ken that left the review considering he’s only up the road from me :bulb: .

finished reading the book neil and really enjoyed it :laughing: .so whens the book with all the photos of your trips across the water coming out then :laughing:

Now you’ve gone and done it Carl, you’ve brought this thread back up the list. Rob is going to be very [zb]ed off about that. :wink: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Glad you enjoyed it, no plans for any more books at the moment.

Now you’ve gone and done it Carl, you’ve brought this thread back up the list. Rob is going to be very [zb]ed off about that. :wink: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Glad you enjoyed it, no plans for any more books at the moment.

I think Rob will be fine with that.

…oh dear, I’ve just bumped it back up by mistake! :laughing:

No more books planned?.. well then… where’s our videos :exclamation: :question: :wink:

Just finished the book great reading, by the way ordered it from waterstones in bedford (just down the road from you in luton).
Any more vids coming??
Shaun :laughing:

Glad you enjoyed it, There will be a video or two along sometime in the future, been working on a couple but not happy with them yet.

Welcome to TruckNet UK.

ive asked the wife to get it for my birthday. im going to end up with something about starbucks now. sorry is it back at the top again

there you go neil back to the top of the page. :wink: