Busy Mr Trump

Before we get all carried away with the anti Trump agenda…put yer pitchforks down for a second.:smile:
Here’s another view and an interesting comparison chucked in.

Not all hate him it would appear, there seems to be a lot of ‘Brit love’ in the room for Donaldo in the comments.:grin:

Everybody loves words spoken that affects them mr trump is an expert at that
In reality he’s a modern day ■■■■ taker that pulls his own taker every day
Let the world cut themselves off from this vermin and see how long it lasts
In truth i always had this belief that someone or somebody would invade this trailer trash country and put them in there place

A lot of this stuff discussed applies to the problems created by the Left in this country.
Not so much the specifics, but definitely the principle.

But still they think they know better than us in their annoying condescending way…a bit like Shaky Joes deluded stand in…Miss Whatsherface.

What has Starmer said about Trump? Here are some facts:

So should UK
PMs only praise foreign leaders? Or anyone/everyone who could become a foreign leader?
Not in my opinion.

Is Trump affected by criticism?
He seems to have …understatement warning…an unpredictable nature.
Sometimes he hear slights in nowt, and sometimes hears nowt against himself.
JD Vance said of him many things including

and is the one Trump chose for VP.

What of Trump/Starmer now?
Trump said he has a “very good relationship” with Starmer, adding the Prime Minister has done a “very good job thus far”.

So the likes of GBN and the “concrete farmer” Mike Graham will keep on spinning like tops, but it looks to me like Starmer is not being Trump’s poodle, neither is he being left out in the cold.

I think it’s poor form and judgment for politicians from one country to criticise politicians from another.


this all day what has american law got to do with england.

@franglais come on man your not that stupid.

let me put it to you like this suppose we both work for the same firm and i spend 9 years slagging you off and making it harder to do your job by activly encouraging others to ignore you and hamper your aims. then all of a sudden i need you and i come to you for a favour. are you really going to bend over backwards to help me or are you going to think im a spineless little worm.

I dont know about you but i was brought up with the ethos of you have made your bed now lie in it.

Difficult. It is a question of balance.

They should be free and in vast encouraged to criticise what they think is bad actions or policy from foreign leaders. Should no-one criticise Putain for invading Ukraine? I think it would be wrong to keep quiet in that case.
I don’t want any PM of the UK to be a poodle of the US (Blair maybe) but to speak out, if needed.

There are limits though, and it is hard to say where they should be…Oh I’m sorry, is this a five minute argument, or the full half hour?

A excerpt from the lefty handbook…with credits to Comical Ali.

When you can’t be a credible apologist for an obvious scenario, put a positive spin on it to smooth it over and not make it look as bad as it obviously is to everyone else.

When it is absolutely undeniably as bad as it appears, is deny it and go for the exact opposite …
Ok got it.:joy:

Fact is Trump and Starmer are opposite ends of the political spectrum.
Starmer represents all things woke, pacifist and is a raving socialist even at the expense of his own people as he has proven beyond doubt.

Trump is hard nosed realist and takes no sh, and IF what he professes is correct, puts his own country and people first and foremost.
From what I can gather he also bears grudges to people who have insulted and crossed him to the point of wanting revenge…a bit like me in that respect in fact.:grin:
I do not pretend to understand his economical policies mainly as I aint interested, but given the what I would term as qualities what I have set out,.we could do with a Trump like character.
The fact that annoys the fc k. out of the limp bed wetters, and their obvious disaproval of him, makes that proposition ohhh so more attractive to many people …who are pi55ed of with their influence preventing making a success of this country.

You missed out trump is a compulsive liar.

Yep…Of course he is…goes without saying.
He’s a POLITICIAN ffs…

Goes with the territority.
Some are better and worse than others, some can hide it better than others.
So what’s your point.

Note my use of the word ‘IF’ when questioning his intention.

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My point is the orange clown couldn’t lie straight in bed, He’s just had his 'arris handed to him by the California governor & the North Carolina governor in the last two days whilst visiting those areas for downright lies, The fact checked side of his words are totally different to what comes out of his gob first. Total unreliable person who has zero merit for his position in government.

No wonder, his billionaire mates in META & X have discontinued fact checking.

It really is a trip down the rabbit hole for those who rely on dubious news sources. Or now even dubious sources of reality.

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As I said mate.
Politician = Liar.

Nah…Human Being = Liar.

The point is not (IMHO) that all politicians tell an odd lie here and there, it is that Trump tells massive lies, frequently.

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You are assuming that everyone is like yourself and believes without question everything we are told by a favourite source, politician, party, …or official source.
Instead of having open minds on issues and opinions in varying degrees.

Jeez I even listen to the woke BBC from time to time😳,
I actually like Nicky Campbell for instance when he aint towing the official line, he is one of the few on there who shows a degree of impartiality…I’ve even heard him criticise the BBC.

On the other hand Jeremy Kyle on GBN…(you decide if he’s a serious journo or not, I aint fussed) I find him a bit mercenary, with pseudo opinions for effect.

Upshot being we aint all gullible enough to believe all we are told, and not afraid to criticise a person, body or organisation we otherwise support.

So no…no reliance whatsoever in fact.

‘An odd lie here and there’ :joy::joy:
There it is the naivity, the gullibility.:roll_eyes:

Yep…you stick to those opinions mate.
True to form especially those you have your metaphorical knife in like Johnson, now Trump…
Oh yeah and who could forget Farage.

On the other hand Starmer can do no wrong tells the truth, and helps old ladies cross the road.

No he isn’t, he is a fantasist, and how can you believe that and then agree, as you have just done, that he is a liar?
I can see why he got elected, but I wonder if all who voted for him thought like you and still voted. It’s a copout to say all politicians are liars, there are not many in a position of power that are anywhere hear him in the lying stakes, perhaps Putin. No wonder he seems to have a bromance with that warmonger.

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It’s the open mind thing again…to reiterate my use of the word ‘IF’.
As I said mate, it’s no skin off my arse any insults coming his way, if you want to call him a fantasist crack on…
But wait first to see if he deports his illegals, deports his foreign criminals, readapts common sense on his policies on gender, and generally rids his country of woke policy and puts his own countrymen first.
If he does not carry out those policies, many of which was the teason he got so many votes, …cool.call him a fantasist .

Btw it aint a cop out they are all liars…as I said in varying degree, and have beeen since time immemorial.

Also he is a criminal , along with committing sexual abuse. And his companies been bankrupt multiple times.
And he isn’t a politician, but a grifter, sorry, I mean a business man