Busy Mr Trump

It isn’t just about the US invading Greenland, it is also about Trump’s US not honouring it’s NATO commitments.
Denmark is not likely to invade the US, but US soldiers dying if Trump were to actually go as far as launch a land grab would be unbearable for him. Trump who talks of with drawing troops from foreign fields and also talks of sending them to snatch land from friendly countries.
As well thought out and consistent as any of his other promises…

So you even refute that a high proportion of UK people actually do favour and agree with Trump…no I aint got a kin link.:roll_eyes:
But hey! The great Franglais says most UK people agree with his superior opinion, anti Trump, so if he says it’s accurate…it’s accurate.

That arrogance rears it’s ugly unnatractive head once more,.and that opinion does not surprise me in the slightest. :joy:
(Btw that reply was aimed at ‘The superior one’ not Lancpudn as it looks)

TALK? Really? A subsidiary of Newscorp one of Murdoch’s FUD companies, how many times has his companies like faux news, the times etc settled defamation cases, the last one was last month to retract a blatant lie article in his Sunday Times which harmed legacy auto investors. I wouldn’t touch that or any of his “news” outlets wi a barge pole.

The Express…a right leaning paper Donald Trump’s return divides opinion with UK and EU at odds …

20 Jan 2025 · Just 19% in the UK think Mr Trump’s return is a good thing for peace in the world, with 58% saying it is bad. And only 24% of Brits think Mr Trump as president is good for the …

YouGov poll

34% like him 58% dislike him.

Please yourself mate :joy:…couldnt care less what you listen to tbh …no skin off my arse again.

But I prefer personally to be a bit less biased and a bit more impartial in my news sources.
I also listen to the heavily left woke biased BBC, on 5 live for instance, quite often in fact, then after listening to both sides I weigh things up for myself as to which version of the same event is more accurate.
On at least one occasion…(pleease the usual irritant dont ask for a link, I do not remember the specifics :roll_eyes:,) I have taken the BBC side.
So there ya go.:grin:

Oh more stats.
it must be right then.
Everybody knows they are never are or can not be adjusted or manipulated.
You just carry on with it then mate.
Jeez :joy:

Btw what about the other 8%.
Pleeeaese dont answer…I dont care.:shushing_face:

No, No, I’m sure that you are correct on this one.

My search for evidence only found reputable sources of stats and right leaning sources agreeing that Trump is more disliked than a liked. As already linked plus these too, Donald Trump popularity Britain 2025 | Statista and https://www.ipsos.com/en-uk/6-10-britons-hold-unfavourable-opinion-donald-trump-and-elon-musk
It must be correct that because you said he is popular he must be.

Ahh well every cloud eh?
Another entry for your book of little victories maybe?

I’ll need to change my opinions on Trump now tothe contrary now that this is proven as the official line.

Oh hang on I’m getting myself mixed up with you.

Close, it appears that 27% like him and 52% don’t.

Oh hang on, were we talking Starmer?

It appears that Trump has nowhere near as many “ambivalent” as Starmer.

A divisive figure for sure. Dunno if that’s a good thing or a bad thing tbh.

The Canadians are likely to be much more affected by Trump than we are, and the CBC has some IMHO neutral pieces describing some of the issues involved.
Here is a link to one, and of course some others are easily accessed from there.

^^^^ genuine question as I have little knowledge (read zero) of Canadian politics but what little I’ve heard is the Trudeau has pretty much decimated Canada with his “progressive “ policies. Would your average Canadian be upset to wake up as an American?

the impresion i always get is if you call a canadian american duck as something is going to be thrown at you

^^^ I knew his wife, lovely lady but beleaguered by Chrons disease.

She kept her name after marriage but as a nod to him made it double barrelled.

I’ll never forget Katy Shatner Pants

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I imagine some Canadians would like to be US citizens? My personal experience of Canadians is limited but the few I know/knew were never happy to be mistaken for Yanks.
Trump in Canada?
“Many people especially laughed at the notion that Canadians would want to give up socialized medicine for the U.S. model of health care.”

Trudeau popularity in Canada? Justin Trudeau popularity & fame | YouGov
He has been President since 2015…hardly kicked for incompetence at the first chance!

Has Trudeau decimated the Canadian economy?
GDP per capita: not too shabby-
GDP per capita (current US$) - Canada | Data
Canadians are happier than the UK, and we are all happier than US. Happiest Countries in the World 2024

please please tell me that was her name

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you have ruined my day i just googled it

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Not a particularly high bar though is it? :joy:

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Don’t believe everything you read on the internet

: Abraham Lincoln (1872) .

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