Busy Mr Trump

I may be no business man myself, but I protest on their behalf! :wink:

There are many business people around who are successful without leaving a line of broken companies and behind them. Some of those companies were Trump’s and some were suppliers etc who were bankrupted after Trump companies defaulted on them.
And all that from a loan (never paid back) and a mere half a billion$ (adjusted for inflation) from his father.

Jeez :joy:
You’re scraping the barrell here for your latest smear campaign of public figures you either hate, disapprove of or both…:smile:

Btw…does anyone actually care?

Is it because his politics are direct opposite to yours and you are getting all pi55y because he runs the chance of making a success of it…perish the thought.

As for businessmen, are you unaware of the fact that many successful buissnessmaen are, or have been a tad dodgy in varying degrees, it’s hardly a revelation, it’s real world stuff again in fact…unless of course it’s your naivity kicking in again.

As someone else said previous, the politics of envy are a fascinating subject, and an unnatractive trait.

I’m loving all this bitterness in the mix, for all the right reasons.:joy:
Keep it coming, you know you want to.:grin:

Is pointing out actual facts smearing someone?
Or is pointing out actual facts factual?!

Does anyone actually care that a lying felon is now POTUS?
Yes. Clearly not everyone does care but some do.

Umm…what… ?
We are discussing Trump. Not your attitude to Starmer.

Some businessmen are semi criminals? Yes, true.
Some businessmen are not semi criminals. Also true.
The point is that that Trump is not one of nicer business types such as those who made model towns for employees, and pay fair wages for fair work ( the sort I bet you would prefer to work for, and claim you were as an employer) He is one of who takes far more than he gives back to the society and the country that gave him his wealth.
Not I am not so naif as to think that all business owners are saints. Of course they aren’t. Neither are they all corrupt. Some make cash honestly and honourably. Trump is not one of them, and I see reason not to point that out. I choose to speak as I find, whether or not that upsets his fan-boys.

Which brings us back to the same point again.
You are more than willing to speak out very vocaly and regularly about those who are inept, incompetent, wrong doers, law breakers and anyone who aint as honest as Jesus Christ generally when it suits your own warped agenda.

Where as when it comes to anybody who you are personally, to use your own terminology,.a ‘fan boy’ of, it’s an entirely a whole different ball game.

You just do not get it do you,.your transparency puts an Alpine panoramic mega window to shame

So feel free to point out the faults of those that you are not a fan of, just as I free to do so.
It is called free speech, and so long as it is honest and accurate, I am all for it.
If you or anyone tells lies or misleads about things I will feel OK about calling it out, and that is what I try to do.

However, I try not to be like you in simultaneously calling for free speech, and ceaselessly telling others to shut up…

Nobody told you to shut up mate…,.(although to my ears it does sound quite agreeable.)

So are you asking me to point out the faults of the Labour govt as a formality, or are you actually setting yourself up to defend them?..(.no answer necessary, I already know.)

Be careful advocating free speech btw, you are running a bit close there to going against the official line, (or should I call it the ‘‘unofficial official line’’ :grin:) don’t be breaking the habits of a lifetime, letting the lefty side down and all that.

Like I said it’s all about impartiality, and consistency in terms of criticism.
If you (like I have done with people and policies I favour) came on here from time to time and criticised this derisory govt for instance, instead of blindingly defending them, maybe people (or at least me) could start to take you seriously.

But nothing changes, and we get from you exactly what we expect…and I note your all time lower than a snakes belly tactic on the murdering Southport scumbag I have to say…disgraceful.

And pray tell what that is?

You are even playing your stupid mind games of pleading ignorance and/or innocence on this too?

Just do one mate eh, you are starting to bore me now. :roll_eyes:

You can tell when people have run out of debating skills or any factual evidence to back up what they say when the personal attacks come out.

Personal attacks are only so when there are no grounds to back them up.
Other than that they are personal observations and conclusions based on experience of that person.
Anything else?

Interesting read

Despite all the bleating lefty bed wetters doing their best to (unsuccesfully) convince everyone that all or most Brits are anti Trump, heres another version of the same situation … that will have them crying into their lentil and vegan stew. :joy:

Well, unfortunately Stupid ain’t going away any time soon.

dont worry next election we will get rid of it from parliment


Denmark is spending an extra $2 billion on military in Greenland following Trump’s statements, about his NATO ally.

His actions and statements about NATO are also leading to other countries spending more on defence. Maybe some of them have indeed been spending too little and should spend more. But less reliance on the US in NATO and less trade with an isolationist, trade barrier raising, US will give them less influence in the world. Not exactly what Trump wants, is it?
His statements on tariffs seem very peculiar too. Exporting countries pay absolutely nothing extra to the USA. It is US consumers who give extra to the US treasury to buy goods. Not gonna help grocery bills much is it?

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Absolutely correct in every sense. :joy:

last year denmark spent 7.8 billion america spent 761.2 billion im sure he is shaking in his boots.

11 countries including america spent more in terms of dollars. and 7 countries spent more in terms of percentage of gdp than denmark

We can only hope.

Which takes us right back in a circle to my previous point about the comparison, in validity and political judgment between most of the US population and electorate, Brexit voters, and now apparentlly much of the UK population, …all compared to a few bitter Brit lorry drivers and a fanatical loony lefty on Trucknet.

You got a link to read?